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The PC version is here. What about mods?

Cosmos Jack

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In your game dir edit swkotor.ini and under [Game Options] add EnableCheats=1 then when playing press ' to bring down console and enter any of these cheats below (the console will be at the upper left of the screen):


(number) = eg. 10 up to 999



setcomputeruse (number)

setdemolitions (number)

setstealth (number)

setawareness (number)

setpersuade (number)

setrepair (number)

setsecurity (number)

setstrength (number)

setdexterity (number)

setconstitution (number)

setintelligence (number)

setwisdom (number)

setcharisma (number)

settreatinjury (number)

addexp (number)





addlightside (number)

adddarkside (number)


givecredits (number)

giveitem (item name)




givesitharmour (number)




addlevel (number)





g_i_mask01 - Light-scan Visor

g_i_mask02 - Motion Detection Goggles

g_i_mask03 - Bothan Perception Visor

g_i_mask04 - Verpine Ocular Enhancer

g_i_mask05 - Bothan Sensory Visor

g_i_mask06 - Vacuum Mask

g_i_mask07 - Sonic Nullifiers

g_i_mask08 - Aural Amplifier

g_i_mask09 - Advanced Aural Amplifier

g_i_mask10 - Neural Band

g_i_mask11 - verpine Headband

g_i_mask12 - Breath Mask

g_i_mask13 - Teta's Royal Band

g_i_mask14 - Sith Mask

g_i_mask15 - Stabilizer Mask

g_i_mask16 - Interface Band

g_i_mask17 - Demolitions Sensor

g_i_mask18 - Combat Sensor

g_i_mask19 - Stealth Field Enhancer

g_i_mask20 - Stealth Field Reinforcement

g_i_mask21 - Interface Visor

g_i_mask22 - Circlet of Saresh

g_i_mask23 - Pistol Targeting Optics

g_i_mask24 - Heavy Targeting Optics

g1_i_mask01 - Advanced Bio Mask

g1_i_mask02 - Medical Interface Visor

g1_i_mask03 - Advanced Agent Visor



g_i_implant101 - Cardio Package

g_i_implant102 - Response Package

g_i_implant103 - Memory Package

g_i_implant104 - Done

g_i_implant201 - Biotech Package

g_i_implant202 - Retinal Combat Implant

g_i_implant203 - Nerve Enhancement Package

g_i_implant204 - The Party Selection Screen Available

g_i_implant301 - Bavakar Cardio Package

g_i_implant302 - Bavakar Reflex Enhancement Package

g_i_implant303 - Bavakar Memory Chip

g_i_implant304 - Bio-Antidote Package

g_i_implant305 - Cardio Power System

g_i_implant306 - Gordulan Reaction System

g_i_implant307 - Navaradon Regenerator

g_i_implant308 - Sith Regenerator

g_i_implant309 - Beemon Package

g_i_implant310 - Cyber Reaction System

g1_i_implant301 - Advanced Senseory Implant

g1_i_implant302 - Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Implant

g1_i_implant303 - Advanced Combat Implant

g1_i_implant304 - Advanced Alacrity



g_i_gauntlet01 - Strength Gauntlet

g_i_gauntlet02 - Eriadu Strength Gauntlets

g_i_gauntlet03 - Sith Power Gauntlets

g_i_gauntlet04 - Stabilizer Gauntlets

g_i_gauntlet05 - Bothan Machinist Gloves

g_i_gauntlet06 - Verpine Bond Gauntlets

g_i_gauntlet07 - Dominator Gauntlets

g_i_gauntlet08 - Karaken Gauntlets

g_i_gauntlet09 - Infilitrator Gloves

g1_i_gauntlet01 - Advanced Stabilizer Gloves



g_i_belt001 - Cardio Regulator

g_i_belt002 - Verpine Cardio Regulator

g_i_belt003 - Adrenaline Amplifier

g_i_belt004 - Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier

g_i_belt005 - Nerve Amplifying Belt

g_i_belt006 - Sound Dampening Stealth Unit

g_i_belt007 - Advanced Stealth Unit

g_i_belt008 - Eriadu Stealth Unit

g_i_belt009 - Calrissian's Utility Belt

g_i_belt010 - Stealth Field Generator

g_i_belt011 - Adrenaline Stimulator

g_i_belt012 - CNS Strength Enhancer

g_i_belt013 - Electrical Capacitance Charge

g_i_belt014 - Thermal Shield Generator


Saber crystals

g_w_sbrcrstl01 - Rubat Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl02 - Damind Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl03 - Eralam Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl04 - Sapith Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl05 - Nextor Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl06 - Opila Crstal

g_w_sbrcrstl07 - Jenruax Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl08 - Phond Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl09 - Luxum Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl10 - Firkrann Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl11 - Bondar Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl12 - Sigil Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl13 - Upari Crstal

g_w_sbrcrstl14 - Blue Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl15 - Yellow Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl16 - Green Crstal

g_w_sbrcrstl17 - Violet Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl18 - Red Crystal

g_w_sbrcrstl19 - Solari Crystal

g1_w_sbrcrstl20 - Heart of the Guardian

g1_w_sbrcrstl21 - Mantle of the Force

tat18_dragonprl - Krayt Dragon Pearl

kas25_wookcrysta - Rough-cut Upari Amulet




Light Sabers

g_w_lghtsbr01 - Blue

g_w_lghtsbr02 - Red

g_w_lghtsbr03 - Green

g_w_lghtsbr04 - Yellow

g_w_lghtsbr05 - Purple

g_w_lghtsbr06 - Darth Malak's light saber

g1_w_lghtsbr01 - Guardian of the Force

g1_w_lghtsbr02 - Mantle of the Force


Short Lightsabers

g_w_shortsbr01 - Blue

g_w_shortsbr02 - Red

g_w_shortsbr03 - Green

g_w_shortsbr04 - Yellow

g_w_shortsbr05 - Purple

g1_w_shortsbr01 - Guardian of the Force

g1_w_shortsbr02 - Mantle of the Force


Double Lightsabers

g_w_dblsbr001 - Blue

g_w_dblsbr002 - Red

g_w_dblsbr003 - Green

g_w_dblsbr004 - Yellow

g_w_dblsbr005 - Purple

g_w_dblsbr006 - Bastila's Lightsaber

g1_w_dblsbr001 - Guardian of the Force

g1_w_dblsbr002 - Mantle of the Force


Upgrade items

g_i_upgrade001 – scope

g_i_upgrade002 – improved energy cell

g_i_upgrade003 – beam splitter

g_i_upgrade004 – hair trigger

g_i_upgrade005 – armour reinforcement

g_i_upgrade006 – mesh underlay

g_i_upgrade007 – vibration cell

g_i_upgrade008 – durasteel bonding alloy

g_i_upgrade009 – energy projector


Long Swords

g_w_lngswrd01 - Long Sword

g_w_lngswrd02 - Krath War Blade

g_w_lngswrd03 - Naga Sadow's Poison Blade


Short Swords

g_w_shortswrd01 - Short Sword

g_w_shortswrd02 - Massassi Brand

g_w_shortswrd03 - Teta's Blade


Vibro Swords

g_w_vbroswrd01 - VibroSword

g_w_vbroswrd02 - Krath Dire Sword

g_w_vbroswrd03 - Sith Tremor Sword

g_w_vbroswrd04 - Echani Foil

g_w_vbroswrd05 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade

g_w_vbroswrd06 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade

g_w_vbroswrd07 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade

g_w_vbroswrd08 - Bacca's Ceremonial Blade


Blaster Pistols

g_w_blstrpstl001 - Blaster Pistol

g_w_blstrpstl002 - Mandalorian Blaster

g_w_blstrpstl003 - Arkanian Pistol

g_w_blstrpstl004 - Zabrak Blaster Pistol

g_w_blstrpstl005 - Bendak's Blaster

g_w_blstrpstl006 - Bendak's Blaster

g_w_blstrpstl007 - Bendak's Blaster

g_w_blstrpstl008 - Bendak's Blaster

g_w_blstrpstl009 - Bendak's Blaster

g_w_blstrpstl010 - Carth’s Blaster

g_w_blstrpstl020 - Insta-Kill Pistol


Heavy blasters

g_w_hvyblstr01 – Heavy blaster

g_w_hvyblstr02 – Arkainian heavy pistol

g_w_hvyblstr03 – Zabrak Testal Mark 3

g_w_hvyblstr04 – Mandalorian Heavy pistol

g_w_hvyblstr05 – Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol

g_w_hvyblstr06 – Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol

g_w_hvyblstr07 – Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol

g_w_hvyblstr08 – Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol

g_w_hvyblstr09 – Cassus Fetts Heavy pistol


Ion Blasters

g_w_ionblstr01 - Ion Blaster

g_w_ionblstr02 - Verpine Prototype Ion Blaster


Disruptor Pistols

g_w_dsrptpstl001 - Disruptor Pistol

g_w_dsrptpstl002 - Mandalorian Ripper


Blaster Carbines

g_w_blstrcrbn001 - Blaster Carbine

g_w_blstrcrbn002 - Sith Assault Gun

g_w_blstrcrbn003 - Cinnagar Carbine

g_w_blstrcrbn004 - Jurgan Kalta's Carbine

g_w_blstrcrbn005 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine

g_w_blstrcrbn006 - Jamoh Hogra's Carbine


Ion Rifle

g_w_ionrfl01 – Ion Rifle

g_w_ionrfl02 – Bothan Droid disruptor

g_w_ionrfl03 – Verpine Droid disruptor

g1_w_ionrfl01 – Baragwin Ion X


Blaster Rifle

g_w_blstrrfl001 – Blaster rifle

g_w_blstrrfl002 – Sith sniper rifle

g_w_blstrrfl003 – Mandalorian assault rifle

g_w_blstrrfl004 – Zabrak Battle Cannon

g_w_blstrrfl005 – Jurgan Kulta Assault rifle

g_w_blstrrfl006 – Jurgan Kulta Assault rifle

g_w_blstrrfl007 – Jurgan Kulta Assault rifle

g_w_blstrrfl008 – Jurgan Kulta Assault rifle

g_w_blstrrfl009 – Jurgan Kulta Assault rifle


Disruptor Rifles

g_w_dsrptrfl001 - Disruptor Rifle

g_w_dsrptrfl002 - Zabrak Disruptor Rifle

g1_w_dsrptrfl001 - Baragwin Disruptor-X Weapon


Repeating Blasters

g_w_rptnblstr01 - Light Repeating Blaster

g_w_rptnblstr02 - Medium Repeating Blaster

g_w_rptnblstr03 - Blaster Cannon

g1_w_rptnblstr01 - Baragwin ASsault Gun


Heavy Repeating Blaster

g_w_hvrptbltr01 - Heavy Repeating Blaster

g_w_hvrptbltr02 - Mandalorian Heavy Repeater

g1_w_hvrptbltr01 - Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster

g_w_hvrptbltr002 - Ordo's Repeating Blaster



g_w_bowcstr001 - Bowcaster

g_w_bowcstr002 - Chuundar's Bowcaster

g_w_bowcstr003 - Zaalbar's Bowcaster



g_a_clothes01 - Clothing

g_a_clothes02 - Clothing Variant 2

g_a_clothes03 - Clothing Variant 3

g_a_clothes04 - Clothing Variant 4

g_a_clothes05 - Clothing Variant 5

g_a_clothes06 - Clothing Variant 6

g_a_clothes07 - Clothing Variant 1

g_a_clothes08 - Clothing Variant 7

g_a_clothes09 - Clothing Variant 8


g_a_jedirobe01 - Jedi Robe (Brown)

g_a_jedirobe02 - Dark Jedi Robe (Grey)

g_a_jedirobe03 - Jedi Robe (Red)

g_a_jedirobe04 - Jedi Robe (Blue)

g_a_jedirobe05 - Dark Jedi Robe (Blue)

g_a_jedirobe06 - Qel-Droma Robes


g_a_kghtrobe01 - Jedi Knight Robe (Brown)

g_a_kghtrobe02 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Grey)

g_a_kghtrobe03 - Jedi Knight Robe (Red)

g_a_kghtrobe04 - Jedi Knight Robe (Blue)

g_a_kghtrobe05 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Blue)


g_a_mstrrobe01 - Jedi Master Robe #1 (Brown)

g_a_mstrrobe02 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Black)

g_a_mstrrobe03 - Jedi Master Robe (Red)

g_a_mstrrobe04 - Jedi Master Robe (Blue)

g_a_mstrrobe05 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Blue)

g_a_mstrrobe06 - Darth Revan's Robes (Dark side only)

g_a_mstrrobe07 - Star Forge Robes (Light Side Only)


g_a_class4001 - Combat Suit

g_a_class4002 - Zabrak Combat Suit

g_a_class4003 - Echani Light Armor

g_a_class4004 - Cinnagar Weave Armor

g_a_class4005 - Massassi Ceremonial Armor

g_a_class4006 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor

g_a_class4007 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor (Defense 7)

g_a_class4008 - Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor (Defense 7, Immunity: Mind-Affecting)

g_a_class4009 - Echani Fiber Armor


g_a_class5001 - Heavy Combat Suit

g_a_class5002 - Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit

g_a_class5003 - Zabrak Battle Armor

g_a_class5004 - Zabrak Field Armor

g_a_class5005 - Reinforced Fiber Armor

g_a_class5006 - Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit

g_a_class5007 - Eriadu Prototype Armor (Defense 6)

g_a_class5008 - Eriadu Prototype Armor (Defense 9)

g_a_class5009 - Eriadu Prototype Armor (Defense 9, 30 sv Cold, Immunity: Mind-Affecting)

g_a_class5010 - Republic Mod Armor


g_a_class6001 - Military Suit

g_a_class6002 - Echani Battle Armor

g_a_class6003 - Cinnagar War Suit

g_a_class6004 - Verpine Fiber Mesh

g_a_class6005 - Arkanian Bond Armor

g_a_class6006 - Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit

g_a_class6007 - Davik's War Suit (Defense

g_a_class6008 - Davik's War Suit (Defense 10)

g_a_class6009 - Davik's War Suit (Defense 10, 20 vs Cold/Fire, Immunity: Mind-Affecting)

g1_a_class6001 - Environmental Bastion Armor




g_a_class7001 - Light Battle Armor

g_a_class7002 - Bronzium Light Battle Armor

g_a_class7003 - Powered Light Battle Armor

g_a_class7004 - Krath Heavy Armor

g_a_class7005 - Krath Holy Battle Suit

g_a_class7006 - Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor


g_a_class8001 - Battle Armor

g_a_class8002 - Powered Battle Armor

g_a_class8003 - Cinnagar Plate Armor

g_a_class8004 - Mandalorian Armor

g_a_class8005 - Calo Nord's Armor (Defense 9, 10 sv vs all)

g_a_class8006 - Calo Nord's Armor (Defense 12, 25 sv all, Immunity: Critical hits)

g_a_class8007 - Calo Nord's Armor (Defense 12, 25 sv all, Immunity: Critical hits & Mind Affecting)

g_a_class8008 - blank

g_a_class8009 - Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh


g_a_class9001 - Heavy Battle Armor

g_a_class9002 - Durasteel Heavy Armor

g_a_class9003 - Mandalorian Battle Armor

g_a_class9004 - Mandalorian Heavy Armor

g_a_class9005 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit

g_a_class9006 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit (Defense 13)

g_a_class9007 - Jurgan Kalta's Power Suit (Defense 13, 30 vs Cold/Fire, Immunity: Mind-affecting)

g_a_class9010 - Mandalorian Assault Armor

g1_a_class5001 - exoskeleton

g1_a_class8001 - heavy exoskeleton



GenoHaradan Items:

geno_armor - GenoHaradan Mesh Armor

geno_blade - GenoHaradan Poison Blade

geno_blaster - GenoHaradan Blaster

geno_datapad - Datapad to access GenoHaradan quest

geno_gloves - GenHaradan Power Gloves

geno_stealth - GenoHaradan Stealth Unit

geno_Visor - GenoHaradan Visor



g_w_qtrstaff01 - Quarterstaff

g_w_qtrstaff02 - Massassi Battle Staff

g_w_qtrstaff03 - Raito's Gadaffii




g_i_frarmbnds01 - Energy Shield

g_i_frarmbnds02 - Sith Energy Shield

g_i_frarmbnds03 - Arkanian Energy Shield

g_i_frarmbnds04 - Echani Shield

g_i_frarmbnds05 - Mandalorian Melee Shield

g_i_frarmbnds06 - Mandalorian Power Shield

g_i_frarmbnds07 - Echani Dueling Shield

g_i_frarmbnds08 - Yusanis' Dueling Shield

g_i_frarmbnds09 - Verpine Prototype Shield


Droid Items:

g_i_drdrepeqp001 - Repair Kit

g_i_drdrepeqp002 - Advanced Repair Kit

g_i_drdrepeqp003 - Construction Kit


Droid Armor:

g_i_drdhvplat001 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 1

g_i_drdhvplat002 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 2

g_i_drdhvplat003 - Droid Heavy Plating Type 3

g_i_drdltplat001 - Droid Light Plating Type 1

g_i_drdltplat002 - Droid Light Plating Type 2

g_i_drdltplat003 - Droid Light Plating Type 3

g_i_drdmdplat001 - Droid Medium Plating Type 1

g_i_drdmdplat002 - Droid Medium Plating Type 2

g_i_drdmdplat003 - Droid Medium Plating Type 3

g1_i_drdhvplat01 - Composite Heavy Plating


Droid Shields:

g_i_drdshld001 - Energy Shield Level 1

g_i_drdshld002 - Energy Shield Level 2

g_i_drdshld003 - Energy Shield Level 3

g_i_drdshld005 - Environment Shield Level 1

g_i_drdshld006 - Environment Shield Level 2

g_i_drdshld007 - Environment Shield Level 3


Droid Probes:

g_i_drdcomspk001 - Computer Probe

g_i_drdcomspk002 - Universal Computer Interface

g_i_drdcomspk003 - Advanced Computer Tool

g_i_drdmtnsen001 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 1

g_i_drdmtnsen002 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 2

g_i_drdmtnsen003 - Droid Motion Sensors Type 3

g_i_drdsecspk001 - Security Interface Tool

g_i_drdsecspk002 - Security Domination Interface

g_i_drdsecspk003 - Security Decryption Interface

g_i_drdsncsen001 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 1

g_i_drdsncsen002 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 2

g_i_drdsncsen003 - Droid Sonic Sensors Type 3

g_i_drdsrcscp001 - Droid Search Scope Type 1

g_i_drdsrcscp002 - Droid Search Scope Type 2

g_i_drdsrcscp003 - Droid Search Scope Type 3

g_i_drdtrgcom001 - Basic Targeting Computer

g_i_drdtrgcom002 - Advanced Targeting Computer

g_i_drdtrgcom003 - Superior Targeting Computer

g_i_drdtrgcom004 - Sensor Probe

g_i_drdtrgcom005 - Verpine Demolitions Probe

g_i_drdtrgcom006 - Bothan Demolitions Probe

g1_i_drdcomspk01 - Advanced Droid Interface


Droid Arm Weapons:

g_i_drdutldev001 - Stun Ray

g_i_drdutldev002 - Advanced Stun Ray

g_i_drdutldev003 - Shield Disruptor

g_i_drdutldev004 - Advanced Shield Disruptor

g_i_drdutldev005 - Oil Slick

g_i_drdutldev006 - Flame Thrower

g_i_drdutldev007 - Advanced Flame Thrower

g_i_drdutldev008 - Carbonite Projector

g_i_drdutldev009 - Carbonite Projector Mark II

g_i_drdutldev010 - Gravity Generator

g_i_drdutldev011 - Advanced Gravity Generator

g1_i_drdshld001 - Baragwin Droid Shield

g1_i_drdutldev01 - Baragwin Flame Thrower

g1_i_drdutldev02 - Baragwin Stun Ray

g1_i_drdutldev03 - Baragwin Shield Disruptor



g_w_adhsvgren001 - Adhesive Grenade

g_w_cryobgren001 - CryoBan Grenade

g_w_firegren001 - Plasma Grenade

g_w_fraggren01 - Frag Grenade

g_w_iongren01 - Ion Grenade

g_w_poisngren01 - Poison Grenade

g_w_sonicgren01 - Sonic Grenade

g_w_stungren01 - Concussion Grenade

g_w_thermldet01 - Thermal Detonator





g_i_adrnaline001 - Adrenal Strength

g_i_adrnaline002 - Adrenal Alacrity

g_i_adrnaline003 - Adrenal Stamina

g_i_adrnaline004 - Hyper-Adrenal Strength

g_i_adrnaline005 - Hyper-Adrenal Alacrity

g_i_adrnaline006 - Hyper-Adrenal Stamina


Medical Items:

g_i_medeqpmnt01 - Medpac

g_i_medeqpmnt02 - Advanced Medpac

g_i_medeqpmnt03 - Life Support Pack

g_i_medeqpmnt04 - Antidote Kit

g_i_medeqpmnt05 - Antibiotic Kit

g_i_medeqpmnt06 - Advanced Medpac

g_i_medeqpmnt07 - Life Support Pack

g_i_medeqpmnt08 - Squad Recovery Stim



g_i_trapkit001 - Minor Flash Mine

g_i_trapkit002 - Average Flash Mine

g_i_trapkit003 - Deadly Flash Mine

g_i_trapkit004 - Minor Frag Mine

g_i_trapkit005 - Average Frag Mine

g_i_trapkit006 - Deadly Frag Mine

g_i_trapkit007 - Minor Plasma Mine

g_i_trapkit008 - Average Plasma Mine

g_i_trapkit009 - Deadly Plasma Mine

g_i_trapkit010 - Minor Gas Mine

g_i_trapkit011 - Average Gas Mine

g_i_trapkit012 - Deadly Gas Mine


Vibro Double-Swords:

g_w_vbrdblswd01 - Vibro Double-Blade

g_w_vbrdblswd02 - Sith War Sword

g_w_vbrdblswd03 - Echani Double-Brand

g_w_vbrdblswd04 - Yusanis' Brand

g_w_vbrdblswd05 - Yusanis' Brand

g_w_vbrdblswd06 - Yusanis' Brand

g_w_vbrdblswd07 - Yusanis' Brand



g_w_vbroshort01 - Vibroblade

g_w_vbroshort02 - Krath Blood Blade

g_w_vbroshort03 - Echani Vibroblade

g_w_vbroshort04 - Sanasiki's Blade

g_w_vbroshort05 - Sanasiki's Blade

g_w_vbroshort06 - Sanasiki's Blade

g_w_vbroshort07 - Sanasiki's Blade

g_w_vbroshort08 - Mission's Vibroblade

g_w_vbroshort09 - Prototype Vibroblade


Misc. War Weapons:

g_w_waraxe001 - Gamorrean BattleAxe

g_w_warblade001 - Wookie Warblade


Misc. Items:





g_i_gizkapois001 - Gizka Poison

tar03_brejikglove - Brejik's Gloves

tar03_brejikband - Brejik's Arm Band

tar03_brejikbelt - Brejik’s Belt

kor38a_gauntlet - Marko Ragnos' Gauntlets

kor38b_mask - Tulak Hord's Mask


Pazaak Decks:

g_i_pazdeck - Pazaak Deck

g_i_pazsidebd001 - Pazaak Side Deck

Pazaak Cards:

g_i_pazcard_001 - Pazaak Card +1

g_i_pazcard_002 - Pazaak Card +2

g_i_pazcard_003 - Pazaak Card +3

g_i_pazcard_004 - Pazaak Card +4

g_i_pazcard_005 - Pazaak Card +5

g_i_pazcard_006 - Pazaak Card +6

g_i_pazcard_007 - Pazaak Card -1

g_i_pazcard_008 - Pazaak Card -2

g_i_pazcard_009 - Pazaak Card -3

g_i_pazcard_010 - Pazaak Card -4

g_i_pazcard_011 - Pazaak Card -5

g_i_pazcard_012 - Pazaak Card -6

g_i_pazcard_013 - Pazaak Card +/-1

g_i_pazcard_014 - Pazaak Card +/-2

g_i_pazcard_015 - Pazaak Card +/-3

g_i_pazcard_016 - Pazaak Card +/-4

g_i_pazcard_017 - Pazaak Card +/-5

g_i_pazcard_018 - Pazaak Card +/-6



g_i_credits001 - 5 credit stack

g_i_credits002 - 10 credit stack

g_i_credits003 - 25 credit stack

g_i_credits004 - 50 credit stack

g_i_credits005 - 100 credit stack

g_i_credits006 - 200 credit stack

g_i_credits007 - 300 credit stack

g_i_credits008 - 400 credit stack

g_i_credits009 - 500 credit stack

g_i_credits010 - 1000 credit stack

g_i_credits011 - 2000 credit stack

g_i_credits012 - 3000 credit stack

g_i_credits013 - 4000 credit stack

g_i_credits014 - 5000 credit stack




Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Warp Guide (PC)



Ebon Hawk

ebo_m12aa Bridge

ebo_m46ab Mystery Box


Endar Spire

end_m01aa Command Module

end_m01ab Starboard Section



danm13 Jedi Enclave

danm14aa Courtyard

danm14ab Matale Grounds

danm14ac Grove

danm14ad Sandral Grounds

danm14ae Crystal Caves

danm15 Ruins

danm16 Sandral Estate



kas_m22aa Czerka Landing Port

kas_m22ab The Great Walkway

kas_m23aa Village of Rwookrrorro

kas_m23ab Worrwill's Home

kas_m23ac Worrroznor's Home

kas_m23ad Chieftain's Hall

kas_m24aa Upper Shadowlands

kas_m25aa Lower Shadowlands



korr_m33aa Dreshdae

korr_m33ab Sith Academy Entrance

korr_m34aa Shyrack Caves

korr_m35aa Sith Academy Entrance

korr_m36aa Valley of Dark Lords

korr_m37aa Tomb of Ajunta Pall

korr_m38aa Tomb of Marka Ragnos

korr_m38ab Tomb of Tulak Hord

korr_m39aa Tomb of Naga Sadow



lev_m40aa Prison Block

lev_m40ab Command Deck

lev_m40ac Hangar

lev_m40ad Bridge


Yavin Station

liv_m99aa Yavin Station



manm26aa Ahto West

manm26ab Ahto East

manm26ac West Central

manm26ad Docking Bay

manm26ae East Central

manm27aa Sith Base

manm28aa Hrakert Station

manm28ab Sea Floot

manm28ac Kolto Control

manm28ad Hrakert Rift


Star Forge

sta_m45aa Deck 1

sta_m45ab Deck 2

sta_m45ac Deck 3

sta_m45ad Deck 4



tar_m02aa South Apartments

tar_m02ab Upper City North

tar_m02ac Upper City South

tar_m02ad North Apartments

tar_m02ae Upper City Cantina

tar_m02af Hideout

tar_m03aa Lower City

tar_m03ab Lower City Apartments

tar_m03ad Lower City Apartments

tar_m03ae Javyar's Cantina

tar_m03af Swoop Platform

tar_m04aa Undercity

tar_m05aa Lower Sewers

tar_m05ab Upper Sewers

tar_m08aa Davik's Estate

tar_m09aa Sith Base

tar_m09ab Sith Base

tar_m10aa Black Vulkar Base

tar_m10ab Black Vulkar Base

tar_m10ac Black Vulkar Base

tar_m11aa Hidden Bek Base

tar_m11ab Hidden Bek Base



tat_m17aa Anchorhead

tat_m17ab Docking Bay

tat_m17ac Droid Shop

tat_m17ad Hunting Lodge

tat_m17ae Swoop Registration

tat_m17af Cantina

tat_m17ag Czerka Office

tat_m18aa Dune Sea

tat_m18ab Sand People Territory

tat_m18ac Eastern Dune Sea

tat_m20aa Sand People Enclave


Unknown World

unk_m41aa Central Beach

unk_m41ab South Beach

unk_m41ac North Beach

unk_m41ad Temple Exterior

unk_m42aa Elder Settlement

unk_m43aa Rakatan Settlement

unk_m44aa Temple Main Floor

unk_m44ab Temple Catacombs


Mini Games

M12ab Turret

tar_m03mg Taris Swoop Race

tat_m17mg Tantooine Swoop Race

manm26mg Manaan Swoop Race


Cut Scenes

STUNT_00 Taris Dream

STUNT_03a Malak orders Taris' destruction

STUNT_06 Wipe this pathetic planet from the face of the galaxy

STUNT_07 Escape from Taris

STUNT_12 Calo Nord's bounty

STUNT_14 Darth Bandon's new assignment

STUNT_16 Caught in a tractor beam

STUNT_18 Bastila's torture

STUNT_19 Malak's new apprentice

STUNT_31b Revan revealed

STUNT_34 The Star Forge

STUNT_35 Crash landing

STUNT_42 Carth to Admiral Dodanna

STUNT_44 Bastila to Adminal Dodanna

STUNT_50a A break in the Sith formation!

STUNT_51a The tide of battle turns

STUNT_54a There is no escape for us now

STUNT_55a All hail Revan

STUNT_56a The Star Forge is destroyed

STUNT_57 Saviors of the Republic

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Ok, here's a "tutorial" in hex-editing your savegame. Note, this is only one of the many ways of doing it, and I'm sure there's a simpler way to go about it, but I did it in a trial and error fashion. I'll post the process I went about here (except the parts that failed, obviously).


First of all, you need a hex editor. Personally I use a dirt-old DOS hex editor just because I've used it for many years, but you should probably get a newer one, like Hex Workshop or whatever.


NOTE: If you are already a Jedi and only want more Force Powers, skip the class changing thing listed below, and only reset your character's Jedi class level to 1.


BEFORE choosing a Jedi class by talking to Master Dorak, use the cheat codes to give your character a total of 210,000 XP. Standing in front of Master Dorak right now, ready to choose your Jedi class, would be very practical. Auto level up to level 20. Save the game in two different slots, in case you mess up something.


Open your Savegame.sav file with the hex editor. If you have 210,000 exp (which you should), search for the number "50 34 03". After finding it, count 240 spaces to the right to find your character's level. You're level 20 now, so it will say 14 here. Change this to 01.


Count 12 spaces to the left. This is your character's class. This will say 00 for soldier, 01 for scout and 02 for scoundrel. Just keep a note of it, we'll change it later.


Reload the game. You'll be level 1 again. Talk to Master Dorak and choose your Jedi Class. You'll be a level 1 soldier, scout or scoundrel, and level 1 Jedi of your chosen class. Save the game in the two slots again, DO NOT LEVEL UP YET!


Edit the game, search for the experience value. Count 252 spaces to the right to find your Jedi class. 03 for Guardian, 04 for Counsular and 05 for sentinel.


Now. Let's say you started the game as a soldier. Then change this Jedi Class value to scout. Count 12 spaces to the right to find the level, set this to 0. Yes, 0, not 1. Save changes and reload game. Auto level up to 20, save and edit the game again. Change class to Scoundrel and level to 0. Reload game, auto level up again and save the game in the two slots. Repeat this process for all the Jedi classes too, setting the class to one of them and the level to 0. This will give you all the innate feats that start at level 1. When you have done all that, set the Jedi Class back to the one you want to play the game with and the level to 1. Yes, 1, not 0 anymore.


Level up manually now, choosing any feats the computer has skipped. If you notice that you are missing some class specific feats (like heavy weapons focus for a soldier), simply set the appropriate class and manually level up and pick them. Choose the Force Powers you like. When you have done all the levels, save and edit the game to set the Jedi level to back to 1. Not 0 because that might remove the force powers you already have gotten. Besides, 1 will suffice because you have all the innate feats already. Manually level up and choose new Force powers again, and repeat as many times as you need to get them all. Voilà!


P.S. (this is not my own work)

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1) most of these lists on the net are incomplete, that's why I've compiled this one so to make it more easier.


2) if you 're using cheats the first time you play the game then yes you 'll most likely ruin the overal game expierence, but after you've played it for say two or more times a little varation doesn't hurt I 'd bloody well say.

I mean, it is quite fun to have your Darth Revan's robe from Dantooine on instead of the last two meters before the game is over right?

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there is a complete list of all items found at gamefaqs.com under the title of consoles cheats/codes. it's been up for at least a month. so i would say no, the huge list above was not really needed. it might have been best to add it to the PC version cheat codes thread already started in this very forum.


there is also a topic in this forum called savegame hex-editing guide that covers the hex-editing post as well. the info in it also comes from gamefaqs.

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I do not totally comply with you, Celladur. As far as it goes, if a file exists, it is moddable, given the right tools (even if that tool has to be a Hex-Editor). I've been messing around primarily with the ERF-Files (see TexturePacks Directory) and their content.


ERFs seem to have been virutally unchanged since NWN, only in minor ways, so it was really easy to make a custom tool to extract the interior files and be able to compile them back to an ERF. Not really a challenge, though it took me a damn day.


Now I'm messing around with the texture files, mostly those insinde "swpc_tex_gui.erf". They puzzle me a little bit at the moment, especially given diffrent filesizes in the same video mode (namely 800x600), but I'm still making progress. Hopefully I can uncover the exact structure of those files soon, my tries so far uncovered some usable info, but not really enough to start messing around with textures. I'm working on it though. In for the 4th day or so...


Somebody wanna pool their efforts with me, so we can figure out this stuff faster?

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It might be true when it comes to the code-parts, as compiled code or encrypted stuff is always very hard to figure out. But textures will be fairly easy in my opinion, once we get aware of the exact structure. At least those not on models. I guess only time will tell.

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The reason to why many of the file formats seen in KOTOR bifs are not possible to mod yet are because they are new, or enhanced versions of already existing formats found in NWN among others.

Of course they have to be, just look at KOTOR - does it look anything like NWN to you?


Either way, we are just beginning to unwrap KOTOR and finding out what we can do with it, I doubt Bioware made any deliberate changes to make it more difficult for us to mod(that just isn't how a corporate game developer works) although it might seem so at times when you can't get your latest mod to function or that script to run etc :)


Difficult to mod? at least we have some foundation of tools we can build upon, many games come completely unsupported and unknown from start with no previous titles of a similar engine which you can use as reference, in fact i'd say we are lucky being able to use some of the NWN tools to make our mods.

When I first sat down and decided to make a working script modification to the game, it took me several aggrivating days until I got it figured out and working(at one time I stopped trying because I figured it was impossible, too different), you wouldn't believe what I try in between before I puzzled out how to do this and that..lucky thing it was so easy in reality thanks to Aurora Toolset and I think it is the same way with many other things in the game and with time we will figure them all out.


PS. Pardon my long, ranty post now :)

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Don't mind me, I'm kinda new and really don't know crap about Mods. I just wanted to pass on some info, forgive me if it's of no importance.



While trying to find an easier way to listen to KotOR music

I went to the RAD video/BINK Tool site on the web (sorry I'm not at my home comp so i don't remember the address)

and downloaded the Miles player, it plays all the KotOR Streamwave file. (don't have to rename files to MP3)


They also have the BINK player to play the KotOR movies,

and they have another tool there called "Granny Viewer"

for animation. I have no clue how to use "Granny" or even if it would be any help, it seems to let you view textures/Models but I don't know how to get it to work with KotOR or even if it can.


Maybe someone who knows something can check it out?



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Well..first off I just beat the game and decided i would start posting on some KotOR boards..hi (hehe)


Anyway...What I would really love to do with this game is add saber colors...I've always wanted to see a white saber blade..maybe a black saber? multi colored? It might be a while before we can figure out how to do this but if anyone does figure it out please post it..be really cool.

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While I havent looked at the files my self (I'll do that when I get some free time to) Some things you guys may look at is that the texture files might have two images overlayed instead of just one image. Seeing as how alot of KOTOR textures seem to have a Bump map to them to give them there glossy and bumpy feel (or does it just appear to look that way?) If thats the case then it would be safe to assume that with each texture you might find some kind of bump map or shadeing map along with it.


With any luck we will figure it out. Allmost anything can be edited. Ultima Online is proof that with work any file format can be cracked and edited.

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I was searching the net and found that the biffv1 files are from Baulders Gate, a thing from the site:


One of the primary file formats are that of BIFFV1 (extension .bif). These files are resource-files of the type that became popular with the .WAD files of Doom et al, in other words, the act as a container for other (much smaller) resources. It is obvious that the bif-files of BG are to remain static and that they will not be affected by patches. For one thing, they mostly remain on your CD :-), but I was thinking more on their structure; having the catalog at the top of the file, something which is a really bad idea if you want to add entries. Instead there's an override directory which when a resource is sought will get searched first, only if the resource is not found there the game will reach for the bif-file.


One common BIFF is the AREAxxxx.BIF. These files contain the basic information about an area, three smaller BMP images of which is probably used for the sound-system (very smooth but crude approximation of the area layout), one is used as a map over where you can walk (looks hand drawn) and the last one.. well, we don't know. You will also find a couple of other chunks, and at the very end, all the graphics for the map as seen by the player (we've got some info on the format of that, stay tuned).


What BIFF stands for? If it is an acronym, it could stand for Baldur´s Gate Interchangable File Format


This is what we know about these files.


The site can be found here

There is a newer site for it aswell

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