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Ghost or zombie.

LeChuck lives

What Lechuck do u prefer?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What Lechuck do u prefer?

    • Ghost pirate
    • Zombie pirate

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Originally posted by ErnilPherianath

The beauty in the first and second games is that they tried...and succeeded...to make LeChuck scary. Terrifying. In my opinion, it's where the third and fouth went offtrack.


Yeah, when Lechuck turned up in the first two you thought AHHHHHHHH! IT'S LECHUCK! In the last two it was Oh, look it's lechuck... who cares...


Anyway I wasn't sure how to vote on this, I played MI1 in the early 90s and MI2 in 96 or 97 so ghost lechuck is more firmly rooted in my warm fuzzy nostalgic monkey island memories. Still, Zombie lechuck is cooler.

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Dont u remember the boots cut scene on CMI? That was funny as well as slightly startling :D

Yeah, i thought that LeChuck was pretty scary (not like really scary, but u know what i m ean) in all the games :)

I preffered him as zombie tho... It was just so... i dunno, im just glad my comp doesnt have smell emulation :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

"All I'm saying is"

"Don't change the subject!!"


Okay, I know you asked Ghost or Zombie, and personally I prefer Zombie, but LeChuck is a Demon!

M1- Ghost



M4-This is where it gets confusing. LeChuck seems to be able to morph between his forms.He can change from a GHOST , ( a non-corporial spirit) to a Zombie ( a very much corporial BODY) to a hell Demon. In M3 he was stuck in the DEmon form, so why can he change now?

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok zombie lechuck was scary and yet funny

but ghost lechuck was cool and seethrough besides hes the original that had been terrorising the carribian,

demon was fun, but lacked evilness

and morphy changy lechuck was stupid

all had pros and cons (although less cons for the first 2)

but i was thinking wouldn't it be cool to see the human lechuck you know before death

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