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Now Hiring: Infiltrators

Deft Aklin

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Dark Sovereignty's Intelligence Division, The Hattori, needs good infitrators. Please send all applictaions directly to me via either PM here or e-mail to deft@darksovereignty.com


You will be required to infiltrate Imperial, Rebel and Neutral PAs on the Starsider server to discover needed information on said organizations.


You will not be an official member of DS, though we will offer supplies and support for your actions, assuming it can be done without blowing your cover.


What is required to be an infiltrator:

1) Intelligence

2) A flexible view on what the truth is.

3) An ability to manipulate others.

4) Above all else, the ability to research and gather information. However, you must also be able to determine what is valuable and what is not.



These elite members will instantly be given the rank of Seeker, a very prestigious title within our organization. The only problem, is none of our regular members will know you exist in game. lol


If you are successful at your duties, most Seekers become officers in Dark Sovereignty.


Best of luck,

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