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Those who hate Galaxies: Do they hate the game or the genre?

Dagobahn Eagle

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I've just started playing Galaxies (as the Novice Scout Eirind Arithmandir, in case you wondered), and I really like it. But apparently, this is not the case for some dissapointed people.


This is something I've been unable to stop pondering about: Do the majority of the people who get Star Wars: Galaxies and complain about it also get their first impression of the Massively-Multiplayer Online genre?


I think this because a lot of people who complain about the game are really not complaining about the features of Galaxies as much as they are about the overall genre ("all you do is...", "there's no way to win", etc.).


Anyone else think this?


Dagobahn Eagle

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I think the only complaint I would have is that it's a poor substitute for the intractive story telling that you'd normaly get from a standard table-top RPG. The story missions are extremely simple in their sequencing, very very linear and without spontaniety of any sort. Perhaps this could be aleviated with some random mission sequencing and alternate routes for the greater missions' completion; kind of like the old "Pick A Path" type books that were popular in the 1980's.

This would also be good for increasing the enjoyment of those folks who complain about all the story missions being too combat oriented. They could choose paths of non-violence and/or subterfuge. Let's say for example that you have devoted most all your points to the various entertainer skills and you have absolutely NO real combat abilities. Now, blowing things up is not your style, but spying on the enemy to "over-hear " important information and report it back to your faction coordinator might be quite a challenge to pull off without being caught by a covert faction scanner near a heavily guarded base.

You could have a number of intertwining paths and optional tactics to acheive a specific goal. Some would be physicaly challenging, others would be mentaly challenging.

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As a rookie Dungeons and Dragons player I have to agree with that. And I downright hate the "Difficulty 1" missions which consist of nothing more than "go to this waypoint and you're done". The only missions I've seen are Difficulty 1 and Difficulty 15, which are too hard for me seeing I'm just a Novice Scout with no other firearm than the one that cowardly Imperial officer gave me.


I totally agree with your point. Also, Galaxies don't have any puzzles that I know about.

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Star Wars: Galaxies is a great game and one that star wars fans have waited for for a long time. I myself have been waiting for a game like this since '97. This is the only MMORPG that I've played and I've been quite pleased with it. The whole paying a monthly fee is quite irksome but understandable. Now, if three were free severs, then thi game would be in the millions

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Dagobahn, find an NPC marksman trainer in one of the guild halls in most of the cities, then get him to train you to become a Novice Marksman. Then you'll get some extra bonuses and a few better weapons to use (weapons not included, you are only certified to use them more efficiently). ;)

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those are poisonous 2 foot butterflies my friend lol


i think for a mmorg its pretty dull right now but the game is still young and theyre trying to add to it right now u just gotta wait besides i play for the love of star wars in my view all the other mmorgs suk because im not really interested in wizards and dragons for that go read harry potters punk butt

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Yeah, I agree about the game being young. But hopefully, it will only get better. The new impliments: Vechiles, Player Cities, Elite Elite Jobs, all of that will just help. Give the game some time. You'll see:D


The main thing I want right now is being able to place objects in my house where ever I want with out having to use the stupid stair trick. Not easy when you don't have any stairs. CAn we get a tool or even a job for that???

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I would have to agree with the linear missions as a Veteran D&D, Werewolf, Wheel of Time, Angel, Vampire...etc player.


I also say that it is extremely hard to make video games beyond-combat missions. Making missions for hearing information is a great idea in theory but it will probablly be only used by a fraction of the players and be extremely complicated in programming.


I think they should have a lot more faction missions, but if you go around and talk to npc imps/rebs you can do some nice crappy missions for like 8 fp along with your normal missions sometimes.


Also RPing is way too hard. It just sucks when people are RPing and they are being asses (whether they really are asses or just being good rpers). This works fine in table-top games because everyone knows everybody but it just pisses you off when people do it and you have no idea what there true intentions are.


I think video games will never match the great RPing you can get from games like Dungeons and Dragons and other board RPGs. Although that doesn't mean MMORPG are great they just really aren't RPGs they are much too limited.


Once Artificial Intelligence takes over the planet then we will get some good video games. Untill then go try out Dungeons and Dragons or my favorite: Werewolf: The Apocalypse. It may be nerdy but at least I'm having fun.




Better stop before I get too into it.



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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

I've just started playing Galaxies (as the Novice Scout Eirind Arithmandir, in case you wondered), and I really like it. But apparently, this is not the case for some dissapointed people.


This is something I've been unable to stop pondering about: Do the majority of the people who get Star Wars: Galaxies and complain about it also get their first impression of the Massively-Multiplayer Online genre?


I think this because a lot of people who complain about the game are really not complaining about the features of Galaxies as much as they are about the overall genre ("all you do is...", "there's no way to win", etc.).


Anyone else think this?


Dagobahn Eagle


Although I can't speak for everyone else I can speak for myself. I have been a star wars fan eversince childhood and I saw ANH in the theaters. Have played the old pen and paper rpgs and a whole gamut of computer mmorpgs. For me I have to say that SWG has been the least impressive one.


Other than the title, some background music and a couple storm troopers I find very little star wars in the Star Wars Galaxies. Combine that with a large amount of tedium and that is why I cancelled and uninstalled.


When I could no longer find a reason to log in other than to take care of chores such as harvester runs I decided to move on. I was not a powerleveler as I played for two months and achieved only 1 master profession, medic. I was halfway up the doctor and pistoleer trees when I quit.


The theme parks held no interest for me, I didn't want to camp out for badges and the mission terminals became a source of drudgery. Actually fell asleep running a couple of destroy missions.


Add the personally disappointing holocron issue and I just quit. Moved on to Eve online and currently enjoying it.

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