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Hmm, Help on what profession to raise...?


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Well I plan on getting Galaxies soon and I want to know which profession/class I should pick. Maby you could hear me out n recommend somthing that sounds like what I want.


Well, I would like to make good money and have good items as well as being able to complete some quests. I also want to be profecient in killing npc's, you know, kind of stronge. I don't want to have too boring of a class that reqiures lots of time training, but I will spend time if its nesscary to advance and the reward is good. I can be diciplined. I told one of my friends this and he recommended a pistoleer smugller, and that I smuggle spices for good money. I need some advice, can anyone offer? Thanks

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I'll be quite honest on this, this game has such a complex character creation system, I wouldn't worry about this until you get in game. You'll find something that you'll enjoy. I can't tell you whats going to be fun for you.


My character is currently a Medic/Marksman/Scout/Doctor/Pistoleer/Combat Medic


nuff said?

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Originally posted by Deft Aklin

I'll be quite honest on this, this game has such a complex character creation system, I wouldn't worry about this until you get in game. You'll find something that you'll enjoy. I can't tell you whats going to be fun for you.


My character is currently a Medic/Marksman/Scout/Doctor/Pistoleer/Combat Medic


nuff said?


Lol wouldn't being that ummm, lets say "Impure" as in not focased on 1 or 2 profs in the end not benefit at all? I'm not really clear on this

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Lol wouldn't being that ummm, lets say "Impure" as in not focased on 1 or 2 profs in the end not benefit at all? I'm not really clear on this


No actually it doesn't really matter what you do. I would suggest just taking like ALL the base classes and go up whatever you like


Currently I am: Marksmen/Brawler/Scout/Swordsman/TKA/Smuggler


And actually Deft's character is fairly focused he is probably only dabbling in scout for exploration skills and has only medic/pistol skills, fairly focused if you ask me.


If you are thinking smuggler with spices will make money...your wrong. Go up slicing much better money. Or you could just do Master TKA/Smuggler/Pistoleer =]



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I'm aiming for 3 of the 4 marksman skill trees fully used (carbine, pistol, and ranged support skills), and half of the Rifle Skills (maybe), almost half the merchant skill tree, and Master Weaponsmith, Novice Pistoleer, Novice Carbineer, and the exploration skills in the scout profession for travelling (or maybe I'll get myself a mount perhaps, forgot about those :p ).


Also, to get to Merchant and Weaponsmith, I will need climb 2 trees in the Artisan Profession. In addition I will also use all the surveying skills to get the best coverage when I'm out looking for a good resource spot. :)


So, it will basically look something like this:


[u][b]Starting Professions:[/b][/u]

Marksman Profession:
       0     Master Marksman

    0 x x x

    0 x x x

    x x x x

    x x x x

       x     Novice Marksman

Scout Profession:
       0    Master Scout

    x 0 0 0

    x 0 0 0

    x 0 0 0

    x 0 0 0

       x    Novice Scout

Artisan Profession:
       0    Master Artisan

    x 0 x x

    x 0 x x

    x 0 x x

    x 0 x x

       x    Novice Artisan

[b][u]Elite Professions:[/b][/u]

Pistoleer Profession:
       0    Master Pistoleer

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

       x    Novice Pistoleer

Carbineer Profession:
       0    Master Carbineer

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

       x    Novice Carbineer

Merchant Profession:
       0    Master Merchant

    0 0 0 0

    x 0 0 x

    x 0 0 x

    x 0 0 x

       x    Novice Merchant

Weaponsmith Profession: 
       x Master Weaponsmith

    x x x x

    x x x x

    x x x x

    x x x x

       x   Novice Weaponsmith


X=Skill I have/gonna have


0=Skill I won't have.



To get a better view on how this will look, check out this SWG Character Builder and start selecting the skills I just marked above.


You can surrender whatever skills you want at any time, but it has to be from the top down. Say you are a master scout for instance, you cannot unlearn Novice Scout until you have unlearned Master Scout and all the skills in between first. Look at Novice Scout skill like the foundation of a building. You take the foundation away and you will have a pile of rubble, or the tilted tower in Piza. :D

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My character is actually extremely focused. Kill people quickly. Heal the heck out of myself...and oh yeah, I can boost every last one of my stats with a perfect combination of Enhance packs, food and drink......with the occasional spice for PvP.


Of course, for offense....heheh. Duel me and I'll show you. I can actually win against commandos and their flamethrowers. *evil grin*

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Yea I'd like to play the role of a thief seeing that their stealing pays off. Smuggler is the closest you can get to a thief so that’s what I'll do. Some questions:

1) How are smugglers?


2) Can they kill npc's good( I don't care about pvp atm)?


If #2 is yes then...


3)What weapon/prof should you master


4) Which of them makes the most money, the hacking splicer ones?


5) Tell you what is there any other prof that break the law, are mysterious or stealthy, bend the law to get what they need, dark/evil you know the gig, just like thieves as well as gaining lots of money and being able to kill well too?. I like the whole evil hide in the shadows under a hood feel. Post some stuff or describe the smugglers feats



~~Only regrets about taking this path is maby not even being able to become a jedi even if I was lucky~~~~


!!!!!!!!Just read thing about Dark jedis, muahahah!!!

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Any of the combat classes do well in killing things. It's just a matter of how you want to kill stuff. If you just want to be good against NPCs, pick any combat profession. If you want to be good at killing other characters.....well that's when it gets complex. For PvP, TKA, Commando and CM are the best.


What you need for PvP: Timed damage (Poison or Disease) or bleed as well as a good Knockdown move.


Credits can be gained by anyone rather easily. It's just a matter of how you want to make your credits. You can Either make stuff...or run missions.

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I think there is a new thug faction or something that is comming out. I would say pick up marksmen and brawler and just test out all the skills. If you like something then go up it. If you like say pistol and unarmed go to smuggler or if you like all of marksmen then try commando or Bounty Hunter.


For npcs, melee is definatly the best. Especially vs non-creature you do about 1.5 times more damage to guys who hold a ranged weapon when you are in melee. Although pvp melee is very weak cause they player can just run away although in group pvp any melee class is good if you sneak up guys. I saw a master TKA kill a guy in full stormtrooper armor in one hit. And TKA attack as fast if not faster then pistols, even with specails.


Gaining lots of money? No matter what you do it will be grinding, grinding missions, grinding dancing/playing (not good money), or grinding crafting.


And smuggler is probably the best class if you want to go up a faction like imperial or rebel. You might get fp reduction for thug faction too =]. And slicing does make the best money and is very cheap to make stuff.



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Speaking of raising skills, is it possible to raise a branch in the artisian skill (business) to get a vendor, place a vendor in your house, then dump the business skills (so you can put your limited skill pts into something else that you want to raise for a second mastery)...yet still be able to use your vendor afterwards??

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