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JO skins and custom taunts

Ready Wan

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I don't know how to get the taunt to work....as in bind t +taunt which playes an audio file in JO wont work for me in JA. However, I have changed the new reborns over to maul in JA and changed the misc sound files to maul ones which will work. Among them there are several pushfail taunts for the reborn which can be changed to any taunt you want and they seem to be activated 'in game' quite often.


The only other thing I can think of to help ya out is changing the weapon select sounds over to the taunts you want. If you look in the sound folders you'll find the sounds for when you cycle through weapons and select different ones, each has its own sound (weaopon_select_blaster.wav or something like that). So for eg: when you select the blaster you hear a little "bleep" sound which you can change to a taunt by renaming it.


just a temp solution really but it also gives you the option to have 5 taunts or so that you can use in game.

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the sound files are in one of the assets.pk3. open it with winzip and extract all the sound files you want to a folder somewhere. I'll just mention that a .pk3 file is just a zip file renamed, so basically a .pk3 is a zip file. So if you want to change a pushfail taunt to one of your own just rename your taunt to pushfail.wav and place it in the sound folder. use winzip to pack it back up, change the .zip to .pk3 (ignoring the windows warning that it may not work if you rename it) pop it back into your base folder and the next time you push the character you changed the sound for it will play your own taunt. Same with anysound you care to change.

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