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Importing .GLM files into Milkshape


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ok, i imported the .glm files for kyle and luke into Milkshape and everything is fine, but i cant seem to import the .glm files for jedi_hm. everytime i do it MilkShape closes. am i doing something wrong, do i need the patch or something?


the version i have is MilkShape 1.6.6a

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as much as i know now the jedi_hm.glm is the human male model witch contains all the heads, torsos and legs in three LODs for the human male. sounds simple, but that means its a very big model file. i am not sure but i think milkshake, sorry milkshape can handle only a limited count of polygons. it probably crashes because its a too complex model.


i know i couldnt help you much with that, but at least you got a reply.

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Importing models is a one way ticket. I'm not talking about that. The main issue is exporting them to a format that can indirectly be put in the game, ie: .xsi file.

If someone already made a player model, following the

milkshape -> .md3, .md3 -> .glm with MD3View process, pls tell so.

But I seriously doubt it since player .glm models need to be linked to an animations .gla file, and the only way to get there is through carcass, and carcass only compiles .xsi files.

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Where can I get the Carcass and/or Assimilate programs? I thought they were in the JK2Tools (version 1 or 2) but I can't locate it in either one.

Found it on version 1 of the JK2Tools. Sheesh!


I too am trying to use MilkShape. It seems to leave alot to be desired. Do you guys think I should switch to GMax? And don't say 3D Studio Max is the choice you prefer. I don't accept software piracy as a viable alternative to buying a license (I am a software engineer by trade) AND I don't have thousands of dollars to spend on a 3D editing program AND I can't justify it to my boss as a valid business expense. :D

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Would the same problem apply to using milkshape to make vehicle models and export them as md3 then using MD3view to export a .glm?


I only ask 'cos although my exported & converted model shows up fine as a GLM file, when I try to spawn it as a vehicle in the game (With appropriate .veh & .npc files) i get - Skin Name Exceeds MAX_QPATH !!:confused:


Any help would be really appreciated!

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Originally posted by Wa'es

But that's not gonna work for character models, is it?


It won't work with player models.


Originally posted by monsoontide

Would the same problem apply to using milkshape to make vehicle models and export them as md3 then using MD3view to export a .glm?


I dont know about vehicles, ask Duncan_10158, he already added new vehicles to the game.

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Originally posted by monsoontide

I'm already trying to work with Duncan_10158 on this, I was just trying to see if anyone else had a solution for this problem


I'll check it out tonigh how the swoop bike was made. But the guy who added the ROTJ speeder bike and the STAP knows howto for sure =).

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Max Qpath means that the name/directory structure has too many characters in it (believe more then 64 or so). Try to shorten the name of the skinfile so that the total of chars is less then 64. If that cannot be done, try a fake dir structure from a root (example, make: c:\jkt\gamedata\ with under it the dirs like base\models & tools with the mdviewer etc).... I am confident that it works :)


And looking at the above I wonder wheter the same sort of "rules"also apply to GMax, since I cannot save a (part of a ) model in GMAX format and reopen it. Every try of reopening a Gmax formatted model/part of model makes the program crash :( I allready reinstalled it, but untill now with no succes.... You have any bright Ideas Corto? :)

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Yeah, some Microsoft hot****... err... hotfix, fooks things up big time with Gmax and corrupts the files (it happened the same to me). Don't panic, since there's an even hotterfix that fixes that problem.

I got an email from Discreet telling me about it, so my advice is to start searching on Discreet's website and then Microsoft's.

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Hey CortoCG,


Duncan_10158 worked on it - took him about 90 mins to get it going.


Not sure what he did yet, but at least it's working now

(Though it's about 1/2 size it should be!)


He's going to send me a detailed report tomorrow. so I can find out what I need to do to get it to work!


However, if you are still interested in taking a look at the file yourself, I can still send you my original files and then the working ones for comparison.

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