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Star Wars Fans love this forum too !!


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I was ired to read in another thread(which was thankfully closed),


Now "movie lover" noobs flood the forums and games


There will always be fans of the SW universe who will naturally have a go at these games, in particular the SP game. In fact, if it wasn't star wars it would be just another fps game(minus the sabers and force powers I guess) Alot of the people who bought this game are SW fans, and this is part of the reason for its success, thus the sequels(remembering this is effectively the 4th game in the series)


I've been keeping tabs on this forum since apr 2002, so I hope to think I'm not too much of a newbie, and I am sure the mods welcome new members with open arms.


There are alot of angry MP youngsters out there. Calm down, wait for your mods and patches and quit being judgmental...


I would like to send a special shout out to all the SW/EU fans who have gotten a thrill playing these games, using the saber, and catching the EU references in the SP story arcs


truly MTFBWYA !!!!


**goes off to theforce.net EU forum to complain about heartless gamer forum posters ** :p

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I'm a Star Wars fan...but I'm a gamer first, and I play these games because they offer solid entertainment. I've bypassed many a game with a 'Star Wars' tag on it, because they're not suited to my tastes.


The DF/JK series is pretty unique in the style of gameplay it offers, with Saber/gun/Force combat from 1st and 3rd person. Each game has it's weaknesses, of course - just like any other game - and there is always room for improvement. But overall, I like them all, and the classic Star Wars trilogy still rate among my favourite films.

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Yeah, when it comes to this, I agree with SH, I'm a gamer first.


There have been a lot of HORRIBLE Star Wars games, and I can't bring myself to like them even though I'm a huge SW fan.


You know you're dealing with a non-gamer SW "geek" when you see threads whining about how "Jedi don't use guns" and stuff like that. ; )


I like sci fi FPS games and I love melee combat, so this series is right up my alley, so to speak.

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There are fans (a group of which I am a member) and then there are fanBOYS. Or immature fans. Those are the people who complain that "real Jedi don't use guns" and try to enforce a wierd, rigid and entirely personal honour code onto the game. In a game of JO/JA/Any online game tbh, the rules are as follows:


[*]Kill your opponents.

[*]KILL them!

[*]Don't hack the game.



These are the only rules. Beware anyone who tries to force other rules onto you, they are invariably a fanboy.

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Yeah ! If we all stuck to this tenet of the jedi code,as stated by Yoda in ESB


"A jedi uses the force for knowledge and defence, never attack"


then there wouldnt be much gaming fun at all. I have to admit, whenever I play the jedi code goes out the window when running at reborn and stormies alike (with my sexy twilek jaden and her saberstaff), lopping off limbs before they fired or attacked......its just fun(perhaps morbid in this description!!)


Those 'fanboys', would probably enjoy something liek SW Galaxies much more........


I'm less of a FPS gamer than many of you here, the only other one I play is Elite Forces(SP), mainly because I love Trek too...

I'm more of an RPG fan, Neverwinter, Final Fantasy, and sports games(FIFA, NBL) on my ps2 with group of mates is always fun !




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I'm about as much of a gamer as I am a Star Wars fan, but I won't play crappy games because they have a license from some franchise I like. Luckily, the Jedi Knight games are incredibly good!


These games are just as much Star Wars as they are video games, so why can't gamers and Star Wars fans enjoy them equally, if possibly in different ways for different reasons?

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"A jedi uses the force for knowledge and defence, never attack"


What a crock, c'mon. Did or did not Obiwan push droids all over the place in Episode 1?


I think the code is a little more what you might call guidelines. If Jedis never attacked there would be a lot less of them hanging around.

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To answer AxVegetA's query


I am not a star wars fan, all i want to know is what MTFBWYA is suposed to mean.










Yeah, I know its a bit geeky, but I really LOVE Star Wars, have done so for over 20 years..............getting a bit teary now.... :p


I'm curious though, for those of you who aren't Star Wars fans and dont know much about the EU(extended universe - ie. stuff in books etc thats happenned outside the movies), what did you think of the SP storyline ?? Do you play SP at all ??

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I agree with Spider Al on the EU feel. I really didnt like the whole reborn emporer from EU and the world devastators. Academy seems to offer your Star Wars guidelines, but some of the things in the game such as the dark Jedi just dont really FEEL like Star Wars.


It's almost becoming too fantasy-like with all the Force and that sceptre. Dont get me wrong, I liked the story, but some parts just didnt feel right...


Ever notice that the new Jedi dont wear traditional Jedi attire? Luke started off with that black suit thing and now everyone is wearing different clothes...no more robes. I dunno, I would think that by being a Jedi, one would maintain the tradition of the Jedi garb.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

There are fans (a group of which I am a member) and then there are fanBOYS. Or immature fans. Those are the people who complain that "real Jedi don't use guns" and try to enforce a wierd, rigid and entirely personal honour code onto the game. In a game of JO/JA/Any online game tbh, the rules are as follows:


[*]Kill your opponents.

[*]KILL them!

[*]Don't hack the game.



These are the only rules. Beware anyone who tries to force other rules onto you, they are invariably a fanboy.


Different strokes for different folks.. and, to each their own, have no meaning with you? :rolleyes:

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As much as I like slicing stormies, I hope this is the last we see of the remnant in the series. The remnant are just not scary anymore, and for people who are up on the EU novels, you would know that the remnant were saved from utter decimation thanks to the intervention of Skwywalker and co. Also, I'm sick of sith wannabees, and their bumbling dark jedi lackeys.......


Now, if the next game's story arc could either go forward to the NJO era, or backwards to when the empire/old republic were formidable THAT would be fun !




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