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other stories in Jedi Academy?


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Leia was a plot device to explain Chewie and the Falcon's presence on Tatooine; maybe at one point they intend to use Leia herself, but dropped the notion (pity - the only major character appearance is Luke Skywalker, in his dull RotJ self). As for Fett, he wasn't even on a bounty hunt (he said there was no bounty on Jaden); they just wanted him in the game.

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Erm...this is the sort of thing people have been discussing in other threads. The fact that they told you X, but then didn't expand on it in any way. Why and how did Jaden build a lightsaber? In what way was Leia involved in the Mos Eisley mission? Etc, etc... Which is why the game feel unfinished. There are lots of loose ends that are never explained.


As for Boba Fett...he was supposed to be guarding the weapon caches on Ord Mantell. Why he was doing so, and for whom, is yet another loose end...considering he is primarily a bounty hunter and not a 'guard'.

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Perhaps he wanted to use them for himself, make some modifications to Slave I (or II) lol , or he was doing an easy job that paid well, gathering a crapload of weapons for the empire, or the cult, or some criminal group with enough credits to afford a bounty hunter like Boba.


And Chewie might've been there for the same purpose as your character is, finding out something about those mercenaries that've been infesting Mos Eisly.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

As for Boba Fett...he was supposed to be guarding the weapon caches on Ord Mantell. Why he was doing so, and for whom, is yet another loose end...considering he is primarily a bounty hunter and not a 'guard'.

I kind of thought Fett was sent there by the cult because they knew that the caches would draw the attention of the Jedi, and that Fett was there to eliminate them. Fett is probably one of the few bounty hunters to be capable to defeating a Jedi. Just a thought...
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