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Roleplayer's Anonymous- Roleplaying in JKA


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Greetings forum scrollers of jediknight.net. I am Pnut_Master, also known as Pnut_Tomar and sometimes just Tom.


I come to you to address the presence of a roleplaying community called Roleplayer's Anonymous. With the recent release of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, RA has been more than enthusiatic over the hundreds of new possibilities brought into the light by this new Jedi Outcast sequel.


Before I say anything else, I might as well tell you all about what RA actually is, and what we do.


Roleplayer's Anonymous is built on its members--casual gamers who can follow simple rules and mantain a mature attitude. We've been around since the summer of last year, and until now we've generally depended on the MSN Zone for Hosting (But that matter has already been resolved). Like I mentioned before, we roleplayed in Jedi Outcast, and are now beginning to look towards JKA as all of our members purchase the game.


A main element of this group is the message board (accessible through the site), which allows us to easily communicate with one another and schedule events. We also participate in Message-Board-Roleplaying which takes place on a section of our forum.


I am quite aware of the negitivity towards roleplaying in the Jedi Knight Series. I am also aware of how so-called 'roleplayers' can destroy games and cause nothing but mayhem. The roleplaying that takes place in RA does not include: Cops vs Robbers, Jedi vs Sith, and any of that other nonsense. We try to recreate the star wars atmosphere as realistically as possible. Certain maps for Jedi Outcast, such as Commenor, Cantina, and Jabba have proved invaluable, having brought forth dozens of enjoyable rpgs and stories to RA and its members.


Mods like Jedi Mod and Omnimod have proved helpful, but in the end are not neccesarily needed to roleplay (I have to say that the g2animent was probably the only feature we used). I myself am not a fan of hundreds of emotes and thought that the majority could always be played out through text instead of ingame-animations. Basic commands are all that is ever needed (sit, etc), while 'nod' and 'hug' for example are in themselves, useless.


Besides the roleplaying which brings our group together as one, RA is known to have the occassional FFA, CTF, and other gametypes. We restrict roleplaying to only the Roleplaying games, because we all know how it feels to have someone running around roleplaying on an FFA server.


If any of you are interested with the prospect of joining a roleplaying group like RA, I suggest you head over to the site: http://www.rpanonymous.com, Roleplayers Anonymous' official website. The forums can be found on the front page, along with a list of standard rules we follow, an example of the type of plots we create for our characters can be found in our RPG Vault, as well as other miscellaneous information including a downloads page.


From what i've seen in other roleplaying-connected threads, I can guess that some of you will think for a second and reply by saying: "Go play Star Wars Galaxies, this is a first person shooter, not a damn RPG.". Then others who find acceptance towards roleplaying would say: "Star Wars Galaxies doesn't have any roleplaying!", and so on and so forth; we would just have a flame war.


What we all do with a game is our personal choice, let it be roleplaying or straight forward FFA. In the end we just need to ask ourselves one question- Are we having fun doing what we do? If the answer is yes, nothing is wrong with it. Therefore we at Roleplayers Anonymous ask that because we respect your reasons for playing how you do, we ask you respect ours in return.


Finally, if any of you are interested in joining Roleplayers Anonymous or if you would like to hear more about us please visit the Message Board for further details. http://www.rpanonymous.com


Thank you for your time.

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Let them play the game they bought (they paid just as much as you) how they want.


If they want to get together on their servers and Role Play, then that is there business. The guy already said that they do NOT go around role playing in FFA games because they know it's annoying.


They aren't ruining anything, and, as they're also playing the game how it was meant ot be, they're probably getting more enjoyment out of it than you. They chose JKA as a medium, respect it, and if you don't want to do it, don't go to the RP servers.

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The immaturity of the replies above is quite unwarranted. Whether or not you would play Jedi Academy the way they would, there is absolutely no reason to be nasty.


Pnut_Master posted a polite message stating what their group does, and inviting anyone who has the same interest in role-play to join them. He even said that they stay off FFA servers, so you should, theoretically, never ever see them unless you join one of their servers.


So, I don't see the reason for all this criticisms and threats. Guys, people play games in different ways. For example, if some guys bought paintguns and used them for painting murals instead of shooting each other in the woods, what is it to you?


So please, stop the criticisms.

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

As long as you keep your RP to your servers


Well, I want to agree, but... I can't... because I don't get how the RP is supposed to spread to 'your' servers. But I get what you mean. As long as we dont have a situation like we did in JO where the default was to get BANNED if you attacked people on a server without first politely asking them if you, the infinitely small pleab, could dare fight the great master so-and-so in single combat.

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well the reason why they don't play SWG is mainly because they can't be jedis there. it is still not known how to become a jedi and then i wouldn't be realy easy to casual players...

other reasons are, money, and ofcourse the freedom which comes with their own server. SWG is further a rpg without realtime action fights, like everquest. you can't do nothing with mouse twitching skill there. just strategy. i don't play it and i understand why they don't play it although it's a so called rpg. besides it is suposed to suck overall, friends told me that.


rp gamers are something i can't join. my discipline is not realy up to the task. besides, jk2-3 does not offer enough customization to feel different than other players.


but i will always have respect for rp gamers.

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Originally posted by JaledDur

Well, I want to agree, but... I can't... because I don't get how the RP is supposed to spread to 'your' servers. But I get what you mean. As long as we dont have a situation like we did in JO where the default was to get BANNED if you attacked people on a server without first politely asking them if you, the infinitely small pleab, could dare fight the great master so-and-so in single combat.


No, the standard was to be slapped around as if you were their little bitch, then /amsleeped with mass mocking, then /ambunny, etc etc.


And as for you Stafire13, read my post again. I wasn't saying I was going to actively seek out his group and beat them like a red headed stepchild, unlike some of the rediculous "pro-honor" groups out there.

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Originally posted by NITEMARE

well the reason why they don't play SWG is mainly because they can't be jedis there. it is still not known how to become a jedi and then i wouldn't be realy easy to casual players...

other reasons are, money, and ofcourse the freedom which comes with their own server. SWG is further a rpg without realtime action fights, like everquest. you can't do nothing with mouse twitching skill there. just strategy. i don't play it and i understand why they don't play it although it's a so called rpg. besides it is suposed to suck overall, friends told me that.


rp gamers are something i can't join. my discipline is not realy up to the task. besides, jk2-3 does not offer enough customization to feel different than other players.


but i will always have respect for rp gamers.


That's the thing though, we don't care about 'Jedi' roles in RA. We've had this implied rule that characters couldn't be force sensitive, especially considering that our main storyline took place during A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. Lately we've been throwing around the idea of having multiple timelines going on at once, one taking place during Jedi Academy, allowing for Jedi...


I do agree with what you were saying about SWG, I tried playing it for a month but I found it was nothing I had hoped it would turn out to be.

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to bad...lucas arts misses a chance to make up for the movies. there is no place for dedicated gamers like you guys. also no real place for pro gamers either.

just some great number of everquest fans mixed with fanboys playing SWG. the other playing KOTOR and us waiting for the big mod which changes all...but never comes...


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Originally posted by ic0n

sounds more like a rehab for players addicted to RPGing. i visited the website. Guess not.


stop ruining a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER.



Originally posted by Mordred

Well not trying to be mean or anything, but arn't u playing the wrong game.


if u want a Star Wars atmos, and want to Role Play, you and your members should go play Star Wars : Galaxies


Thats what its there for.


Looks like you guys didn't even read the post. You just went "I see RPGing and JA in the same post. Doesn't belong here."


Sheesh. If you're going to take the time to flame, flame intelligently. Doing it that way there's a chance you'll get your goal.


Also, SWG isn't about roleplaying. IT's about creating an endless level treadmill to cash in on all those fanboys and EverCrack addicts and make Sony filthy stinking rich. I mean.... it was better in beta! Come on!

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Also, SWG isn't about roleplaying. IT's about creating an endless level treadmill to cash in on all those fanboys and EverCrack addicts and make Sony filthy stinking rich. I mean.... it was better in beta! Come on! [/b]




there are alot of fans like us outhere who are able to do a better job, but never get the chance. why should i put so much work in something, i can't get money out from (they think)? that's why mods are that slow coming if at all. doing stuff for starwars without the license is so futile. and if u get the order from them, u have to forget your dreams and do what they want...it's their money...

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Next thing you know, people in games like Neverwinter Nights will be coming down on those who play in the Arena servers (which are Death Matches), crying "YOU CAN NOT DEATH MATCH IN A ROLE PLAYING GAME FOR KRIGHST SAKE!".


It's just stupid that people think there is only a few set ways to enjoy a game.


Hell, even Quake II had a mod which let it become a Strategy Game. And you know what? It was kind of fun too as Death Matching was setting into stale-mode.

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Originally posted by Stafire13

The immaturity of the replies above is quite unwarranted. Whether or not you would play Jedi Academy the way they would, there is absolutely no reason to be nasty.


Pnut_Master posted a polite message stating what their group does, and inviting anyone who has the same interest in role-play to join them. He even said that they stay off FFA servers, so you should, theoretically, never ever see them unless you join one of their servers.


So, I don't see the reason for all this criticisms and threats. Guys, people play games in different ways. For example, if some guys bought paintguns and used them for painting murals instead of shooting each other in the woods, what is it to you?


So please, stop the criticisms.


Not to be mean or anything, but personally i think you are retarded. Start playing MultiPlayer. Oh wait. dont. stick to SP. we dont want you. idiot. Try to look at it from the POV of someone who actually is good at the game. Even if you play mp, ffa or whatever, i bet you dont even play. you probably just sit around on the pad treating this game like a ****ing MSN chatroom. i hate your life. douche bagel.

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@ the previous poster


Not to be mean or anything, but personally I think you are an asshole. I bet you are 12 and don't make good grades in school because your parents are too permissive. Try to look at this from the POV of my rectum. You probably don't know a damn thing besides Britney Spears' bra size and this game. I hate prepubescent dweebs.


@ the thread author


Sorry your polite inquiry was met with such ferocious and innane foolishness. Although I don't roleplay in this game, I don't understand WTF is wrong with these people. If I own a server, I'll run it the way I see fit. If I want to role play, you'll role play too or face the consequences. No one makes you join a particular server and you certainly have no right to decide how a server is run by the owner.

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that was pretty interesting, cause i could've sworn you were basically describing yourself. im immature because your only resort was attacking my phsyical appearance, age, intelligence, etc. (not that you actually know me or anything). i think you're a cool guy. And dweebs? i mean what the ****. i havent heard that term since like 3rd grade. its right up there with poop head.

Go home, Darth SinglePlayer

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Okay, the flaming stops here. :tsk:


ic0n...if you continue to flame other members just because they have a different viewpoint to yours, you can expect to be shown the exit. Please revise your conduct, or accept the consequences.


Pnut_Master and his group are perfectly welcome on these boards, because he has already stated that they want to RP on their own servers. How they decide to play the game is entirely up to them - and you should not confuse a mature RPing group with the lame admins who want to go on an ego-trip, or the lamers who want to spoil the enjoyment of everyone else in an FFA.


Any more flames after this post...and I will temp-ban the offender - and I'll delete those unnecessary posts. Keep this thread on topic. If you don't like RPing...then don't post here - it's really as simple as that. :cool:

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