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help meh


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whenever im compiling a map, my pc always crashes when it gets to PassagePortalFlow 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... after it hits 9, or sometimes any number in between, my pc crashes leaving me with an overbright map. I tried using 1.2.11 , 1.2.13 and the beta 1.3.11 they all crash. someone please help me

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Because it defeats the purpose of having a vis process at all. Read through this tutorial, it explains hint brushes and the fundamentals of the vis process. Making everything detail means you'll be viewing almost the entire map on your screen at once, which means it's running extremely slow.

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hah i solved it ,turns out after i re-installed radiant it went to SP mapping mode by default, it was an mp map. but i have a nother questioin. how do you get misc_models to go around like func trains? i saw it in ffa_ns_streets but im not sure if thats a model or just brush work.


i also hear you can import .bsp's into .maps in the newest radiant, could someone teach me how to do that

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