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Unit analysis

Lord JayVizIon

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Guest Master Yoda

GET MAN!!! Youll spend every free minute on it between now and when battlegrounds comes out, Youll get your moneys worth out of it..(Get it on ebay its cheaper that way).

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AoE is a great solid game (got a lot of awards in 1999) and was one of the all round best games of 1999. You won't make a mistake if you buy it.


But if you are really into strategy and something original, while waiting for Battlegrounds, i recommend Shogun: Totalwar. The new warlord edition will be out the 7th of august (the original award winning game of 2000 + an expansion pack together).


It's half turn based (Strategy map) , half real Time (Tactical Battle grounds). The real time battle engine is incredible (up to 3840 units on the battlefield at the same time).


It's based in medieval japan (One japanese "samurai" clan campaign and one Mongol invading japan campaign + historical battles etc...)

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