schnuppen Posted October 25, 2003 Share Posted October 25, 2003 Do anyone know how to change the playermodel color in game console??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jebbers Posted October 25, 2003 Share Posted October 25, 2003 what do you mean? the color of the saber? the clothes color? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManaMana Posted October 25, 2003 Share Posted October 25, 2003 Clothes... There are many posts about this, look in one that is named something like "RGB Slider - Would you want it?" and you shall find it there... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eniaC Posted October 26, 2003 Share Posted October 26, 2003 quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN] The easiest way is to bring down the console and type: uimenu charactermenu That will bring up the character menu and you can change your custom character choices. Once you do that, you can hit next and it brings you to your saber menu, in case you want to change that, too. Just be sure to hit "exit" or "back" (or the "ESC" key a few times) instead of "begin game" or else it will start the game over! Now, that was the easy way. But you can also mess with it on the console, which will be a bit more work, but will give you more control over tinting, etc, if you wish: (NOTE: this will also server as some good basic insight for those modders interested in some insight into playermodels in case they want to make their own). If you type "playermodel" on the console, you'll see what your current model and skin is. For example: playermodel jedi_tf head_a4 torso_e1 lower_b1 jedi_tf is your actual model. "tf" means "Twilek Female". Other choices are: jedi_hm (human male) jedi_hf (human female) jedi_rm (rodian male) jedi_kdm (kel dor male) jedi_zf (zabrak female) The other parts, seperated by a space are the skins for, repectively, the head, torso and legs. In my example, these are: head_a4 torso_e1 lower_b1 Now, if you were to look in the models/players directory for each of those jedi models listed above, you'll see a .skin file that corresponds to each of those skin choices I just listed. If you look at the names of all of those .skin files, that will give you a list of all the valid skins for your chosen model (I'll list all of these below). So, to change your model or skins, just type in "playermodel" followed by the model you want to use and the appropriate skins. For example, to switch to the human male model's first skin, you'd type: playermodel jedi_hm NOTE: if you change sex, you need to let the game know this so that is uses the proper sounds. To do this, type: snd jaden_fmle sex f If you're switching to a female model or: snd jaden_male sex m If you're switching to a male model. Finally, you can also mess with your skin/clothing tint (twilek model tints the skin, all other tint the clothing). To see your current tint, type: playertint You should see something like this: USAGE: playerTint <red 0 - 255> <green 0 - 255> <blue 0 - 255> playerTint = 255 235 100 The first number is red, the second is green and the last is blue. The valid number ranges are from 0 (absence of this color) to 255 (full brightness for this color). Setting all three to 0 would tint you black, setting them all to 255 would tint you white. In between that is any color you can think of. The way it works, in general, is this: red+green = yellow, red+blue = purple, green+blue = cyan. Messing with the relative values for each will give you the hue you want, messing with the overall size of the numbers will give you the brightness/darkness you want. To change to, say, a light red, you'd type playerTint 255 128 128 NOTE: the Twilek skin already has a light green base (you can see what this color is by setting playerTint to 255 255 255), so keep in mind that the playerTint you set on her model will be modifying this base color... for the clothing tints, their base color is grey, so you'll get exactly the color you type in. For each jedi player model, here are the valid skins for the head, torso and legs: MODEL: jedi_hf HEAD: head_a1 head_b1 head_c1 TORSO: torso_a1 torso_b1 torso_c1 torso_d1 torso_e1 torso_f1 torso_g1 LEGS: lower_a1 lower_b1 lower_c1 lower_d1 lower_e1 MODEL: jedi_hm HEAD: head_a1 head_a2 head_b1 head_b2 head_c1 TORSO: torso_a1 torso_b1 torso_c1 torso_d1 torso_d2 torso_e1 torso_f1 torso_g1 LEGS: lower_a1 lower_b1 lower_c1 lower_d1 lower_e1 MODEL: jedi_kdm HEAD: head_a1 head_b1 head_c1 TORSO: torso_a1 torso_b1 torso_c1 torso_d1 torso_e1 torso_f1 torso_g1 LEGS: lower_a1 lower_b1 lower_c1 lower_d1 lower_e1 MODEL: jedi_rm HEAD: head_a1 head_b1 head_c1 TORSO: torso_a1 torso_b1 torso_c1 torso_d1 torso_e1 torso_f1 torso_g1 LEGS: lower_a1 lower_b1 lower_c1 lower_d1 lower_e1 MODEL: jedi_tf HEAD: head_a1 head_a2 head_a3 head_a4 head_b1 head_b2 head_b3 head_b4 TORSO: torso_a1 torso_b1 torso_c1 torso_d1 torso_e1 torso_f1 torso_g1 LEGS: lower_a1 lower_b1 lower_c1 lower_d1 lower_e1 MODEL: jedi_zf HEAD: head_a1 head_b1 head_c1 TORSO: torso_a1 torso_b1 torso_c1 torso_d1 torso_e1 torso_f1 torso_g1 LEGS: lower_a1 lower_b1 lower_c1 lower_d1 lower_e1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by idontlikegeorge "It seems that there is a saberstype parameter in the .npc entry that can be used to set available saberstyles. Looking through entries for other models, it seems you can set this value up to 7 (could be more). I wanted the player to have blue, yellow and red stances, so I put: saberstyle 1 // blue saberstyle 2 // yellow saberstyle 3 // red I haven't tried the other values to see what they are, but presumably they are the other stances used by the Reborn and so on. I'm not sure yet if there is a limit for how many different stances a player has." Yeah, 4 is Desann (heavy 1 handed), 5 is Tavion (fast 1 handed), 6 is dual sabers, and 7 is saberstaff. "Does this mean I could use only the skin from a npc by deleting all the parameters from the .npc file? Is it possible to copy the .npc file (without the parameters) as a new skin? This would prevent that the specific npc has no parameters set." No, you can use the skin from any NPC just fine. Like, say you had a Jedi-Knight level Jaden, and you decide to make the playermodel be Lando - Jaden would look like Lando... and although Lando has no force powers, you will keep all force powers Jaden had before Any special powers or attributes from an NPC will only be attributed to the player if the player does not have those powers yet - and the powers are additive, not retracted. Atleast from all the playing around I've done. found in thread: eniaC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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