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Grappling Hook MOD for JKII SP?

Red Nailz

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Could somebody please point me to a MOD that allows you to use a Grappling Hook for Jedi Knight II SP? I've done a few searches and all I come up with is stuff for JK (GOB files), nothing JKII-specific. I think i've seen a couple mods that have it in MP, but I want it just for SP. Thanks in advance for everybody's time help.


Red Nailz

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Originally posted by Red Nailz

Could somebody please point me to a MOD that allows you to use a Grappling Hook for Jedi Knight II SP? I've done a few searches and all I come up with is stuff for JK (GOB files), nothing JKII-specific. I think i've seen a couple mods that have it in MP, but I want it just for SP. Thanks in advance for everybody's time help.


Red Nailz


We have the mod but I don't remember it's name

*goes up stairs to check*

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When I played Dark Forces 2, it was with cheats enabled (one of which was a grappling hook, which I think is more of a mod, but kinda the same). It was the most fun i'd had in a long time. Going where I wasn't supoosed to go, seeing places I wasn't supposed to be able to see. Combined with "more powerful" weapons (and playing it on its hardest mode), I had the best time ever.


I've been playing SOF2 for a couple years now (mp exclusively). I was gettin real psyched for Half-Life 2, as I think that game will replace SOF2 (for me) until SOF3 comes out (IF they make it). Well, HL2 is a big fat "?" right now as far as release date and the recent Source Code leak/theft, so i'm lookin for something to fill in the gap between now and HL2.


I bought JKII when it came out, started to play it, but then got really involved with my SOF2 Server/Clan and never got around to playing it. Since I have the game, I figure why not do with it what I did with Dark Forces 2? It was really fun, doesn't cost me anything, and will fit in nicely as far as the "between now and then" timeframe I stipulated above.


Red Nailz

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