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The Matrix Unplugged


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I would just like to say how great this stuff looks. One question will there be a bullet-time feature in this mod that would be really ku! Maybe like something the admin could turn on or that somebody in game could hit a switch or something...


Maybe if you made a siege mode you could have noclip powers for a twins class hehe. And a keymaker technician with opening doors in such wooo he could like run really fast or something.


Hope to see Trinity's cycle later on it will be in there for sure right? :)

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Yup, theres gonna be bullet time. If you have played the specialists mod for half-life you already know how its gonna work. For those of you who are missing out on this awesome mod, ill lay it out.


Theres a pickup that gives you the ablity to turn on bullet time for a certain amount of time. Prolly around 5 to 10 seconds for TMU. It will slow down the entire map, and its the only real way to do bullet time in MP. If this has discouraged a few of you in thinking that the bullet time will be inconsistent or ruin gameplay, i urge you to buy half-life and play TS.


And yes, you'll most likely use some of the charachter's powers, even if you are differenct charachters, since we want it fully customizable. You can find combos that work out best for your type of gameplay (like if you want to be able to superman fly while you are ghost phasing, then max out those two powers).


I can answer questions faster if you ask them on the TMU forums, so everyone go sign up!




You also get to see screens that i am too lazy to showcase on other forums :D

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Should have asked this earlier but, is this a SP mod or MP ?

If it's both then thats awesome :D

If it's just MP then i'll still enjoy it, even though i prefer SP Mods ;)


Keep up the great work :D


Oh, have you played Max Payne, ok if you have you'll know that you get a bullettime meter, perhaps you could use the force meter the game already has for a bullettime feature, like say we pressed F1 that would activate it and F2 would disable it, and the other Force Power buttons could be used for special bulletime moves. :)

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Uhmm... some questions and answers:


Q: "Are these going to only be for JA, or are they JO compatible, too?"


A: The model is a part of the mod and its going to be JA only. Recoding it all for JO would be a pain and there's no vehicles in JO :\



Q: "Should have asked this earlier but, is this a SP mod or MP ?"


A: For now its just MP. If we have the time we will put some SP missions, but for now, MP is what we want to change. I can assure you that if we do SP, its not gonna be one of those cheap 'replace the player models, but it still follows the orignal game's story' mods. We will use the player models and levels to make a new SP story.



And about the bulltet time, its going to be a pickup that you can chose when to use and it enables bullet time for about 5 seconds or so. If you have played the specialists mod for half-life, you will see this works quite well.

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Cazor I havent done anything to get banned yet so dont try bribary And if your going to be posting in forums your going to have to contend with people you dont like or dont get along with thats the facts buddy now about the mod so I am not spamming I love the helecopter But I dident see a chopper in matrix reloaded I only saw one in the first movie Whats up with that?

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