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What i wanna be when i grow up...thoughts?


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welp, right now im on lvl 4 rifle training under marksmen, and have lvl 4 unarmaed combat. i was/am going to be a commando. and i also wanna be a creature handler. so i was wondering. which would be the better/best thing to do. be a commando/CH...if possible, or be a riflemen/CH? also which is better, riflemen or commando.

thanks :snipe1:

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Right now, Commando is better than Rifleman. After they fix the Commando melee issue (All commando attacks currently get an attack bonus against ranged attackers as a melee combatant would), then it should be a draw. CH commando is a powerful combo right now. However, the developers have made it known that they intend to buff up droids to be more powerful than creatures in the near future. Basically, either way you go, it's a crap shoot.

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That is not spamming. They asked a question and I anwsered. Spamming is continous 'posts' one after another that have no meaning or purpose. I in no way spam.


Another form of spam,




Non stop shooting/nading on an area thought to or known to have an enemy there, hit or not.

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