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Originally posted by Deft Aklin

I heard Stopping shot is powerful, but doesn't target a pool or stop anything. lol


Stopping shot is very powerful. It can and will incap most player's in one shot.


I do not have it but from what all I have heard, I think eyeshot is the best. I do not have any of the BH skill's for pistol because I do not have the point's since I am going for master ranger as well. But double tap and stopping shot work's fine for me.

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i think it also depends in what situation you are using your pistol...PvP, i would have to say eyeshot, but then again, that's all i have ever used (and probably will ever use :D ). however, when out and about incapping npc's, or hunting, i prefer torso shot. the flame damage is very effective against most enemies. and to answer your other question themercifulone, plenty of people master pistoleer for those moves, and obtain bh pistol II for eyeshot. i am not a fan of this, and i hope the dev's do something about it. but hey, if you want to go through the headache of mastering scout and marksman for one move, be my guest :D .


-here's to never throwing a single trap for the rest of the time i play this game :cheers: (what a waste)

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stopping shot is under "techniques" line of pistoleer, it WAS the best for pvp, but they fixed fan shot believe it or not. Fan shot does a little less damage then stopping shot but its twice as fast, and from what i was told it now has a cone effect in front of you, it used to hit for 100 in pvp before i dumped master pistoleer, now it hits for 4-500

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BH tree isent hard at all. Get a scatter pistal a good 1. go into the dunes of tatoonie then hunt bantha's run in circles they cant get u and good xp, Once u do that hunt bigger and just eye spam rontos ... BUT!!!!~ DO THIS ALONE!!! if u do it in public or in duels u will be hated

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Originally posted by BS87

Which skill/skill branch gives Stopping shot? I looked all over in the descriptions in-game but i couldnt find it.


stopping shot is in pistoleer. i forget what branch. it is in the same one with fan shot. I am totally confused about what profession to go for. I have master scout. i only need rifles 4 and some apprentice xp for master marksman. I have some ranger skills, some medic skills and about half of the pistoleer skills. I started this character going for master ranger but now I am wanting to do more PvP. I was thinking about going pistoleer and then getting the bh pistol tree. If I do that I will have enough points to get some LLC training. Now I am thinking about just bh. I will hate it when I have to give up my medic skills though. Medic skills make it very easy to solo. Anyone have any thoughts on what I should do to be best in PvP? I want to help the rebels as much as I can :)


edit: lol work sucks. it took me like 2 hours to finally finish this post and someone already answered the question. now maybe someone can answer mine. what prof, except commando, should i choose to be best at killing imps.

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bounty hunter, bounty hunter, bounty hunter :D. no but seriously, if you've taken the time to master the entire scout and marksman tree, it would be a waste in my opinion not to go the bh route. plus, as i'm sure you've read at least 8 times in this thread, eyeshot pwns in PvP, and there are plenty of other skills (torso shot, lightning single, etc) to keep your imp foes at bay.


and i've managed to figure out a way to get master bh, and still be able to keep enough medic skills to use b-stimps, and some ch as well. so do not fear. unless you see me, then run in the other direction lol.

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