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*walks into the forum*

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My favorite is ..ehm Holy Grail,

hehe and because King Artur is in..


My hero!


You dont know "The big Lebowski "


Dude thats a great movie, about many things! ^^

Wanna a white russian?



hmm white russians are a good idea for 8 of 12 party ;)

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Originally posted by Captain Andy

My head just exploded. And this funky green background isn't helping much either.


Where am I?


This is Death's domain.

He created it.

Here he "lives".

You see a house, a garden, and some yellow fields of corn. Everything else is in shades of black (if it comes to creative use of color, death isn't very professional). YES, shades of black. There are no really dark reds, or blues or any other colors. Here a new spectrum of colors, which are all a different black seems to spread in front of your eyes. Beside the house is the a stable with Death's horse. It is a REAL* horse. He is all white, but not snow white, because that is a dead white. It is more like a milk-white. The horse's name is "Binky" (yes, death isn't so experienced at giving names. As was said before, he lacks creativity).

You go inside. The inside of the house is much bigger than you would believe when seeing it from outside. Actually it is TOO big to fit inside the house (Death doesn't understand the relation of outer dimensions to inner dimensions very well...Or he doesn't care...)

In the entrance area everything is black. The door frames are decorated with a skull design(he doesn't want to scare anyone, he just doesn't know it better) You see a black umbrella stand. But instead of umbrellas, a scythe is leaning in it. Not an ordinary sythe. It's blade is so sharp, that it can cut sound in half.

Beside the scythe stands an old grandfather clock (yes, it is black). It's pendulum is a long, sharp blade. But the clock doesn't have any arms. The pendulum slowly cuts the time into seconds...


*Death had already tried Bone horses and flame horse, but with the first, he had to stop every second minute to tie loose bones on again, and the flame horses used to accidentally set the stable on fire and stand in the remains with an embarrassed look on them...


But ACTUALLY you are in the Nigtlong Productions...lol


- ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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Originally posted by Sallim

LOL great Jazhara7!


Don't praise me. Praise the great PTerry (Terry Pratchett).

He wrote the DISCWORLD books from which that little text is from. And the quotes in my signature too(except for the LOOM one). But I told it in my own words.


You should read the books. They are great!

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This isn't Death's Domain. This is Nightlight Productions forum. And it isn't shades of black. Moreso shades of funky green. :)


Having said that, Terry Pratchett is my favourite author. Although his new book, Monstrous Regiment, was a bit of a let down after Night Watch.

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Originally posted by 8 of 12

This isn't Death's Domain. This is Nightlight Productions forum. And it isn't shades of black. Moreso shades of funky green. :)


Having said that, Terry Pratchett is my favourite author. Although his new book, Monstrous Regiment, was a bit of a let down after Night Watch.


Pleaaaaassssseeee!!!! No spoilers of Nightwatch OR Monstrous Regiment. I still have to read it. And I can't do it, because my sister has it in Leipzig...


Anyway, did you know that the cover of NIGHTWATCH is a DISCWORLD version of Rembrandt's picture "Nightwatch"?


Here are links to both : Rembrandt's Nightwatch (at bottom of page) and Cover of Terry Pratchett's "Nightwatch"



Anyway, did you know that Rembrandt's "Nightwatch" actually shows the soldiers in broad daylight? It has just become dark from age old dirt and stuff. A proof of this is the fact that one of the soldiers tries to light the fuse of a cannon with a magnifying glass.


- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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