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Jedi Academy(vehicles, MP, SP, ect.)


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First off I'd like to say that I previously do not have JK3 but I have a lot of questions on it and I know that people out there who haven't gotten it yet will want to know some of these things too.


This is the list of all the things that would be VERY COOL to know that you really can't get off the internet.


PLEASE NO SPOILERS(or atleast not the ones about jedi and stuff lol thanks ;))


1.How many vehicles are useable in SP(please list)

2.How many vehicles are useable in MP(also please list, is there really anything like an X-Wing in the Hoth Map in Siege for example)

3.Can you change the single blade saber styles like in JK2 in SP and MP(please, yes, I know, I AM A NOOBIE lol)

4.How big are the maps in SP, MP(anything big enough to really NEED a swooper bike)

5.How is siege and power duel(do not quote things off the internet PLEASE I alreaddy know about that :))

6.How buggy is the MP and is there overuse of stuff like back stab was in JK2


THANK YOU for readding that long list :) PLEASE REPLY

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1. In the standard course of the single-player game, you will in effect use 2 vehicles.

2. I'm not sure, I haven't played MP. But with custom MP maps coming out already, it will be quite a bit, I'm sure.

3. Yes, the single saber will still have the fast, medium, and heavy stances.

4. The missions in SP where you use the vehicles, are big enough where they are needed.

5. Can't comment.

6. Can't comment.

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Originally posted by MasterSidious

1.How many vehicles are useable in SP(please list)


You get to ride a Tauntaun, drive a Swoop bike, and take control of an AT-ST (briefly - not as extensive as in JO).


2.How many vehicles are useable in MP(also please list, is there really anything like an X-Wing in the Hoth Map in Siege for example)


You can only control vehicles in Siege mode. So far, you can only drive an AT-ST, and Swoop bikes. Although it is possible to 'spawn' an X-Wing etc. via cheats, they are not an integral part of the game. I know that some people are now working on Mods to introduce a greater variety of vehicles for MP gameplay.


3.Can you change the single blade saber styles like in JK2 in SP and MP(please, yes, I know, I AM A NOOBIE lol)


Yes. With single saber, you still have acces to the 3 stances. With Dual Sabers, you have the Dual Saber stance, and by turning off one blade, you get access to the 'Fast' stance. With the Saberstaff, you have the saberstaff stance, and by turning off one end of the staff, you get access to 'Medium' stance. A caveat here, though...the 'Fast' and 'Medium' stance for Dual/Saberstaff respectively, are not 'full' stances - i.e., you do not get the range of moves that you can with Single Saber in those stances.


4.How big are the maps in SP, MP(anything big enough to really NEED a swooper bike)


Some of the SP and MP maps are quite large. The levels with Swoop bikes are certainly large - the SP map was especially designed for Swoops, while the MP Siege map containing Swoops is large enough to cope with them.


5.How is siege and power duel(do not quote things off the internet PLEASE I alreaddy know about that :))


Well, it fairly pointless telling you what I think they are like. Different people have different points of view on what is enjoyable and what isn't. Personally, I enjoy both Siege and Power Duel - but you will obviously form your own opinion of these when you get to play them. I will say that I think there is enough variety in MP that you will most likely find a game mode that suits your own tastes.


6.How buggy is the MP and is there overuse of stuff like back stab was in JK2


There are bugs throughout the game, but a patch is being worked on to fix these issues. I have only encountered a few small bugs myself, so I've been luckier than some. As for backstab, I've not seen it used much, and only managed to do a few backstabs myself. It's not a one-hit kill, if that's what you're asking...

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