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Why does Jedi Academy Lag so bad in multiplayer?


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I have been getting bad internet lag with Jedi Academy for some reason. I can run Jedi Outcast fine no lag. I have 2mb Cable and would just like to know if there is something i can do to make Jedi Academy run online better cause i love Multiplayer.. Oh and i can't see but about 2 servers when i search for them...

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Originally posted by Splattered_Cat

I have been getting bad internet lag with Jedi Academy for some reason. I can run Jedi Outcast fine no lag.

Check the pings of the servers you join.


Originally posted by Splattered_Cat

Oh and i can't see but about 2 servers when i search for them...

This is a known issue with the in-game browser. Try downloading the All Seeing Eye or QTracker. These will show several hundred servers.
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Yes... I'm on a 1MB connection and rarely see any lag except on servers with high pings. As Prime stated, get one of the alternative server browsers to see the other 600+ servers you're missing. They can be sorted by ping, and you can filter out any with a ping higher than 100, 200 or more.


www.qtracker.com (freeware)


www.udpsoft.com (ASE - shareware)


Another thing you might try is opening the jampconfig.cfg file in your Gamedata/base folder using Wordpad (not Notepad), and changing this cvar:


seta rate "4000"




seta rate "8000" (or higher)


This cvar caps the rate at which your system sends information through your modem. It's usually capped at a certain point by the server you join itself, but increasing this can maximize your modem's bandwidth potential and get the most out of whatever the server's cap rate is. Dialup modems are recommended between 3500-4000, while standard cable is recommended between 4500-7000. DSL and advanced connections are recommended at 8000 and higher, so test it with you system. I keep mine set at 10000.

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While I agree with a lot of what's been said in the previous posts...I have noticed that JA seems a bit more lag-prone than JO. Finding the right server with a low ping is essential, of course...but even then you can sometimes experience a bit of choppiness.


Anyway...the Siege mode is, unfortunately, more lag-prone than many of the other game types. Just one person with high ping can lag the whole server...so I definitely think some of the net code could be improved.

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