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Yuuzhan Vong


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With all these about the expansion, I searched a little information about the Yuuzhan Vong, hey they're really cool. Now I see why everybody wants them in the X-Pack. *runs out and buys Vector Prime*


Now, so the races we'd like are Yuuzhan Vong and Mon Calamari, which is the third?


I'd like Falleen or Black Sun.

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Guest Dorsk8199

Well if we are going to have the Yuuzhan Vong in there then we should have the Chiss too. The Chiss would probably be the best shot at stopping a Yuuzhan Vong army. I personally think those two races would own all the others though.


The other option is the Noghri. They wouldn't be great at long distance combat but up close they would just destroy enemies. They could even find some way to put in stealth skills or something so that they can get up close without being detected.

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The Vong could own every civ indeed, but there are ways of balancing them. For instance they don't have Jedi, and are immune to Jedi mind trick (conversion), but could be weaker against Jedi melee attack.


Think of the Vong as the Byzantines in AoK... slow and expensive civ, not deadly at early stages of the game, but almost unstoppable in the Last tech level. They could lack last armor and attack upgrades, or don't have any economic bonus. That should make them balanced.


Who are the Chiss?

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Guest Dorsk8199

They are Thrawn's people. The Dark Tide series I believe has more of them. In that series one squad of them help out the New Republic in fighting the Vong. They flew through a whole battle with the vong and didn't lose a single fighter and saved Rogue Squadron. It is hinted that the Chiss have been fighting some powerful battles in the unknown regions with powerful foes that could have whipped the New Republic and Empire. They sound pretty tough.

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Guest Dorsk8199

The more I think about it the cooler the Chiss would be as a playable civilization. They could even have Baron Fel and his son as hero characters that fly the Chiss aircraft. I doubt that we will ever see this happen though. There have to be authors out there that want to explore the Chiss civilization and not be held back by a game's developers. I guess we can only hope.

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Guest Tie Guy

Bespins, yeah. They could have the cloud car, and the twin-pod cloud car, and the combat cloud car, and of course, the heavy combat cloud car. Oh wait, they also have no story!

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i smell cynicism...


look at ESB. look closer. yeah, those aren't just cloud cars you see in the air, my friend. Bespin is a civ like Naboo. All you knew about Naboo land-vehicles, was that there were two: the Gian-speeder and that other....right....speeder. But they DID make a civ out of them.

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Guest Tie Guy

It has a floor, but no ground, oh, and i'm sure an AT-AT would fit very nicely in one of Cloud Citys "spacious" hallways. [/sarcasm]

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Guest Tie Guy

Hey Kayote.


WE already talked about them some, but they don't have any ground forces, period. They just stun everyone within a 9 kilometer radius and then just go and pick them up.

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Originally posted by silenthunter

What About Coruscantians?

You mean having Coruscant as a civi? Maybe, but personally I think that Coruscant varies in species too much.

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The Chiss could be balanced out. They don't believe in attacking first, so their combat units could be more defensive and wouldn't be suited for mass battles, since the Chiss prefer to use tactics than force.


When it comes to Chiss Jedi, I imagine something like the skill of Darth Maul's fighting and the mind of Thrawn...very deadly.

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