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Originally posted by Yufster

What if that happens, Andy? :(

It can't happen. Because the whole world will be made up of Doublefine fans. Also, it's ridiculous because after camping out on the door for a month they MUST relent. Right? RIGHT?

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It's still a horrible thought....


I mean here's the thing.


I will definitely be working in the games industry. I have mind up my mind about that since I was 8. I'm already studying for it, and I have arranged work experience with an irish Game Developer, Torc Interactive. I have been to the open day of the college I'm going to... or one of them anyway. It's the only job in the world that completely excites me. In a non sexual way.


I have considered animation for movies but I prefer the people, and enviroment, when working with games. Besides that, I prefer games over movies. You are also given more creative freedom over games. Then there is the delightful prospect of being a project leader.




I already have spent many a year in the amateur gaming community, whether AGS or RPGmaker. The college course I will take gives us a year in industry placement (Torc) so I will have experience with games. My qualifications will allow me to migrate to America as it's seen as a skill that they need. I have no doubt in my mind I'll get the qualifications I need, because I want them so badly I would work my butt off for them. There is only one place in America I would move to, and that's California.


So if I'm in California, it would make sense to be in San Francisco, the heart of the computer world. In America, anyway. The american heart. Yeah.


So if I'm a computer artist, living in San Francisco, and looking for a job in the gaming industry, sooner or later I'm going to try Double Fine or LucasArts, right?


Well, I know it sounds like an awful lot of planning ahead, but a real high percentage of people leaving these college courses actually head off to america anyway, so that's nothing special. Then there is my aunt, who had the same idea about moving to America when she was 12, and she did (When she was 20). And my aunt is just like me. So, dude, the chances are that one day, I will be standing outside the doors of Double Fine, thinking, "I wonder if they still have mice?"


Because when you sum it all up, the only thing that's going to stop me migrating is CERTAIN DEATH.


But more likely... I will stand outside the doors of Double Fine, and start either:


A: Crying, because it's all so weird and I've accomplished my goals, ALMOST.

B: (Most Likely Scenario) I will be laughing insanely, because it's all so weird, and I'm remember back to that time on LucasForums when I wouldn't shut up about Tim Schafer and Psychonauts, and I was wondering what I would do the day I stood outside the doors of Double Fine/LucasArts.

C: Trying to remember what I told myself I'd remember to do when standing outside the doors of Lucasarts/Double Fine, years ago on some internet forum that I can't remember the name of... something about one of those guys from the original MI team.


Well Andy, your turn. Aspirations for the future?

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Originally posted by Mr.Burger

Guybrush, Guybrush...


nice try but you have to be more original than that.


i'm complimented that you want to be cool like yufster and me, but not yet. your time will come.



much tremendous love,



*tears well up*



*strips clothes*



*runs away naked and crying*










































































*hits a wall*











(Edited: wow, I just realized no one is left in this forum that knows what I just did and for what purpose. it's sad that no one here remembers that I married and then divorced myself....)

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Ahh...that damn wall.



Plaguing you again, Guybrush? What happened to the wall of bony pre-pubescent girls?



Good luck watching out for that more often.



i'm complimented that you want to be cool like yufster and me, but not yet. your time will come.


The fake insult of it stings even me.

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My turn? You have put me on the spot. Prepare to eat lead. YARR!


What I meant to say was this, the short version:


After I get out of high school, I'm going to study (somewhere nearby, hopefully..I love this place) for a degree in art or graphic design. While doing so, I will be playing on my computer and doing everything I normally do. I really need to work on the 3d modeling. Jeepers, that's tough.


When I graduate from college, I'd really like a job in the gaming industry....but I'll be prepared to be disappointed when Yufster gets hired by Doublefine and I don't. At that point I guess we will be bitter rivals. Or we'll be regaling each other with stories of our youth as we hang out on the front steps, waiting for job openings.


Or...I will have LucasArts on their knees wanting me to work on Star Wars games. Hey, they'll probably still postponing MI5 then....maybe I could....


*shakes head, blinks eyes*


Tis too much. Tis too much by far.


I'll be a second assistant secretary somewhere, sunken in mediocrity, waiting to marry a rich guy who can pay off my student loans. And my super computer.


Ok, that was depressing. Never ask about my future again! It has a poor effect on my nerves! :p

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architecture, baby. the job where possibilities are endless... as long as they fit building codes, electrical laws, water and plumbing regulations, land-plotting requirements, weather resistance standards, and as long as it is stuck on the ground...


(ponders suicide.)

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At that point I guess we will be bitter rivals. Or we'll be regaling each other with stories of our youth as we hang out on the front steps, waiting for job openings.


Yes, this is more likely.


How old are you? I'm 17. I'll be in America by 24 at the very latest. God that's a long long way off. But anyway, if I get into some place first, I'll save you a seat. Uh, I mean, I'll bribe the boss. In the special way that only a girl can. Provided the boss is a guy. Which in LucasArts and Double Fine, at the moment, he is. I would do that, for you, Andy.


I would also do it so I could blackmail the boss into giving me lots of bonuses and a payrise so I could move to a swanky area of San Francisco. You know, the part where the streets are paved in bling-bling.

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Hmm...I'll probably beat you to San Fransisco...and save YOU a spot. In that special way.


Or I'll just pave the way to be fired the moment you walk in the door. I can just hear the titters running through the staff when they hear that Yufster is come and Andy has to clear out the beanbag and inflatable end table that serves her for a desk. And then Tim says "Get back to work!" and...I'm...pressing my nose against the door...plotting to get revenge....muahahaha!


But of course, they'll need more than one artist. So that won't happen.

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Originally posted by Guybrush122

(Edited: wow, I just realized no one is left in this forum that knows what I just did and for what purpose. it's sad that no one here remembers that I married and then divorced myself....)


Newber... newber... ;__;

Ok, I dont remember newber, but I remember people talkign about it. And I use to be obsessed with the wall thing. And lately I've been running away naked and crying. Must be cause your back, Pshycic connections....

I want the oldbies back too, I've realized I'm one of the newest oldbie and one of the only one left. ;_;

Natty, Fender, NiKo, Metallus, MagnusB (Sawed him a bit ago here), and Frenchy should psot more. oh and Storken, cant forget Storken.

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I must have scared them away.




I say that with the soberest expression and tone. You have no idea.





Maybe people are growing up and getting new or more consuming interests in other things. Natty is here. Niko would be here if he could. Others have "come back" but not really...and lately it's just been a few of us keeping the place alive. We're having a fine time, but you know what that means...someone will come in with all guns blazing, shut it down, and throw us out. And we'll be back where we started. Either not here, or sitting in front of the computer scared sockless to hit the "reply" button.


God, don't let that happen...again...this time there is substance AND fun. A good balance of them. Plenty of discussion, serious and jesting. This is how it should be. Don't take it away.


Fender, I would like to understand...but I don't know you very well....post more! :)

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I've heard wonders about the glory days. My goal in here is for people posting in here 6 months after I leave to say "What about Ernil? Remember when he spilled the apple juice? What a kid."


I think we could re-start those beautiful glory days. With new, youthful people. The old ones remaining will lead us to victory...over a beautiful, shining hill in the morning...the smell of french toast in the air...

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Chris my first two threads made it to 2 pages long in the span of one day! I'm so popular and lovable. Like an Ewok in a Speedo at a Soccer Tournament, standing on the sidelines holding a cooler full of fresh Maple Syrup and tossing disturbingly peaceful Gnomes into the cheering crowds... though we all know the crowd is actually the cast-members of Everybody Loves Raymond.



FOR FUN - Say this fast:

Gotta getta better Nutter Butter for this Saturday.

Was that FUN or WHAT?


Much Love,


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Mr. Burger's Lucasforums Techno Remix 1


i only left it open for a moment or two

i only left it open for a moment or two

i only left it open for a moment or two

i only left it open for a moment or two

i gotta getta better nutter butter for this saturday

i gotta getta better nutter butter for this saturday

bart and fink share love by the fire and i shall dance for them mysteriously.



ok one of those lines didn't match the rhythm...

i don't remember how i thought of that, ernil. it just came to me in a flash of brilliant, beutiful light. i cried a little.

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