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Yes, I know this is a lame question but... (taking screenshots)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah and don't keep to many in your JA/gamdata/base/screenshots folder, it may be just me but it slowed my game down going camera happy, lol. Make sure you delete the ones that are no good. To gain more space convert the file type from jpg to one thats take less space, unless you have a huge HD, still don't leave in the game files;) . Make a seperate screenshot folder in your My Documents and transfere the images there regularly.




P.S. Can you take a screen shot of your character other than the 3rd person back view?

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Originally posted by {R^S}eniaC{JC}

Yeah and don't keep to many in your JA/gamdata/base/screenshots folder, it may be just me but it slowed my game down going camera happy, lol. Make sure you delete the ones that are no good. To gain more space convert the file type from jpg to one thats take less space, unless you have a huge HD, still don't leave in the game files;) . Make a seperate screenshot folder in your My Documents and transfere the images there regularly.




P.S. Can you take a screen shot of your character other than the 3rd person back view?


In single player type thereisnospoon with no spaces in the console.


For multi player I have no idea. :p

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Thereisnospoon is only slightly useful; it's hard to get the timing right.


Instead, use these:


cg_ThirdPersonAngle X

cg_ThirdPersonVertOffset X

cg_ThirdPersonRange X


X for the first one is between 0 and 360; 0 is default.

X for the second one is any value, but default is 16 and you get too high, you won't be able to see.

X for the second one is any number; default 80; get to close than twenty and you'll be seeing more detail of the face (or whatever height you're at) than you want.

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Originally posted by Tsaya

I don't think there's a way to compress jpgs since that file is already pretty small - unless JA is using a low compression rate that is.


Sorry, I meant after you you remove it to a dif. folder(I've taken a 1.5 meg screenshot down to a few a hundred kb as a bit file).



Origanally posted by Michaelmexp

In single player type thereisnospoon with no spaces in the console.


Oh yeah, thanks forgot about that trick. Suppose it would work on a server with cheats enabled, hehe.



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