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How old are light sabres? *mild spoiler alert*

Remirol Nacnud

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When tavion is possessed by Ragnos, she/he uses a sword that is enfused with dark side power.


I wonder, is this what jedi used to battle with?


Do any SW trivia buffs out there know how long light sabres are supposed to have been used?


I just wonder if a sword like that was used by Ragnos in preference to a light sabre.

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In the text RPG it says that there are Sith Swords Alchemicaly infused with the Dark Side of the force during their forging that can resist lightsabers. Basically its a non-energy lightsaber. They're made at the whim of a Dark Lord. Sometimes its because they don't have the resources for a lightsaber, and sometimes because they want something different.


I think its kinda cool that they try to tie in elements from all the SW Universe.

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Lightsabers have ben a part of the Jedi for at least 20,000 years, and during the Great Hyperspace War. however, primitive Lightsabers utilised a "frozen blastor" technology, and were nowhere near as efficient. most were single carved tubes of Deuranium Alloy, with one end sporting a crude crystal focussing aparatus, and the other end having a cable that connected to a belt mounted power pack.


oh - do NOT trust KotOR for anything. its completely apocryphal. for a good idea of what that time period was like, read the Tales of the Jedi comic series.

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hehe ddue dont laugh those old sith master were great and powerfull!! and not as foolished as Tavion and Derek and so on well i guess Palpatine was the last Great Sith! imagine the other ones that are buried on Korriban! there u have nightmare i can assure u!

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too a point, i guess. Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, and Ludo Kressh were beyond help - they were born into that life.


the newer sith lords, like Freedon Nadd, Satal and Aleema Keto, Exar Kun, Lord Kaan, and Darth Bane - all were idoctrinated some how. most were either unhappy with their lives and wanted something more, or were too ambitious for their own good. either way, the Dark Side was easy for them to fall into.


Sith Lords, trhrough history, have always ever been obsessed with one thing. Power. the need for more power.


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Originally posted by Igor_Cavkov

hehe ddue dont laugh those old sith master were great and powerfull!! and not as foolished as Tavion and Derek


Ah yes, the Great and Terrible Dark Lord Derek. Along with his equally Great and Awful Minions, Fred, Bert and Dave.


I assume you mean Jerek from Jedi Knight. I knew what you meant, but just the name Derek in the same sentence as sith master made me laugh. The only Derek I know is as overtly gay as you can get and the nicest bloke you could wish to meet. Just trying to imagine him in as a Sith Lord is the funniest mental image I've had in a long time.


Thanks for that :)

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Has anyone read "The Golden Age of the Sith" and "The Fall of the Sith Empire"? The jedi used lightsabers that required a secondary power pack, the sith lords used blades made out of pure crystal with VERY ornate hilts.


Since lightsabers require crystals to operate, perhaps the ancient jedi (light & dark--there were no sith during the ancient days of galactic civilization) made theirs the same way.


If you read between the lines, the technology of the sith had not changed since their forebears were cast from the republic.


Sith blades may have been primitive at the time of the Great Hyperspace War, but they were just as effective.

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Originally posted by Valin

except that KotOR is completly apocryphal, and anything seen, or mentioned therein, cannot be taken as anywhere close to the truth.

Not to come in and burst anyone's bubble here. "Star Wars isn't real." They can change the history of the story any time they want. Sometimes when a game comes out it does just that. Look at the difference between the old trilogy and the new trilogy. There is allot of gaps all, because over time certain things sounded better and Lucas got new ideas.


I don't remember The Emperor being called Darth Sidious in the old trilogy. As I saw it Darth was Vader's 1st name not a title. They're many other things that is out of place. I might be wrong.


So KOTOR might just be the new status quo for the history of Star Wars. George Lucas is very particular about what's in the games. There is allot of issues taken into account by Lucas arts before the game is made. Everything in the game KOTOR was approved by Lucas arts. If they say it's in the story it's in the story.


"You must unlearn what you have learned"

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*sigh* Please...PLEASE...treat me like an intelligent human being, and not a drooling fanboy.

YES - StarWars is not real. thank you, captain obvious.



my point is this - KOTOR did not LOOk, or FEEL anything like the era it was supposed to protray. to a point, it looked as if 4000 years was five minutes - KOTOR looked a little too much like the movies we all know.

you cant have a movie that takes place in victorian england, yet therein, court nobles ride around in corvettes, and bakers use microwaves.

the storyline for KOTOR was fine - yet its proximity to the Sith War made it seem...tacked on. like a footnote that shoudve been a paragraph. you see?



oh - the great Hyperspace War took place 20,000 years before Ep1 - 5000 years after the creation of the Republic.

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An the winner is? Nope not you sorry.:rolleyes:


Like I said before "drooling fan boy" "it's not real." lol:rolleyes:


Nope you can't have court nobles riding around in corvettes, and bakers using microwaves in Victorian England, because that is real history and it didn't happen.


In Star Wars you can have all that and so much more in any time frame you want. Why you might ask? It's not real and they can remake, change the history, and do it how they please.


I don't understand how people get so worked up and tied up in things that aren't real. It's fiction and entertainment nothing more.


Oh and it's not captain obvious it's Corporal Obvious. I worked when I was in the military thank you very much.:rolleyes:

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im wondering - if LucasArts OK'ed KotOR and, in that sense, its "part of the story" - then why does it look and feel so modern?

thats not a question you can answer - and obviously a question that LucasArts didnt consider.


that POINT was the hardest pill to swallow with the game.



no, im not the winner. im just a guy. i like StarWars. and i like to see thinsg make sense.

good for you if you dont.

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And i like to see things make sense


Most of us do. But let's be realistic: There is so much in EU there is no way it could all fit together. Even the official movies have scenes that don't fit at all (especially if comparing trilogy 1 to trilogy 2).

The truth is somewhere in the middle. KOTOR is looking modern to you? Fine, no one is forcing you to like it. But after all it's you thinking that it's modern. Maybe someone else feels differently.


And that's the reason why you can't just waltz in an call KOTOR apocryphal and ignore all the background it gives us. GL signed it so it's as official as all the other material.

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Originally posted by Valin

im wondering - if LucasArts OK'ed KotOR and, in that sense, its "part of the story" - then why does it look and feel so modern?

thats not a question you can answer - and obviously a question that LucasArts didnt consider.

Yes I can I read that myself. Long before the game came out. Lucas calls allot of the shots about what goes in the games. I give Lucas credit. He puts his nose in a every aspect of the Star Wars universe. It's his baby. As he has gotten older he has had better ideas and he has made allot of the hole idea he started with make more since. Kind of like the transition from Ankin Starslayer to Luke Skywalker in the early story.

Originally posted by Valin

no, im not the winner. im just a guy. i like StarWars. and i like to see thinsg make sense.

good for you if you dont. [/b]

The only thing that makes since with games and fictional stories is that they aren't real and they change at a any time. That's why you can't have a major in Star Wars history.


To be perfectly honest KOTOR is probably so modern feeling, because it is. They do that to keep all the people interested. If you took out all the things that makes star wars, star wars for histories sake. It wouldn't be the star wars everyone knows and fewer people would be interested in it.

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