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some questions....


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ok, last time i posted was when the game launched and i need to know something about old problems:

1. the economy at the beginning was said to be a piece of crap. has the economy become more stable? and all the other problems with the bazaar fixed?

2. it was said thad it would suck if you chose an architect after a couple of months after the game launched because there was no way you can make big money (all the players got houses at the beginning).

3. also there will be no need for crafters after about 5 months of game play because there will be plenty. true?

4. all the social professions will become boooooooooring. also true?

5. any jedys yet? or on their way?

6. have most of the server errors and stability been fixed yet?

7. any MAJOR changes since the beginning?

8. a lauch date for europe mabe? ever?

9. vehicles and mountable creatures?


thats about it. thanks

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Originally posted by stab!

ok, last time i posted was when the game launched and i need to know something about old problems:

1. the economy at the beginning was said to be a piece of crap. has the economy become more stable? and all the other problems with the bazaar fixed?

yes problems with the bazaar was fixed.. about pricing stuff.. there are always people who sel cheaper... if your on the starsider server.. ask for people with an abbreviation -A-.. they give fair prices


2. it was said thad it would suck if you chose an architect after a couple of months after the game launched because there was no way you can make big money (all the players got houses at the beginning). ?

thats no true. i was an architect from the start.. and i made good money. a firend in my PA started architect recently and still has fair prices.


3. also there will be no need for crafters after about 5 months of game play because there will be plenty. true??
not true. there comes a time that people change professions.. new players.. there is always a need for crafters.


4. all the social professions will become boooooooooring. also true??
what social professions.... im having a blast meeting entertainers... and medics are everywhere flourishing :)


5. any jedys yet? or on their way??
according to SWGalaxies.net there are some close.... but none yet.


6. have most of the server errors and stability been fixed yet??
i havent had a problem since launch :)


7. any MAJOR changes since the beginning??
some new interfaces..... some extra's on some profs


8. a lauch date for europe mabe? ever??
end of october


9. vehicles and mountable creatures??
next big patch.. i think comes out this month


thats about it. thanks
no problem at al :p


Corzip Dinn

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well, that's according with Starsider, here I know I can answer you some questions in a different form.




1.-What wraithy said, If you are on Scylla I can just tell you about good prices with Imperial crafters

2.-What Wraithy said

3.-What Wraithy said

4.-All professions are social professions, if you talk with another player, when you are dueling with him/her or just talking with, you are socializing, everyone has great things to do, the difference is that always the people think all the video games are just to kill people, and in RPG people think you will only fight and things like that, that's the reason they think Non-combat professions will finish being boring

5.-What Wraithy said

6.-Server will always have problems, the Devs can fix them but there will be another problem sooner or later, for example, Scylla crasher for some time yesterday at night... you just have to be patient or just be lucky like wraith

7.-What Wraithy said

8.-What Wraithy said

9.-if wraith is right I'll be very happy, what I know is that next patch is Player cities, but I hope I can go for my own speeder biker soon :p


I know I only said "What Wraithy said", but i just wantes to reply this questions, I was thinking about that a lot :p

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I'm not engaged yet!!!!!!!!!, he still have to give me a ring!!!!!! LoL



I'm just going to get married ingame, as you maybe know there are not many girls on the game :p, and in Pax we are very very few, SO everyone is trying to make us get married with them, and you know that I'm a sweet and good girl :xp:, some of the pilots of Pax Imperius were saying that they would ask me to get married with them cause a joke I started with one of them, and the guy who helped me to join pax started to play to saying that he's the one who will get married with me cause he saw me first, as a funny thing I said yes and now he's waiting for me to get married in the Sith Chapel of DC.


I'm not engaged in RL, I'm stil waiting for my Holland honey ;)


Mag and Rheinhart told me they saw you on scylla, and Rheinhart told me you were thinking about joining Pax, if that's true, when you get back to the game send me a pm or email and I'll try to help you to be in as soon as posible ;) also maybe you would like to know more about Pax so you will know what chapter you want to be in :), My fiance :p said he would like to help you find a sponsor soon.


I really hope that when you are back from your vacations I can be ingame, I had lots of problems with my computer, I paid a lot for a lot of things ( i think it would be cheaper if I just buy a new one) and return it to the computer store few times, that's the reason I'm still not ingame :(, but finally I'm just waiting for the things I bought and I'll be playing ;)

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LOL! yeah i had a lot of warnings that i should not flirt with you or your guy would kill me :) LOL! i said i knew you a lot longer then they do :)


and yes i WAS thinking of joining.. but just before i left i redeeded everything and went away.... i have spoken to anyone after that. but the Trade Federation on Tattooine is a nice plac e (near mos espa)


PM me here when you back and ill come look for you :)

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Well, Phen and I use to talk a lot like our characters, so he already know about you ;), and I knew rheinhart will say something like that, anyway, they already know no one can stop me to flirt with you..... errrr........ to talk with you :xp:


it seems that wraithy is an eternal rebel/neutral, so don't worry, you will be the only one I won't let anyone to touch you :p, i'll try to send you an email ingame when I get in :)

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I have a question, you know how it has the name and profession of another player above their head, is it possible to make it go away? Because it gets crowded sometimes and you cant see anything but a bunch of writing. Please help.




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