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Wow, Impressive.


What was your first opinion upon trying out the game initially?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. What was your first opinion upon trying out the game initially?

    • OMG This is magnificent!
    • This is quite the improvement to JO!
    • JA is just a mod to JO; nothing much more to say.
    • JA is starting to get on my nerves.
    • JA sucks.

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I agree that if I was new to the series I would absolutely love it no questions asked. But having played the old ones I felt like I was still playing the old ones.


My only true gripe, aside from using technology from the nineties as the engine, is the 100% linear gameplay. I've heard the rat in a maze analogy. Well this game is more like navigating a tunnel. One way to go, impossible to get lost.


Having said that, it was refreshing to get a new twitchy game to play. Even if it did get old in an hour or so.

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Most impressed!


Only a few things bothered me... lack of a semi-transparent skin option for the saber (meaning first person lightsaber looks all wrong and isn't as helpful as in JK2 1.04) and the fact that there are no bots in Siege Mode.


However, both of those things could theoretically be fixed in a patch or by competent modders with enough time and patience.


Otherwise this game has blown me away.. it is everything that JK2 was and more!


I still love JK2 for the single player adventure and for the unique game modes (like Holocron and Jedi Master, which hopefully will be eventually ported to JA), but JA is in all other ways "the Next Step Ahead" in the series!

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Im extreamly disappointed with both sp and mp.


Multiplay I won't go into, you all know exactly why I think its crap (if not read one of the other 300 threads).


As for single play. The plot line is predictable and boring. You move from some unknown force user to a jedi knight in under a week. While I don't think having people spend years in training for the single play would be good, tehy could have passed that time in a cutscene.


On top of that the voice acting in the game sucks. The plotline, overall, seemed to be lacking. To me it seemed like all they ddi was pull something out fo the movie and then try to stick it into the plot somehow.


"Hmmm, ok, boba fett is cool...how can we fit him in?" "oh, I like the tractor beam shutdown sound...how can we throw that in?"


On top of that the characters, especially kyle, are suppose to be jedi knights. Yet they go around hacking people apart left and right. A true jedi knight would have done like obi-wan did in the original starwars and snuck through, fighting only when he had to. You don't hack two stormtrooeprs in half, you use the force to manipulate and/or sneak by them. (Unless of course, your part of the darkside).


Lastly, the force system as a whole is garbage in my opinion. Force shouldn't woosh and woop as you use powers (with the exception of a few, such as lightning). This ones not a biggy, just something that urks me.

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Originally posted by Tarus

On top of that the characters, especially kyle, are suppose to be jedi knights. Yet they go around hacking people apart left and right. A true jedi knight would have done like obi-wan did in the original starwars and snuck through, fighting only when he had to. You don't hack two stormtrooeprs in half, you use the force to manipulate and/or sneak by them. (Unless of course, your part of the darkside).

That would make a pretty boring FPS for a lot of people, wouldn't it? There were a lot of complaints about JO levels where you had to sneak around (Reven devs even commented on this).
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Most impressed = me. I got the game this morning, finished it just now. What a ride. What a ride. Superb range of different mission themes and types, excellent level design and user-friendly interfaces and force system. Sabre fights are excellent, fast paced and interesting. AI is intelligent. And that's just SP.


Who can resist the allure of a big



Sith ghost





Now. To try MP!


As for all the wet blanket whingeathon wastes of carbon, I'm glad you don't like it! I hope you're all upset and feeling terrible! :D




/me runs off into the sunset

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Mp sucks, single player = way to easy. All you gotta have to beat 90% of the game is mind trick and grip.


First time I faught those pesky behemoths of a trooper carrying rail guns they were a little challenging, than I thought; hey! why the hell am I going head to head with these guys. Did the wave of the hand and let him fight all my foes for me.


For large groups, mind tricked 2-3 of them, walked into the middle of the fire fight, gripped one and used him as a battering ram for the rest. Yeah, it was fun for the first few 50 I killed but after that it was like, wheres the challenge?


Saber fights were a joke, the staff and duel sabers IMO suck ass in a Saber vs Saber fight. Keep the standard saber and use Red stance, usually I can kill all my foes in 1-2 heavy swings.

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Well i do like the game but it's too easy. And i do agree with the comment of kyle being to agressive i mean come one moment he's killing of a few dozen of storm troopers and the next moment he's telling you not to give in to your anger :S

I liked mp but it seems you need luck instead of skills to win. But i guess the game will be balenced with patches and offcourse there are always the faithfull moders that game make this game turn a whole other way. We'l just have to wait and see and for thos that don't like the game keep playing jo it's not as if evryones gonna stop playing jo, a week after ja is launched.

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For all the people who claim the game is too easy, ask yourself first what game difficulty setting you are playing. If you guys are playing "Jedi", then its basically pointless to say that the game was a sinch.


I have loved the open variety of missions that has taken away the linear plotline. Chasing after a crimelord, racing on swoops, and just doing stuff that wouldn't be the whole "Time to save the galaxy " is great.


My two problems with the game have been . . .


1. Aliens speaking in perfectly toned English.


2. Coruscant is really ugly texture-wise. The mission there was good though.


I also like the large number of NPCs, locations, and cutscenes! Its also pretty nice that you have to undergo some missions and there are cutscenes along the way between missions.

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