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The Sith and Jedis


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well if you have some questions or wonder something about old sith characters and old jedis masters then you can debate it here :D

well i wonder who was Palpatines master? whats his history? :jawa



and anyone know anything about Ragnoos? who ws he why did Tavion choose him?

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As far as I know, Palpetine didn't have a master.


He discovered some teachings of the ancient Sith and there's something about an orb with information on it(projected as a hologram)

Then he practiced.


There's a load of info on all characters, but I've forgotten the web addy. You should be able to find it from the lucas arts main site.

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well i asked a question about ragnopos and thats with JKA so there is no need to close this thread



well joruus c'baoth was in the Heir to the empire series and Grand admiral Thrawn took advantage of his force to help his strategies in battles and so on,...but C'baoth wasnt intrested in the war the only reason he helped Thrawn was that he promised him Luke skywalker and that Thrawn had one of thoose animals what are they called? that absorb force power,...but i cant remember more Thrawn was killed by his bodyguard (LOL) couse he poisoned the bodyguards homeplanet and people...




And Exar Kun was a powerfull sith but i cant remember so much on him he lived long before the empire and looong begore C'Baoth


anyone anything about Ragnoos?

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@Igor: Do you really think it's a good idea to spoil the basic content of 3 excellent Books here (without a reason since it's not even relatid to the topic)? You might want to edit that...


Concerning Ragnos and Tavion:

I honestly doubt Tavion picked Ragnos. It's more likely that a part of his spirit, embedded in the scepter, chose her because - well - isn't that how it always works?

Ragnos spirit knew how to use the scepter so one could assume it was his scepter. Maybe he even created it for this single purpose: we all know evil villains always have a backup plan for their death.

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well he asked and i gave him the answer people that dont want to be spoiled just dont read if ur concerned,...and i didnt read the 3 books (wich are really great for sure) i read the mag hehe wich is even cooler cvouse of the pics and all,....well im sry if i didnt include SPOILER WARNING!



and anyone knows mroe about palpatine? Ragnoos?

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Originally posted by king yoda

arca jeth


An Arkanian Jedi Master famous as the instructor of Jedi Knights Nomi Sunrider, Ulic & Cay Qel-Droma and Tott Doneeta.


vodo-siosk baas


Krevaaki Jedi Master noted for his unusual choice of weapon (a wooden staff) and his efforts as a historian and gatherer of Jedi lore. The instructor of Exar Kun.




Descendent of Nomi Sunrider. Was actually Leia's first instructor in the ways of the Force. Inhabited the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa for close to three decades to hide from the Jedi purge.


exar kun


Former Jedi Knight and student of Vodo-Siosk Baas, Exar Kun grew displeased with Master Vodo-Siosk's unwillingness to teach him about the Sith. He set out to track down Sith lore on his own, and eventually fell to the dark side. Noted for his use of the double-bladed lightsaber (and his skill with it and other lightsabers in general).


ulic qel-droma


An Alderaanian Jedi Knight who was tempted and fell to the dark side by the Krath lady Aleema. He became a Sith Lord, but was ultimately stripped of his connection to the Force by Nomi Sunrider at the end of the Great Sith War.


nomi sunrider


Wife of Jedi Knight Andur Sunrider, Nomi was noted for her talent for battle meditation. At first leery at the thought of training to become a Jedi herself, she did so after her husband was murdered by henchmen of a greedy mobster.


bobo baas


Bodo Baas was another Krevaaki Jedi Master who eventually became the gatekeeper of the Holocron that came into Leia's possession during the Dark Empire saga.


joruus c´baoth


Jorus C'baoth, Palpatine's liaison to the Jedi Order, was a Jedi Master of high regard in the years prior to the events of Episodes II and III. He volunteered for the Outbound Flight Project. The Outbound Flight Project met its end at the hands of then-Syndic Thrawn at the behest of Palpatine.


Joruus C'baoth was the slightly insane, dark side clone of Jorus C'baoth. He worked with Thrawn during Thrawn's campaign. He wanted to take Luke as his student and corrupt him, failing that, he wanted a clone of Luke to do so. That clone allowed Mara Jade to fulfill the Last Command of Emperor Palpatine without actually killing Luke himself.

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thx ardent but you could say more when they lived so we shouldnt figure out and think it out by our selfs,...but now i know ,...

i guess Vima da boda and bobo baas and c'baoth were the only ones after ep6 the rest are from the sith war and so on? right?

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Originally posted by Igor_Cavkov

thx ardent but you could say more when they lived so we shouldnt figure out and think it out by our selfs,...but now i know ,...

i guess Vima da boda and bobo baas and c'baoth were the only ones after ep6 the rest are from the sith war and so on? right?


Bodo Baas actually lived about 4000 years BBY, but he exists as a gatekeeper post Episode VI, yes.


Exar Kun and Vodo-Siosk are post-GSW IIRC.


The rest all date from the period of the GSW.

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Originally posted by king yoda

thank you ardent that´s is cool where do you know this all.

are there books or comics? and i have another question. after the sith war all sith´s were dead right. but how they returned.

oh and are there some pictures of this jedi´s in the web?




IIRC Bane was the one that carried the dark further?? right?


lol now i understand waht IIRC mean i was like huh? lol

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i hate yellow and orange sabers because they wasn´t in one of the movies.

i think green,blue and purple are the colors for jedi´s and red for the sith. because after the movies purple doesn´t fit to the bad.

come on darth maul , darth vader and darth tyrannus with a purple lightsaber.

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yeah now i remember... Bain was the one that made the new order! and that order was one master and an aprentice...(Darth) but the older sith were named only sith...and now darth...but that doesnt explain who was the one that survived... and moved the sith further!

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Mace Windu uses a purple sabre, but there might be accepted a bit of incontinuity because he'd only appear in the film if he was allowed to have a purple sabre. True fact.


Red sabres are red because they don't use the same crystals as 'good' jedi sabres. The crystals are enfused using the anger of the dark jedi.


Other sabres get their colours because of different impurities in the crystals.


All original sith using purple sabres(if that's true) would indicate that the wanted that sort of colour(closest to red) but they didn't know how to make their own crystals.

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Originally posted by Ardent

Exar Kun and Vodo-Siosk are post-GSW IIRC.


Not quite right.

Kun was the reason for the GSW, Ulic Qel-Droma his apprentice.


His saber was blue.

He wasn't only known for his saberskills, but for his skills in using the force. Kun is often called the best single force-user of all time

(would've been able to block the Deathstar-Laser with the force, some people say).


About Bane: His name was Darth Bane.

After the second (?) greater sith-war, he was the only sith left.

He took an apprentice and invented the Rule of Two.

Since then, all Sith name theirselves 'Darth'.

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Originally posted by Ardent

Exar Kun and Vodo-Siosk are post-GSW IIRC.


Not quite right.

Kun was the reason for the GSW, Ulic Qel-Droma his apprentice.


His saber was blue.

He wasn't only known for his saberskills, but for his skills in using the force. Kun is often called the best single force-user of all time

(would've been able to block the Deathstar-Laser with the force, some people say).


About Bane: His name was Darth Bane.

After the second (?) greater sith-war, he was the only sith left.

He took an apprentice and invented the Rule of Two.

Since then, all Sith name theirselves 'Darth'.

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