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Problem, Admins/Super Mods help, no wonderers please.

Bob Gnarly

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Ok i know Matts heard alot of me on mIRC about this appearing disappering ban on my head. Well for other admins heres teh problem:


Im somewhat banned. It started after i reinstalled windows, my machine got really messed up, and other things dont work to great. But when i went to visit LF i found i was banned, i imediatley logged onto mIRC to see whats going on and Matt helped me out, gave me some advice on what to do and checked the Ip ban list for my IP address but couldnt find it. He told me then to log back on and check if i could post at first i thought i was ok because the page loaded without a problem but when i went to check my User CP, The messege handed gone away, it re-appeared. I was once again banned? so i checked with Matt again. Same thing happened. so i found a way to post now and read Messeges. I have refresh the page about a billion times until i get to what i want and this countinues, sometimes it doesnt load a t all so i have to leave it alone.


Now i would post my IP but my computer is already hanging on a thread so if an admin wants it just PM me thanks for your co-operation.




EDIT: Sorry for all these threads...It kept giving me the thing that i was banned when i was posting them, very sorry.

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