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Screenshots in XP


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If you click on the sticky, you'll find links to programs that help you play these games on XP (you may be fine with mi1 as I am, but mi2 sound needs this as do other scumm based old games). If you use that to play mi1 in windowd mode, you can take screenshots. that, or download HyperSnap DX (search for it in google) and that should do it for you as well.

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Something slightly annoying in an otherwise perfect program, but I'm sure someones working on it. Playing games using q&e or SCUMMVM doesn't recognise you're old savegames. They're still there, they just can't be acessed when playing the game through SCUMMVM. In otherwords, you now have to replay the game and save all your games again. But if you were to play without scummvm, you will get all your old savegames back (and none of the scummvm ones) but then no screenshots. It's either one or the otherm, sorry.

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