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Ok Jedi Academy is here and i am playing and... But what do i see ??


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1. Same old (NON movie style) saber effect -- WHY ????

(I am sure they could make it better, they could make it

more like in movies, it is sooo much different that it can't

be that they just can't do it...!)


2. Levels looks much better than in JO but characters (dark

jedi/sith...) still have pretty colourful clown clothes...


3. And they still run around jumping like crazy and they

laugh and throw those stupid comments...


They should all have simple black clothing, they shouldn't

rush in to every battle running and jumping around but they

should be calm and efficient...


4. Guns are still very weak... especially blaster pistols and

rifles are way too weak... they have too slow projectiles and

they doesn't make much damage... (weapons should have a

lot more powerfull ammo but slower firerate...)


5. Sabers are also too weak and with poor defence...

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I will assume you are talking about singleplayer with these comments.


Originally posted by AJL

1. Same old (NON movie style) saber effect -- WHY ????

(I am sure they could make it better, they could make it

more like in movies, it is sooo much different that it can't

be that they just can't do it...!)

What do you mean by saber effect? Frankly, for a FPS video game, I think they have done a great job with lightsaber combat. What would you change?


Originally posted by AJL

2. Levels looks much better than in JO but characters (dark

jedi/sith...) still have pretty colourful clown clothes...

They should all have simple black clothing

I think the enemies in the game look pretty cool. But everyone is going to have a different opinion. Changing the clothing colours is easy to do through skinning if you really don't like it. Plenty of Dark Jedi through the ages have worn non-all-black clothing though.


Originally posted by AJL

3. And they still run around jumping like crazy and they

laugh and throw those stupid comments...

You can turn down the voice volume if you really don't like the comments. They laugh because they think you are weak.


Originally posted by AJL

, they shouldn't

rush in to every battle running and jumping around but they

should be calm and efficient...

But they are evil, and the dark side is their ally. Anger and aggression are their ways. Calm and efficient is for the weak jedi... :) As for running and jumping, do you just want them to stand in one spot?


Originally posted by AJL

4. Guns are still very weak... especially blaster pistols and

rifles are way too weak... they have too slow projectiles and

they doesn't make much damage... (weapons should have a

lot more powerfull ammo but slower firerate...)

I agree that the shots of some of the weapons could go a little bit faster. As for too weak, just about every enemy I have come across still drops dead with one DL-44 charged shot to the head. Keep in mind that the location damage is much more pronounced in JA. Hitting them in the head will drop them pretty quickly.


Originally posted by AJL

5. Sabers are also too weak and with poor defence...

If indeed you are talking about singleplayer, I'm not sure what you mean by this. Keep in mind that any stance other than blue has a chance of allowing shots to get through...
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Originally posted by AJL

1. Same old (NON movie style) saber effect -- WHY ????

(I am sure they could make it better, they could make it

more like in movies, it is sooo much different that it can't

be that they just can't do it...!)


2. Levels looks much better than in JO but characters (dark

jedi/sith...) still have pretty colourful clown clothes...


3. And they still run around jumping like crazy and they

laugh and throw those stupid comments...


They should all have simple black clothing, they shouldn't

rush in to every battle running and jumping around but they

should be calm and efficient...


4. Guns are still very weak... especially blaster pistols and

rifles are way too weak... they have too slow projectiles and

they doesn't make much damage... (weapons should have a

lot more powerfull ammo but slower firerate...)


5. Sabers are also too weak and with poor defence...


Good news, no one ever said it was going to be extremely different from JO :D In fact the only gripe you have that was specifically said to have changed was #1 and I tend to think that if it were like the movies, it wouldn't be as entertaining for most people--there would be a much steeper learning curve for lightsabers. People seem to have enough trouble with them as it is...:(


Why shouldn't bad guys be colorful, and a little crazy. First off these are regular guys who have been imbued with the Force--I would probably go nuts and have some fun with it two. Secondly, this game isn't the movies, where color of clothing tells a cinematic tale--it's a game, where it helps to attract people with pretty colors (or shiny things...:D).


So both guns and sabers are too weak? Does that mean that the Force is over powerered? You said that the projectiles are both too slow and too weak, but then you suggested slowing them down even more but adding power....which would imply that they would then be really too slow :p


To be honest in your own post you admit that these were the problems with JO--why did you expect this to be different? I realize it's a different game, but only barely so. I think your needs for the game are limited and limiting (4th point aside), and would reduce the number of people who enjoy the game to: those who want a pure movie experience. Well, the first thing the Dark Forces series (Jedi Knight's father) did was step away from the movies. Maybe you should be griping about the Clone Wars game, or the TPM game...or even Super Star Wars, your friendly SNES game!! :D

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Originally posted by Prime

If you want really accurate looking lightsaber combat, you will have to try Knights of the Old Republic. However, if you want FPS combat, JA/JO is the best there is :)


Anyone who argues with Optimus Prime gets crushed like the fool he or she clearly is, so I'll just nod and smile


*nods and smiles*


I'm glad there are people out there defending the game...it hasn't been out a week yet and already the complaints are insane. The good side is that the game devs probably stopped caring about this site after Jedi Outcast...



woah, Prime, you and I joined LF in the same week, and have a fairly similar post count :cool:

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Originally posted by Vestril

Anyone who argues with Optimus Prime gets crushed like the fool he or she clearly is, so I'll just nod and smile


*nods and smiles*


I'm glad there are people out there defending the game...it hasn't been out a week yet and already the complaints are insane. The good side is that the game devs probably stopped caring about this site after Jedi Outcast...



woah, Prime, you and I joined LF in the same week, and have a fairly similar post count :cool:


I love this game, although I'm not 1/3 through it. It looks better, feels better and plays better than JKII. Not in a revolutionary way, but an evolutionary way. I'm surprised the sh*tstorm that has come up upon its' release here ... and how some of the reviewers are seeming to be penalizing it for not using the Source engine or whatever. I'm not talking about the 80's scores, they all seem pretty reasonable. The 70% I don't get ...especially upon reading them There is a swell of anti-SW since EpII, like it has split generations, so it is viewed as more 'kiddie' now and therefore not as cool as it was when JKII came out ... I dunno ...



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Actually it wasn't AotC that started that, but rather TPM, this is pretty much how things were after JK:JO came out, and that was pre-AotC :) A lot of 'serious' gamers liked to flame the game because it was, as you say, kiddie star wars stuff, and not exactly like CS or Q3 :p

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Originally posted by Vestril

Actually it wasn't AotC that started that, but rather TPM, this is pretty much how things were after JK:JO came out, and that was pre-AotC :) A lot of 'serious' gamers liked to flame the game because it was, as you say, kiddie star wars stuff, and not exactly like CS or Q3 :p

I know you're right, and it certainly was true after release of JKII. However, it seems that the anticipation of AotC split things a bit, and some people gave the game a break. Now, however, anything new for Star Wars is immediately judged with disdain ... unless it really proves itself like KOTOR, for which many reviews seem to lend quality to it by associating it with the original trilogy. Oh well ...



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Originally posted by Vestril

Anyone who argues with Optimus Prime gets crushed like the fool he or she clearly is, so I'll just nod and smile


*nods and smiles*



Originally posted by Vestril

I'm glad there are people out there defending the game...it hasn't been out a week yet and already the complaints are insane. The good side is that the game devs probably stopped caring about this site after Jedi Outcast...

I defend it because I am very happy with it. SP Especially. I haven't had a chance to play too much MP because most of the servers seem to be of the illegal type. I'm sure there are imbalances, but I am not so quick to jump on everything so early in the game :)


Originally posted by Vestril


woah, Prime, you and I joined LF in the same week, and have a fairly similar post count :cool:

But you are winning!! Boo!! :D


Originally posted by txa1265

I'm surprised the sh*tstorm that has come up upon its' release here

I'm not. Complaing about things in JO has become a way of life for some. There are some legitimate complaints as anyone would expect, but I also expected people to act as though some great injustice has been done. It's just the way it is. Luckily the developers know that it is the vocal minority :)
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In JO and JA sabers go through the defences very easily peoples

scream in pain and they are "covered in blood smoke..." but guys

just doesn't die... In my opinion that IS NOT RIGHT !


Saber defence in saber vs saber combat should be a lot better...

(you shouldn't be able to get through with just luck...)


If saber goes through some part of the body it should always cut

it and different kind of attacks shouldn't make difference in saber

damage... >>>> it shouldn't make any difference if you just push

your saber in to something or if you really slash or stab or if you

make some fancy special move it should always cut as effectively

and make massive damage...


More powerfull attacks and fast special attack combos should just

better change to knock the saber away so that next attack if fast

enough may have change to hit because enemy saber is not yet

in defence position...


Saber shouldn't be fully realistic ("always" kill or disable when hit)

but any hit should drop the defence much lower and it shouldn't

take more than 2-5 hits to kill...

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