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The anti-Final Fantasy thread


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Originally posted by XERXES

to be honest...I think online was the way to go....Square probably got upset that all their biggest fans had absolutely no social skills and life becaue they all cooped up inside playing FF alone for half their lives...so now they get to do it with others.


Seriously though online is the way to go, I think its a great move that opens up the possibility to truly role play a character...instead of letting the script role play for you.


(Seems that these days people think a RP game means experience and leveling up to use some super, on hit slay everything sword, when in reality a RP game is when you take on the role of a particular character and act it out accordingly using your own imagination, not the imagination of game script writers for convorsations)


I dont understand your Enix argument, if anything its allowing them to continue making more and better games, so im not complaining.



Also its the FF games that have since day one been pushing the game systems limits, making them perform at their peak...setting examples for other games. So I could say IMO if it wasnt for the FF games...the Cain Legacy games would look horrible because they wouldnt be competing with the top of the line FF graphics for the market...I dont see the deal with the Cain games anyways...tried to play the first one, was blahhed to death, it just seemed too cliched.


so I guess I am in between, theres no reason to hate FF other than to piss people off...and ive played them all cept x2 and enjoyed them. But I am deffinately not crapping a brick every time one is released and spend 2 weeks straight playing it.


We're not blasting Legacy of KAIN (its a K, notta C), we're talkin about Final Fantasy's that aren't up to standards or that were only made as a money ploy (i.e:X-2). And my Enix vs Soft arguement is that SquareSOFT made quality RPG games for the console platform. SquareENIX makes sequals and Everquest, er, Final Fantasy XI. I say quality RPG because console RPG's and P&P RPG's can't be compared equally. Consoles are far too limited to capture every aspect that a person can or wants to do.

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