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Scary picture + Movie thread


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Since its near Halloween I thought that we could all post scary pictures to scare the $hiznit out of people here!


I remember one flash movie where there was a empty room and you looked at it for about 30 seconds with your volume right up and the Exorcist face popped up. Classic.


Let the scaring begin! [Err.. I would post pictures but I'm just about to install a game]

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Ohhhh, spooky!!!


i googled for a video, clicked the first site.... it had incredibly gross stuff, i feel sick now, i click on a video called "lets cut off my finger" in .mpeg, while it was loading, the first frame of the movie was a guys finger on a plate filled with water and a chisle on top of it.... I instantly clicked the back button!!!! and i was unlucky enough to watch some other movies likepuking girl, peeing monkey, and the super extremely gross **** eater


I feel sick.... and I am NOT exagerating!!! :disaprove



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Originally posted by ZBomber

Was it really his finger though? :confused:


You better belive it! My actual stomach felt bad. :(


Well, you know how when you watch .mov and .mpeg videos, when they load they show the first frame? Well, in the frame was a mans hand with tatoos on it, now, look at your middle finger... well, u see that you have three joints totall, one at the base, one in the center, and the one on the end before your fingernail, well a sharp stainless steel chissle was resting on top of the third joint.... and the mans hand was on a white plate that looked like to be filled with water or something, and I just stared at it saying "Oh MY GOD!" And that was just the first frame of this video that seemed to be minutes long (jugding how long it took my cable internet to load it) And the **** eater one, I... I just can't explain to you. And then the last one was a asian girl (11-13) stuck her entired hand into her mouth for like 10 seconds, gagged, and then barfed into a dish.... and then I closed it....


I thought they would only be funny videos of people doing gross stuff, but it was only just sick... and the site design didn't look like a gross site or anything like that. And at the top it said...

"These are videos that parents would not like children to see" or something like that. but it should of said "Videos NOT for people who are NOT incredably sick and twisted"


It was horrifiying, sickest/scariest stuff I have ever seen in my life, (And i didn't even watch the lets cut of my finger movie!!!!)




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