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Any good admins out there ??

Fo Shizzle

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Originally posted by Dak-Dod

But hijacking my thread to further your cause is a tad selfish.




I just posted here asking a question not wanting the wrath of the forum. Cant someone type a single word without having flames shoved down thier throat ?


When the topic is "rules/honour" & "admining a server"!?

Uh, no. No way. No. Not as long as I'm breathing. :D

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Once again, to chime in here.


Instead of looking for a server to administer, I rented one. It will be in the in-game browser one of these days.


And now that's it mine to do with as I please, I thought back to this thread and my other thread on this forum about being kicked because I do spin kicks and lightning. It occured to me that to many admins get off on being an admin, and it's lame. The same might be said about me on the 1.02 server I admin'd, but they weren't my rules.


So, I've pretty much decided that I WANT people to piss each other off and fight their balls off. I DO NOT want people standing around looking dumb at each other while rollplaying a FPS. It just seems so lame now.


Come one come all to my server. The damage is increased, the kills are fast, the rules are very few (only DO NOT chat kill, but if you try to stop an attack with a chat box, your ass should die), the force power is wide open. there are no guns to be seen and the address is in the signature.


Bottom line, loosen up with the rules. Before you as an admin react to someone whining about tossing lightning, remember this:


You enabled this/that power to be available.




There are opposite-side force powers to counter attacks being used on you.


See you on the dark side beeyatches. hehe :p

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Originally posted by Dak-Dod

Im looking for a few good people to help me moderate my server. This task isnt for everyone, PLEASE READ the FAQ at my site oaforever.com then Private Message me thru my site if its something your interested in. Thanks :D


Hi, I have been running two busy JK2 servers and now a Jedi Academy server (although it doesn't show up in the damn ingame browser, grrr!) and I would like to offer some advice if I may. If you are looking for good admins to help you, I don't think this is a very good way to go about it. You must be EXTREMELY selective about who you allow to admin on your server if you don't want to end up with the type of power-abusing Nazis or screw-ups who have caused all the legitimate bitterness among serious players that you see in the posts above. The only way to do that is to spend time on your server observing the players who play there. You should be looking for:


1. Players who spend a lot of time on your servers playing there because they like it. No use having an admin who prefers to play elsewhere. If they like your server, they are more likely to have an outlook similar to yours in terms of fair play\sportsmanship, rules, gameplay, language\profanity, etc.


2. You want players who are at least above-average if not excellent. Not only will the other players respect them more, they will be much less tempted to abuse their powers to gain an advantage, because they don't need to in order to win. Again, you have to spend time seeing which players are consistently in the top scorers.


3. Maturity is a plus. I used to joke that potential admins need a high school diploma to qualify, but now I don't think it's such a bad idea. All but one of my admins are college-age or older, and there is a world of difference between a 14 year-old admin and a 24 year-old admin in terms of judgement, restraint, sense of humor, and self-control.


Anyway, this is all academic (pardon the pun) since there is no Admin mod for Academy yet (OK, stop cheering), and it would not be wise to give rcon access to people you hardly know. Use this time to get to know the "regulars" who will come to your server, and select your admins from among them. Please feel free to private message me if you have any questions.

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