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TGIF-bring on the pain - GUNNER (Stone Cold GUNNAH) vs. STTCT (Shannon)


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Stone Cold GUNNAH tried to use his fists. However, Shannon's armor deflected the blow and Stone Cold GUNNAH was injured. Stone Cold GUNNAH lost 32 HP.
Stone Cold GUNNAH blasts:

Ok, so what does STTCT stand for. I've been wondering for a while now.

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Spreading his arms in a fit of rage, Stone Cold GUNNAH casts Psychic Overload on Shannon and deals 69 points of damage. Psychic Overload also attempts to heal Stone Cold GUNNAH's wounds. Psychic Overload is successful and heals 50 HP while costing 100 MA to cast. It appears that meditation in a cave has some benefits after all!
Stone Cold GUNNAH shouts:

Are those all dogs?

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Stone Cold GUNNAH tried to use his fists. However, Shannon's armor deflected the blow and Stone Cold GUNNAH was injured. Stone Cold GUNNAH lost 31 HP.
Stone Cold GUNNAH taunts:

Thought it was mine. You had the last kill when you were down to 1 health when you killed me. :)

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Stone Cold GUNNAH tried to use his fists. However, Shannon's armor deflected the blow and Stone Cold GUNNAH was injured. Stone Cold GUNNAH lost 32 HP.
Stone Cold GUNNAH shouts:

But since you already used your potion you want to take this one and I'll get the next one.


BTW, did you know I was mad. :)

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Shannon used her Masamune, but failed to do any damage to Stone Cold GUNNAH. Stone Cold GUNNAH begins to taunt Shannon! Shannon's anger grows by 12.
Shannon jabs:

Ya, I don't like him at all - but my husband used to think he was funny till I yelled at him. the guys an ass esp to women

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Stone Cold GUNNAH used his Mythril Sword to deal 10 points of damage. Shannon tried to dodge, but was not successful.
Stone Cold GUNNAH shouts:

He is a dork. He talks about women being fat yet he is a tub of shit himself. If he didn't have money he would just be another retard.

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