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crafting experimentation


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Recently I was making stim B's when I suddenly was able to experiment with their characteristics. This was the first time this has happened and I have Organic chem 3. It seemed like it worked when the help command was on during crafting. I got tired of looking at the help dialogue and turned it off. Now I cant experiment anymore. I've tried to turn the help option on but to no avail. This happen to anyone else?

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To my knowledge, you only get to experiment on somethings characteristics if ye be near a public crafting station or driod that grants that same ability...


Maybe you were standing near one (thats how it works on public crafting stations) when you originally found out you could experiment?


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Firstly, Trahern Valley, next time could you actually give an answer as well as that criticism? Or are you just too lazy?


Secondly, the manual doesn't actually tell you how to experiment, it only tells you that when you get more experienced you can, but I think the first poster is right - you have to be near a crafting station.

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Speaking of crafting anyway do u guys know when i get the most crafting XP out of a session.


If i craft out a survey tool in the wild for instance i get about 40 XP (Just a ball park, i dont know the exact numbers)


At what place, ie. crafting stations, cantinas, etc, etc., will i get the most XP out of a crafting session cause at this rate it takes forerver before i can become a weaponsmith.


Hope u lot can answer this.

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somebody had a med crafting droid out that is why.. here is how it works


your makin a stim b with a Food and chemical crafting station, when your out in the wild or in a corner of a city, you just makin them, but if you get near a droid with one(which you never really know) or your next to a Food and Chemical Crafting Station it gives you station i guess you could say a boost and lets you do extra stuff. around a food and chemical crafting station you can experiment then make that prototype or experiment till its good and make a fantastic schematic to use down the road in a factory.

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I find that once you've got a nice crafting tool (Preferably +15r) it's all about the ingredients. Look at the requirements, and what effect they have on experimentation.




Potential Energy: 33%

Flavour: 33%

Quality: 33%


As you can see, these 3 are the major qualities you need to look for in your ingredients. So you want to be aiming for ingredients with at least 800 Energy, Flavour and Quality.


Now, this all greatly helps if you splash out 30k on a +40r Crafting station. Not many people can afford to pay that for a mear crafting station, but hey; we can dream. :)


One more thing, if you're trying to experiment with no crafting station... you're a Grapefruit. :)

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Unless of course, you are "grinding" out a lower level component... this seem familiar to anyone?



drag, drag, drag...


click click...

move on to next crafting tool...


I like to be far away from a crafting station when grinding... I don't need an extra three "clicks" in there to experiment with.. slows me down =)


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