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Yuuzhan Vong


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Good idea Worf, now try to convince everyone The Chiss are right for the x-pack. When we reach an agreement, and have some features discussed, we should unite all the info and send it to Lucas Arts as "The Galctic Battles Forums Expansion Ideas" or something like it. They won't do everything, but maybe they take some of our ideas into consideration.

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The only problem is that the Chiss aren't that well known as a species. Frankly to me they are boring, except for Thrawn of course :)

I think for the expansion, it should be Vong/New Rep. for one era and Episode two (two civi's.) for the older era.

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

KVan, the wookies aren't that known except for Chewbacca.


The New Republic?=Rebels


The Yuuzhan Vong and the Mon Calamari are the two civs we have chosen we would like in X-Pack. We're looking for the third.

I'll have to disagree, if you go up to someone and ask them what a Chiss is they are gonna think your nuts but if you ask them what a wookie is.....they are gonna think your nuts but they're gonna know what a wookiee is.

The New Republic are like the rebels but thats all I could think of as a civi for the Vong era.

Your saying the Mon Cals. are a good civi, well aren't they part of the Rebels? A big part I might add. I guess they could add the mon cals to the rebel civi....that's a little stupid though

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Guest Dorsk8199

The Chiss are perfect for this game. They might not be all that well known but they are a great civilization for this game. Think about it Thrawn was the best strategic mind in all of star wars. What type of game is this real time strategy:eek:. The Chiss were practically designed for this game. They are fierce intelligent warriors that believe in honor and trial by fire. In my opinion that is in no way boring. :p

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Let's face it Kvan, only hardcore fans know the names of the species in Star Wars. Maybe you and I lnow what a Bith is, but most people won't, not even about Wookiees.


In such a way, Wookiees are also part of the rebels. Mon Cal have completely different technology. Yes they have the Mon Cal cruiser the Rebels use, but that unit is not in the game. They could be a great water civ.


The New Republic would be the same as the Rebels. The civ around the timeline from the Vong? I can think of two:

The Chiss

The Bothans

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

Let's face it Kvan, only hardcore fans know the names of the species in Star Wars. Maybe you and I lnow what a Bith is, but most people won't, not even about Wookiees.


In such a way, Wookiees are also part of the rebels. Mon Cal have completely different technology. Yes they have the Mon Cal cruiser the Rebels use, but that unit is not in the game. They could be a great water civ.


The New Republic would be the same as the Rebels. The civ around the timeline from the Vong? I can think of two:

The Chiss

The Bothans

Dorsk8199 the Chiss aren't boring, but I think there are better civi's out then besides the Chiss. Maybe it's the fact that they don't feel Starwars-ish to me? What new technology do you think they could bring?

Compa_Mighty, yeah I think the bothans could work....they could be really good at stealth maneuvers.

Or maybe a civi of Biths j/k :band:

I still think the Mon Cal's are too close to the rebels to be considered a civi of its own. How about Quarren:)?

Am I the only one who thinks that thinks the Chiss shouldn't be in the expansion?

FlyBOy, what do you mean?

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Guest Dorsk8199

My impression of the peace brigade is that they are more intelligence dealers not warriors. I also didn't think they were all that organized. Like the people in the brigade don't know exactly who else is in the brigade they just know their contact with the Vong. Just my take on it though.

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Originally posted by FlyBOy

The Peace Brigade from the new jedi order novels. They're the group of humans who have allied themselves with the Yuuzhan Vong.

I think that they would be better suited to be included in the Vong civi. I don't think they are "strong" enough to have there own civi.

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

Look, that's what we should do. I'll post a topic where evreryone can post 3 civs they'd want for the X-Pack.


The conditions are:


Only post the 3 civs and why you would like them, no arguements allowed.


Is this alright?

Yes you have my permission to do that :D

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Originally posted by FlyBOy

yeah, i guess Kvan:(

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to shoot down your idea's, I'm just expressing mine. You've come up with very valid ideas :)

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

I wasn't asking you if I could, I was asking you what'd you thought.


I have a quote for you:


Ok kid, don't get cocky -Han Solo, Star Wars

I know what you meant :)

Yeah starting another thread would probably be good since it's starting to go off the subject of the Vong.

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty


Sorry if I souded rude :D

It's ok, if I took offense we would have had a flame war started. Your lucky I didn't ;)


FlyBOy, thanks for saying my idea's are better but they aren't. :)

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