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!! Knight Of The Force Total Convertion !!


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* Kit Fisto "Toonces " Toonces@drivingcatstudios.com

* Mace Windu "Toonces, Arco " Toonces@drivingcatstudios.com

* Obi Wan Kenobi "Toonces, Tex360, Arco, Mars " Toonces@drivingcatstudios.com

* Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine Toonces,Sithlord,GraFox,Psynex Toonces@drivingcatstudios.com

* Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi "Toonces, Tex360, Arco, Mars " Toonces@drivingcatstudios.com

* Qui-Gon Jinn Tex360, Toonces, Arco, Sithlord Toonces@drivingcatstudios.com

* Han Solo "Major Clod " majorclod@hotmail.com

* Chewbacca "Major Clod " majorclod@hotmail.com

* Tusken Raider "Major Clod " majorclod@hotmail.com

* Jar-Jar Binks "Major Clod " majorclod@hotmail.com

* Yarael Poof Psyk0Sith, NeoMarz1, Nomad psykopat@geocities.com

* Ki-Adi Mundi "Psyk0Sith, Grafox " psykopat@geocities.com

* Zam Wesell NeoMarz1 , Moooa neomarz1@sbcglobal.net

"* PloKoon " "Mars Marshall " neomarz1@msn.com

* Sith Yoda VM Mars Marshall neomarz1@msn.com

* QuiGon VM "Mars Marshall " neomarz1@msn.com

* Sebulba "Duncan_10158, inbredyokel " duncan_10158@gmx.ch

"* Hutt " "Duncan_10158 " duncan_10158@gmx.ch

"* Gamorrean " "Duncan_10158 " duncan_10158@gmx.ch

* Episode II Obi-Wan model Alphan_Jijua hydargos@virgilio.it

* A New Hope Luke Alphan_Jijua hydargos@virgilio.it

* Count Dooku / Lord Tyranus Luuke,Garik Loran,Grafox,Toonces Kman@polycount.com

* Boba Fett / Jango Fett António "BloodRiot" Perestrelo & Tim "Absath" Buckley BloodRiot@netcabo.pt

* Royalguard/Carnor_jax/kir_kanos Eric Landreneau goreld@neo.tamu.edu

"* Clones " "Chris (KapnKeg) Gueterman " KapnKeg@aol.com

* Vader V2.0 : Cheshire Michael frost_michael@hotmail.com

"* Darth Maul " "Adam ""Cheshire"" Lee " madhatt3r@attbi.com

* Robeless Maul Andrew "Barge" Pownall barg3@austarnet.com.au

* C-3po "Oddjob,t3rror,MacD,Raven Software " oddjob@ateamproductions.com

"* Mon_Calamari " "Moooa " moooa_duga@hotmail.com

* Padme Amidala "Leo ""Tetsuo"" Kraan " tetsuo@xs4all.nl

* Anakine "Quigon007 " Gohan1230@cs.com

* Watto v1.0 Hans Moleman h4nsm0l3m4n@hotmail.com

"* Jawa " "John {Ronin{Triad} Fisher " JFi7056052@aol.com

* mara jade "McFarland 2002 " andrea.chiantore@allnext.it

* Leia McFarland andre@ziochianto.it

"* Aurra " Tim 'Spacemonkey' Appleby Adam 'Cheshire' Lee bdimonkey@hotmail.com

"* ghost yoda " "Icepool ,psynex " Icepool@netzero.net

* yoda "Team Yoda,""Arco"" Ferguson,Kurtis ""Kman"" Smith "

* pbattledroid Proto

"* Aayla Secura " Tetsu

"* Old Ben Kenobi " Kevin Coyle



* Cloud City Landing "NwO Deadlock " jkentmarsh@aol.com

"* Mos Eisley Cantina " Tigris Tigris@durahcell.de

"* Alzoc Base demo " Raven

"* IRG Coruscant " "Fairuz ""GhostBear_74"" Mustaffa " macloud@pacific.net.sg

"* Coruscant Promenade " "Starunner " starunner@email.com

"* Palace Wars " "Dad*Mad " dadmad@dadmad.de

* Duel Of The FatesV2.0 "Shadriss & WhiteShdw " shadriss@hotmail.com

* Geonosis Hangar Cur-gan Javaa cur-gan-javaa@t-online.de

* Kaminoan Landing Platform "Khaza " "khaza@welho.com "

"* KaminoX " "DeTRiTiC-iQ " det@massassi.net

"* Emperor's Throne Room " "NwODeadlock " "deadlock@nwo2k.net "

* Ewok II Adam,Faceless_Clock

* Force Crusaders Academy- Hangar "Alex FC " alex.fc@interia.pl

"* Forgotten Rebel Base " "Dash Rendar "

"* Naboo Hangar " "Ralph 'ritual' Rademakers " info@rituality.nl

* Matrix: Sparring Program "DEADLOCK " jkentmarsh@aol.com

"* jedi Council SE " "NwO Deadlock " jkentmarsh@aol.com

* Duel Of The Fates LivingDeadJedi philip.thejedi@ntlworld.com

* FFA_Sarlacc LivingDeadJedi philip.thejedi@ntlworld.com

* Jabba place LivingDeadJedi philip.thejedi@ntlworld.com

* Carbon Freeze II "LivingDeadJedi " philip.thejedi@ntlworld.com

* Carbon Freeze "LivingDeadJedi " philip.thejedi@ntlworld.com

* The Matrix: Subway Station "MultiVitamin " "netzmeister@multivitamin-graphics.de "

"* ENTE's PadPadPack " ENTE (Andreas Endres) ENTE.endres@t-online.de

* ENTE's PadStation "ENTE (Andreas Endres) " ENTE.endres@t-online.de

* platform Jimbob (jdv) jimbuttons@hotmail.com

"* Sand Arena 2 " "Jens Ljungblad " jens.ljungblad@swipnet.se

"* Tusken Camp " "Javier Rodriguez ""Rodja Mez"" " JediMoves03@yahoo.com

"* Wookie Village " "The_Mute " swiftsneaks@hotmail.com

"* Echo Base " Karnivore karnivore@comcast.net

"* Otoh Gunga " "Chadrick ""ShroomDuck"" Rode " crode2@cogeco.ca

* Jedi Council GC Griffinclaw griffinriderx@adelphia.net

* Trade Federation Droid Control Breath geoloubo@hotmail.com

* Jedi Archives Sevker tylerdurden800@hotmail.com

* Endor Landing Platform Belial

* Star Destroyer Hangar "Jester-Spaz " Jester@planetquake.com

* Sith Temple of Ascension "David ""SatansMaster"" McMullen " "satansmaster@planethalflife.com "

* Rock Oasis "TheSnerd " st_reiter@edumail.at

* Ge_Arena_x "Xeph " xephar@hotmail.com

"* Imperial Duel Bridge " "JumboMonkeyfish " jumbo_monkeyfish@yahoo.com

"* Imperial Duel Turbine " "Olof Mörck " dragonland_metal@hotmail.com

"* Bespin Pavillion " "Jester-Spaz " Jester@planetquake.com

"* Duel_yavin_hangar " "Dea " dearadin@msn.com

* Chamber Station T9XT8 Wayne Old wayne.old@blueyonder.co.uk

"* CloudShark " "MrCrusher "



* Tusken Camp Sp Episode II Team Seb(crea) sebcrea1@aol.com

* Hoth: Imperial Base Sp THX_TK421 THX_Tk421@hotmail.com

"* Bespin_underground " Archer archer9234@yahoo.com

"* Blood-effects " "Charmin Deluxe " oliver@mijun.de

"* ForceMod II " "Azymn " ibidetalitis@yahoo.com

* Azloc Base Raven software

"* Gall Spaceport " "GidionTheDead, a.k.a. The CrazyKraut " GidionTheDead@aol.com

* Naboo blaster "ALIEN_JL "

* jango_pistol "Quigon007 " Gohan1230@cs.com

"* Geonosian Hangar sP " "Quigon007 " Gohan1230@cs.com

* Episode 3 A Jedi's Worst Fear "Quigon007 " Gohan1230@cs.com

* JediPLUS v4.3 BOFH, Darcious, Dest, Nitemare,The Eternal,RenegadeOfPhunk dysfunction@nyc.rr.com

"* Ultimate Blood Mod v1.0 " StrWrsXprt and Desann" StrWrsXprt@aol.com "

* ObiWan(Startup Page picture) "CybersynapTIK " cybersynaptic@yahoo.com

* Movie Battles RenegadeOfPhunk renegadeofphunk@3dactionplanet.com

* The Arena Showdown 1.0 "Killer_2000 "

* Mission to Mustal 2 "Captain's Shuttle Studios " captain@captainshuttle.com

* Naboo N1 Starfighter "Zymotico " zymotica@hotmail.com

* The Geonosian Battle Arena "Zeus (GRANT JAMES) and ShadyZ " ultimateZeus@hotmail.com







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NeoMarz's zam wesell hmmm I wonder what he would say? let me think ummm no! he has only let us use it in our TC thats cause he works with us so I wonder what he would have to say I'll get him in here in a flash cause this pisses me off that a ton of other mods are gonna have the same Zam and thats just stupid. I know for sure you can't use Trebor coleman and our new Jango fett and clones or else we will get you shut down like that cause those are AOTCTC Exclusive, and ill be damned if we will let you use them. This mod makes me sick and I will see that it gets shutdown cause that is sad that you are stealing others work for your own even if you have a readme. This kind of stuff makes me want to tell my team not to release any of our models until we release the TC which will be a while yet so you can count me out for downloading this. I am sorry I am sure it would have been good if work wasn't taken!

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Sincere confession:

My English is not enough, i'm still a student. I understand very hard what you're saying.

A friend of mine is writing these sentences for me. This is the reason for the rejection

from the authors. I can surpass this with your help. Author list is above. These mods'

readme files are available in the Total Conversion. I think that I'm serving to the

Star Wars community. My goal isn't theft or something else. If you have studied the mod

carefully, you can understand that this mod is not an ordinary map pack. Let's unite and

create a better and entertaining Jedi Knight mode to the Star Wars fans.


Thanks to everyone who claimed to help and send e-mail to me.I receive many e-mails,

telling me to deliver the mod for money but this is not my purpose.

If this package becomes online on http://www.fileplanet.com

(still working on english help and setup) you will be able to receive it on a cd,

without downloading it.

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I don't post here much, but my fellow Massassians brought this to my attention, so I felt that I should post this.


TimFX. You can't just take other peoples' work without their permission... let me make an analogy. What you're doing is basically similar to ripping off Shakesphere... anyone in this community can tell you're doing it. Now, the way I see it, you have four options:


[*]You can contact each and every one of the authors, asking for explicit permission to use their material in your game. Then, their name should appear in-game somewhere in a credits listing, or near the material they allowed you to use. If an author says "No", (which many might, seeing as you tried to pass off all this as your work in the very first post, and didn't admit it until confronted with the fact), you remove their material from your mod. I suspect from what I already heard you don't want to do this.

[*]You remove ALL material not made by yourself, and make something yourself. I suspect you don't want to do this either.

[*]Publish this without any changes, permantly losing all respect from anyone who downloads it, and having it immediately removed from all download locations by various people, including gothicX and maybe myself. You would also be permabanned from anywhere you posted it. This SEEMS to be the path you have been on...

[*]Drop the whole thing. Somehow I don't think you want this one...



The choice is yours.

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Originally posted by The_Mega_ZZTer

I don't post here much, but my fellow Massassians brought this to my attention, so I felt that I should post this.


TimFX. You can't just take other peoples' work without their permission... let me make an analogy. What you're doing is basically similar to ripping off Shakesphere... anyone in this community can tell you're doing it. Now, the way I see it, you have four options:


[*]You can contact each and every one of the authors, asking for explicit permission to use their material in your game. Then, their name should appear in-game somewhere in a credits listing, or near the material they allowed you to use. If an author says "No", (which many might, seeing as you tried to pass off all this as your work in the very first post, and didn't admit it until confronted with the fact), you remove their material from your mod. I suspect from what I already heard you don't want to do this.

[*]You remove ALL material not made by yourself, and make something yourself. I suspect you don't want to do this either.

[*]Publish this without any changes, permantly losing all respect from anyone who downloads it, and having it immediately removed from all download locations by various people, including gothicX and maybe myself. You would also be permabanned from anywhere you posted it. This SEEMS to be the path you have been on...

[*]Drop the whole thing. Somehow I don't think you want this one...



The choice is yours.


I agree

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We are asking permission for all authors. There is a support group is …..

We like to se you with us so we can create bigger and more entertaining mode.

We have thanked list in the mode.

Also author names will be in package such as


MAP Creators:

Each author name will be wrote right corner on the map as well as in the readme file.

Also there name will be appear setup screen in KOTF and credit list will be in KOTF web site.




Skin Creators:

Author name will be given to each skin. For example: Zam Wesell-NeoMarsl.

And of course there name will be appear in setup file and credit list on the web page.


Mod and New Level Creators:

All authors name will be appeared in KOTF. Screenshot’s ever new section

has there own author name on right corner on the scene. Also the author name will be

appeared in credit list and readme file.

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Thank you but one more thing please don't use any more of AOTCTC models until we release. Its just we don't want to see a bunch of mods using the same models that we worked hard on. If you do choose to use our maps and models then I will see that none of our stuff is released until we release the whole TC, which will be awhile.

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