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Model Scaling for JA


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This interview from the Force.net seems to suggest that there is built-in model scaling for models so you don't have to have a scaling mod like in JK2.




Here is the quote from the interview


"TFNG: Given the reported "mod friendliness", will there be an inbuilt "scalability" on player models, so, for instance Yoda, Jawa, Pit-droid or Ewok MP characters created by fans can be in-game at the correct scale without resorting to a 3rd party mod?


KH: Using our skeleton, you can most likely fit Yoda or an Ewok to it with no problem. We also have other skeletons in the game that you will be able to fit geometry to. There is a scalability of the skeleton just as in the last game. Our new character creation system will allow modders to make their own clothing/skins which can be mixed and matched with existing skins from the game, or other mod created clothing. Any new sabers created by the community will drop right into the saber selection screen as well. The ability of the mod community to create custom characters has really been beefed up with the new system."


Anyone have any ideas on how to get this to work on MP models?

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Originally posted by KevinCoyle

Our new character creation system will allow modders to make their own clothing/skins which can be mixed and matched with existing skins from the game, or other mod created clothing.

too bad this appears to be untrue now.


and about balance issues, all they'd have to do is make it so that hp changes accordingly depending on the scale (ie. smaller models have 50 - 75 hp, larger models have 125 - 150 hp or something).

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Originally posted by t3rr0r

too bad this appears to be untrue now.


and about balance issues, all they'd have to do is make it so that hp changes accordingly depending on the scale (ie. smaller models have 50 - 75 hp, larger models have 125 - 150 hp or something).


Hey that is a good idea, Terror. I'd like to use that, if I can (please?)

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Originally posted by Wudan

Hey that is a good idea, Terror. I'd like to use that, if I can (please?)

by all means. :D i'm not going to be coding anything for a very long time (if ever). i thought a health adjustment would be a better idea than a damage adjustment (as can be seen in tckmod), since a lightsaber or projectile would hurt the same, no matter who hit you.

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