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Door sounds


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Ok heres the deal I got folders in my map directory with the sounds in. I go in to radiant click the door hit n set it up including clicking on sound for the path of the sound file "maps/sound/movers/doors/door2move.wav" but in the game when testing I get no sound. Is the path to long ? Also i'm using (test)BSP -meta, -vis -fast, -light -fast -super2 -filter to compile could that be the problem !

I'm lost again ..HELP

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Yes, as a matter of fact you can use soundset so that it does a door start sound, a door move sound, and a door stop sound all in the same setting


several of the door sounds in JA dont seem to work. I havent quite figured out why, but there are a few that do. One thing i did to figure out which door sounds work and which dont, was to step a test map that had a hallway of doors.. and set each door to a different sound.... in which case, I found that impdoor1 seemed to be the Sound I was looking for, so I set the entity properties on my door to this


Key = Soundset

Value = impdoor1

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I have the same question, but with a different approach.

I made a brush that looks like a door, but when someone goes up to it, it makes a locked sound, and of course, doesnt move. How would I go about making this happen?


Or would it be easier to make an actual door thats valued as locked and add sound to that? If so, how would I do that?


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Make a trigger_multiple in front of the door large enough for a player to walk into. Ctrl-K it to a target_speaker with a noise value of the path to the .wav or .mp3


Oh don't forget to set a wait value of a couple of seconds on the trigger_multiple so the sound doesn't keep playing whilever someone is in the trigger :)

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Make a trigger_multiple in front of the door large enough for a player to walk into. Ctrl-K it to a target_speaker with a noise value of the path to the .wav or .mp3


Oh don't forget to set a wait value of a couple of seconds on the trigger_multiple so the sound doesn't keep playing whilever someone is in the trigger



Yeah, that would be the easiest way to do it

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