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Medic Makin Money....


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I think your best bet is to find a group and head out to hunt with them. Most groups love to have a medic out with them for fast healing and healing during combat. More times than not if you have no intention of raising a weapon they won't care. as a result you'll get your portion of the group payouts.

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You're not going to make much money between the Novice Medic and Master Medic titles. It's once you hit Doctor that the cash starts to flow. If you do go for Doctor, don't expect too much at first, but as your skills increase so does your pocket.


As a master Doctor, I average at least 50,000 credits per day selling buffs. If you want to stay in the medic field for money, go for master Doctor.

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indeed. Master Doc is AWESOME for making money...selling anything from great quality stim Bs, Rezes, Buffs, etc and if you join a guild you'll have a good steady stream of guild members buying from you and advertising for you.


You don't see people tipping near as much unless you are a dancer or Musician. Most people take the healings you give them and think the XP is enough. I wouldn't request tips tho...it seems forward and might even make some just think you're a pushy newb. As already mentioned, when starting out, join up with hunting groups and heal...or just sit in the cantina doing constant heals on bands until you make it high enough to Rez, once you can Rez you will become a VERY Valued member in groups.

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you see, i'm a master medic and master musician. Between that i get more money outa musician. People, in the beginning, tipped u for everything. Now they are holding out on us, AND we heal them. U have to master one or the other, cause u can get a good cashflow from them. As master musician i get like tipped every 20 min. But usually its around a 5k tip.....As a medic i get tipped err around every time i heal some one...but its only like 400 credits. Just remember, always be friendly, always strike up a conversation, and have lots of friends to bale u out when ur broke.

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well i can only talk for my xp i can heal some and will heal for free 1. because out in the field i have had people watch my back and save a cloneing. 2. I will tip in the med center and they give it back or say its not neccessary. 3. dancers and musicians have been scarce in the cantina lately i asked a newbie dancer to dance until all my BF was gone she stayed longer so i tipped her a 1k. and healed her damage. I,d say advertise your healing say healing at med. center next 30 min. 1k heal or what ever. Last night had a guy bet for a heal gave 5k. so we are out there willing to pay. And i know one doc who i tell for buffs and he's got 20k off me alone just by advertising.:fett:

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