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1st or 3rd person View w/light saber


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Originally posted by Aegis2

Thanks to JPB, I've got it working in fps mode, so my temper's gone, and I'm breathing sighs of relief, though I really find it obnoxious that I'm not gonna see my character in the cutscenes.

You can specify what character you want to see in the cutscenes in a .npc file. I bet that would work in this case as well.


Originally posted by Aegis2

You're right about the people taking test drives before buying a new car, and playing demo versions before buying new games, but Jedi Academy was perceived by myself, and apparently others, as an old game with a few new bells & whistles...i.e., expansion pack. There was no mention of the removal of some old bells & whistles.

Those bells and whistles were never supported in the previous games, and were never a stated feature of those games. And it was a mistake to assume that JA was an expansion on a technical level, as it was never claimed to be. And of course something like this would never be officially mentioned as removed, since it was never offically a part of the game in the first place.


Originally posted by Aegis2

Otherwise, the exact reason you buy something from someone else is because they are better at doing it than you are. For heaven's sake, we'd all be hunting & gathering yet if we didn't do this! It's a fundamental principle of economics, though I forget it's exact name, you can find it in any freshman-level econ book. And yes, it is okay to "diss" that someone for selling you something other than what it appears to be. I think, in principle, that's called fraud.

Are you claiming that Lucasarts/Raven stated that FP lightsabers were included in the game? If so, that is false. They have never claimed that. That is something that some players mistakenly assumed on their own.


Originally posted by Aegis2

Now, I'm not implying LucasArts or Raven is guilty of fraud

That's good, because they aren't :)


Originally posted by Aegis2

but given the number of topics one can find on this forum & others, there were obviously a number of people who purchased this game under false expectations.

Yes they had false expectations that were not based on what Raven and Lucasarts stated to be the case. They have never claimed that lightsabers could be used in FP. Even just looking at a preview on the web, it states that:


The mission played much like what you have come to expect from the series, with the player switching from a first person perspective, shooting and sniping the enemy with a blaster, to third person perspective, slicing and dicing in close range combat.


Originally posted by Aegis2

LucasArts is responsible for properly & accurately representing its products, and while it does not explicitly state anywhere on the box that the lightsaber can be used in first person, it is marketed as an FPS/TPS (Third Person Shooter...to coin the term if it hasn't been already, dunno), and one expects that feature.

Lucasarts did accurately represent it's product. It is the mistake of the customer to apply their own beliefs for things that were never claimed by the developer. They claim that the game is played in both FP and TP modes, which is correct, as both views are used.


In the Clone Wars game, you can drive a tank on some levels and control Mace Windu on others. It would be foolish for someone to claim they were ripped off because they can't control Mace on the level where they drive a tank.


Originally posted by Aegis2

Jedi Academy is marketed as an FPS/TPS and it's not. It's an amalgam of the two, but not both. Therefore, I feel cheated.

It is a FPS/TPS. What you are doing is applying your own belief of what that means, instead of finding out what it actually means. The buyer must take some responsibility to find out if the product supplies what they demand. If not, don't buy it. That is the power you wield as a customer :)


Originally posted by Aegis2

Skinwalker, if your question is not rhetorical, though I'm terribly new to this game, I believe I can confirm that from what little I've read, yes, some moves are not possible or very difficult in first-person mode, and that is why the game behaves that way.

That might well be true. I think the "offical" explanation from the developers had to do with the fact that with the custom characters in JA it was much more work to make FP look good with all of them, as opposed to just having to do it with one in JO (Kyle). Who knows.


Originally posted by Aegis2

I bought what I thought was a game that could be a simple first person hack & slash game with Force powers, not unlike Quake (remember the axe?) or...say...Jedi Outcast (remember the lightsaber?) What I got was a totally different animal.

You made a mistake in thinking you were getting something you were not, which is unfortunate. :( However, this is not the fault of Raven/Lucasarts, since they did not claim these things in the first place.
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Bottom line is, take academy back to your local vendor if you didn't like it (mine's collecting dust on a shelf) and wait for awesome games like republic commando or even star wars battlefront. Those have CONFIRMED first person perspectives. Even though they are not jedi games per se, they at least have the features those of us who prefer first person have come to expect.

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First off, Tyler, this would be a non-issue if I could return it, but maybe this is some strange law that Michigan has...I've never heard of a store in Michigan that accepts returns on software...I know for a fact now that the place I bought it from doesn't, so I can't.


Prime, your arguements are very lucid & completely logical; you've won me over & I now see the light. :)

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

Bottom line is, take academy back to your local vendor if you didn't like it (mine's collecting dust on a shelf) and wait for awesome games like republic commando or even star wars battlefront. Those have CONFIRMED first person perspectives. Even though they are not jedi games per se, they at least have the features those of us who prefer first person have come to expect.

Well JKA does have 1st person like battlefront etc. Just not with the saber :p

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True but I don't play the whole game with the guns as opposed to the lightsaber which is what JA focuses on the most. Whereas battlefront is a run n' gun type of game and i expect that.


Ok i've been thinking about something someone said, might have been on this or another thread.... You can play JA in 1st person with a few minor tweaks here and there, but for cutscenes if you made those changes you wouldn't see a skin onscreen, so basically it's like you're not there. Now someone pointed out that you might be able to tweak the game (an npc file or something) so as to present a specific npc to show during cutscenes. Then to be able to seamlessly be able to play in 1st person effectively and have jaden show up as whomever you want in the cutscenes. Is this a possibility? I'd be willing to try if someone came up with a method. I would imagine that you would need to create and edit a .cfg file in order to do this.

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

Ok i've been thinking about something someone said, might have been on this or another thread.... You can play JA in 1st person with a few minor tweaks here and there, but for cutscenes if you made those changes you wouldn't see a skin onscreen, so basically it's like you're not there. Now someone pointed out that you might be able to tweak the game (an npc file or something) so as to present a specific npc to show during cutscenes. Then to be able to seamlessly be able to play in 1st person effectively and have jaden show up as whomever you want in the cutscenes. Is this a possibility? I'd be willing to try if someone came up with a method. I would imagine that you would need to create and edit a .cfg file in order to do this.

That should be easy. All you have to do is edit the player.npc file and specify the model you want to use. For example, if you wanted to use the reborn model, in the Player entry, you would change the playermodel parameter from player to reborn. Cutscenes use the model specified in this entry.
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OJP will have "trueview" so you'll get 1st person saber options in MP.


As to SP well, good luck, sounds like those people have some ideas for an (imperfect) solution.



If you really want to return your JA game in protest, I suggest you sell it on ebay.

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Still a bit drastic because one of the weapons is in 3rd person... I mean learn it, it's not exactly difficult and about 95% of people prefer 3rd person with a saber. I have never seen anyone complain about the lack of 1st person on a server...

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