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Squelching flooders?


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I ran a search for various terms for squelching flooders in MP but couldn'd find anything.


Is there a way to /ignore, /mute, or /squelch a player in MP who is flooding the chat area with whatever nonsence he's put in a bind?


I've gotten the command console down with Shift + and ~, but can't find any commands that will silence an annoying player.


Thanks if you know how.

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i reckon someone should make a mod to stop ppl spamming chat, something like you can chat once per minute, but you can build it up and chat loads for 30secs then stop again..




You could have a chat feature, so you can only chat depening on how many ppl you have killed. So if u kill 50 ppl (like that'll happen) you can chat 50 times. This would also make more ppl play FFA than just chatting.


Anyway, that my idea ;)

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I like to chat here and there, but yeah it can be annoying when your trying to play.

I think it would be cool if there was a voice chat deal (like RTCW ei: oops, sorry, good game, move, celebrate) besides just in ctf and siege( is it in team ffa?).

Or even a really tiny chat box where you don't get all these flashy pastel colors blocking your view while playing.

I suppuse people could learn to private chat occasionally too :).



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Originally posted by Random

Is there a way to /ignore, /mute, or /squelch a player in MP who is flooding the chat area with whatever nonsence he's put in a bind?

Good god man, I wish! I do a happy dance and kiss a wookie.

Originally posted by cjd118118

i reckon someone should make a mod to stop ppl spamming chat, something like you can chat once per minute, but you can build it up and chat loads for 30secs then stop again..




You could have a chat feature, so you can only chat depening on how many ppl you have killed. So if u kill 50 ppl (like that'll happen) you can chat 50 times.

Eww... no. I'd much prefer if you could simply ignore on a per client basis; i.e.: you don't like what so-and-so is saying, so you hit a button and that individual is made silent. Better still, allow clients to keep a .cfg file that stores offensive words you don't want to see in chat; make squelching automatic.


Some kind of mod like this would be most welcome. Short of that, I'll simply have to resort to kick/banning people off my server who abuse chat.

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Originally posted by Bilbo Skywalker

if its your servers then the command


sv_floodprotect 1


will activate the anti-flooding command.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding was that floodprotect prevented people from reconnecting to the server excessively, not chat abuse.

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Originally posted by Bilbo Skywalker

if its your servers then the command


sv_floodprotect 1


will activate the anti-flooding command.


sv_floodprotect 0


to turn it off again.


If its not your server, then i dunno sorry :p





KaiaSowapit, I believe you're thinking of another command, and I'm pretty sure I've seen it, but can't recall what it is.

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About the chat every 30 seconds.....

This is my opinion (no flaming)

I dont think that would be a good idea at all, more power for admins = less fun

just make a mode so you cant say the exact same thing in the next chat, and if you chat 15 times in 20 seconds it silences you for 10 seconds...




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