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Picking up health, shield: frowned upon?

Remirol Nacnud

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Unless your in the middle of a duel and the other guy (noob) goes and runs for pickups. Thats not a strategy, that just shows your a poor player imo.

Nope... it makes them a smart player, and even more so as they run past your disintegrating corpse. If you want powerups to not be a strategic aspect to consider, then as Kurgan said, challenge them to an official duel. But then again you're probably above that "noob crap"...


Comm539, I'm shocked... didn't take you for a whiner.



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Not going for a health/shield pickup if you need them is as stupid as the red coats war strategy.


In a war, soldiers run for cover. Rambo is a fiction character that has the strange ability to make bullets dodge HIM. All heroes are dead.


JA is not a war, but the concepts to win apply to certain extent. Meaning you must use every advantage you can legally get in order to win.


So if the powerup is there... and you badly need it... heck go for it... otherwise they would not be put into the game in the first place.


I've played from q2, q3, ut, ut2k3, mohaa and several others and i've never seen anyone complain about guyX or guyZ always going for powerups... it seems that there's something funky about a game with pretty, and colorful glowsticks... i think Dr. Katz lost most of his clients to JO/JA.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Oh yeah, and people whine about lag every time there's a map change or somebody joins. ; p


*holds up hands*


I surrender. :D


Nah...I'm not really worried about lag...unless it's during Saber-only FFA or Duels. Duels are no fun at all when your opponent seems to teleport across the room - and you die without even seeing their attack coming. Oh...and Siege, which unfortunately seems to be quite lag-prone. I'm sure there must be a net code fix for that...because one person with horrendous lag should not really lag the whole server, but that's what seems to happen.


But I digress. As Kurgan and others have already stated...a lot can be changed by the server Admins if need be. But personally I don't see the need. The game already caters for many of the things people are complaining about, if only they'd bother to utilise those features (like Duel challenges in FFA).


The only problem I see with Duel challenges in FFA at the moment is that you start the duel with the health you had before - so you could accept a challenge, and only have 20 health. Considering it resets your health to 100 at the end of the Duel (if you're the winner), I think it would make more sense if both players were reset to 100 health at the start of the duel as well.


I just ignore the complainers and get on with the game. If they want to spend their time whining about this and that, then that's fine. In the meantime I'll be using everything at my disposal to rack up frags... I mean...I need all the help I can get. :D

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Oh...and Siege, which unfortunately seems to be quite lag-prone. I'm sure there must be a net code fix for that...because one person with horrendous lag should not really lag the whole server, but that's what seems to happen


I've also noticed that the Hoth Seige isn't as laggy as Korriban, but its the Desert Rescue that lags the most. Korriban lags the least.

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How were they so successful? That's the way battles were fought back then. The rate of fire and accuracy of guns at the time was so bad that you had to use massed volley fire to achieve results. The American Revolution was about the point where more accurate firearms became used. Wars continued to be fought using the massed volley fire all the way up until really the First World War, when the development of the machine gun turned it into nothing but mass suicide.

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*picturing thousands of men in rows on one side and one single man with a gattling gun on the other.* :D


Well i'm no historian or strategic genius... i can believe the massive fire volleys were effective... but the doors swings both ways... and of course someone always got hit. In fact im amazed how they could even stand there without actually running for cover.


Either way it's besides the point. The point was... powerups are legal, they are there, and should be picked up on need. :)

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'Armour Gathering' is just another one of the many exuses lame players use for losing. Soon enough, good players will be criticised for walking too fast, or turning on their saber. Someone should put an end to these cries of 'lame'!

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The only problem I see with Duel challenges in FFA at the moment is that you start the duel with the health you had before - so you could accept a challenge, and only have 20 health. Considering it resets your health to 100 at the end of the Duel (if you're the winner), I think it would make more sense if both players were reset to 100 health at the start of the duel as well.


There's another problem here. Once you start a Challenge it's possible to "sever" it (ie: run away and cancel the challenge mid-battle), so people could easily cheat by using this to gain health then run away!



PS: If the problem is people running to TRY to get health (even though they can't) in a Saber Challenge... well, just tell them that they can't grab powerups in a saber challenge, it just doesn't work. And if they keep doing it, laugh at the "n00b." ; )

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Originally posted by Kurgan

There's another problem here. Once you start a Challenge it's possible to "sever" it (ie: run away and cancel the challenge mid-battle), so people could easily cheat by using this to gain health then run away!



Yes, but if you can manage to run away in the duel, you can run away anyway. It doesn't take an uber oldbie to jump and run to find some health.

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Could somebody make a script to auto-ban anybody who uses the words "lamer" or "noob" on a server


If only such a mod were available. I keep reading how kids "these days" (god im sooo old) are writing in Txt language in exams and essays.


Are people gonna be saying things like Leet, and using numbers and stupid icons in literature of the future? Surely, the term Noob wouldnt be bad, everyone was a "Noob" at some point. Just depends on how old you are and what you can afford.


Its like, goin over to some foreign country, removing their leader, saying you'd give them power but at the same time take more, sacrifice hundreds of soldiers, kill thousands of civialians, steal all their countries inc.... oh, sorry im ranting again, too much CNN for me. Sorry.




:marty: <---wow! Mad Marty!!

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