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Why cant i move when using Fast Kata?


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I'm an avid fast style user and when i played SP i found out i could move while performing the kata for the fast saber. So i went to try it out in MP and no go. I have to be stationary. I even tried to see if playing with FF would help. Someone explain whats up, please......:confused:

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Originally posted by Igotskeelz

I'm an avid fast style user and when i played SP i found out i could move while performing the kata for the fast saber. So i went to try it out in MP and no go. I have to be stationary. I even tried to see if playing with FF would help. Someone explain whats up, please......:confused:


Gameplay is different in SP than it is in MP. There you go.

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Originally posted by Prime

You can rotate in MP though, which is definitely useful...

I have noticed the rotating at like warp speed crap. I just stand back let them spin and blast them whatever gun I have handy.


Overall that's worse than moving and doing a kata. On top of that it looks silly like you're break dancing or something. They need to fix that in the patch. "SPAMing" I have seen someone walk into a crowed of people and SPAM that spin move more times then I can count.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

Overall that's worse than moving and doing a kata. On top of that it looks silly like you're break dancing or something. They need to fix that in the patch. "SPAMing" I have seen someone walk into a crowed of people and SPAM that spin move more times then I can count.:rolleyes:


Yeah, that's as stupid as throwing a TD into the crowd, or worse yet, using the repeater or flechette gun's alt fire on a crowd! Lamers.


Jeez, why are you complaining now that saber-users have an area-effect mode of killing? Afraid they'll start to catch up to you in a guns FFA?


As far as spinning it goes, it is kind of silly, but why not do it? It works.

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Originally posted by Ardent

Yeah, that's as stupid as throwing a TD into the crowd, or worse yet, using the repeater or flechette gun's alt fire on a crowd! Lamers.

The only thing lamer means is "they got you before you got them." Keep crying Daddies coming....


Originally posted by Ardent

Jeez, why are you complaining now that saber-users have an area-effect mode of killing? Afraid they'll start to catch up to you in a guns FFA?

Hmm no they won't. If anything it helps me out.


As for it being a area-effect mode of killing for saber users. I'm pretty sure that doing that wasn't an intentional part of saber combat or FFA play in general.


Kind of like "Staggering fire in AVP2." It wasn't a intentional ability for players using the rifle, it was a mistake in development that was overlooked. What it did was stop anyone from moving while they were being shot.


The majority of the community agrees that it's cheating, because they're curtain things that you have to do to use it. I see the saber spin as the same way not a intentional ability something that was overlooked. Unless someone can post something about it that makes it intentional and official. If so then I don't care. Saber warp spin moves don't really effect me.:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Ardent

As far as spinning it goes, it is kind of silly, but why not do it? It works.

Yes it is silly. To be honest it doesn't bother me, because when they do it they are wide open for everything else TD, repeater, or flechette gun's alt fire."Why not do it? It works." As well as being a intentional part of game play. Whether you like it or not.


As I tell everyone when I play "keep on doing them fancy moves.":D

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"The majority of the community agrees that it's cheating, because they're curtain things that you have to do to use it. I see the saber spin as the same way not a intentional ability something that was overlooked. Unless someone can post something about it that makes it intentional and official. If so then I don't care. Saber warp spin moves don't really effect me."


The majority is not always correct :) Developers NEVER forsee all the potential problems that can arise in there game. Some are beneficial, some aren't. Just because it wasn't intentional doesn't mean it's a bad thing (think bunnyhopping/rocket jumping in Quake series, starcraft "extractor" trick, warcraft 2 wallin's, Soul Caliber JF's, etc.).


Considering how ineffective the move is, I don't think it's worth being removed or "fixxed". Atleast it makes the kata almost effective... almost.



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I understand how hard it is to use the QUOTE button at the bottom right hand corner of each post.

Originally posted by Blankie

The majority is not always correct :) Developers NEVER forsee all the potential problems that can arise in there game. Some are beneficial, some aren't. Just because it wasn't intentional doesn't mean it's a bad thing (think bunnyhopping/rocket jumping in Quake series, starcraft "extractor" trick, warcraft 2 wallin's, Soul Caliber JF's, etc.).

Well as far as all these things go the "majority" are the ones who see it as cheating the "minority" are the ones who see it as legitimate, because it's there.


So if I go and get a MP hack "something that lets me use cheats in MP" it's ok right? Because it's there, it's possible, and "it works. Why not use it." It puts code in the game that's not supposed to be there. Through a hole in the programming that was overlooked. So you have an advantage.


With your reasoning and the reasoning of the "correct minority." I can "CHEAT" all I want "LAME" all I want. Why? Because it's there it might not be intentional, but I can do it...... Thanx for your permission. ;)

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