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Why I'm trading my Xbox for a PC


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Originally posted by Lince

since you stuffed Bill Gates a** with money in the first place paying for the sucking X-Box Live.

Of course, if this is the case then every PC user could be accused of the same thing, since they are likely all running Windows. I guess Gate's ass is getting rather full.


PCs all the way baby!

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

sry, no cooling down here ;) i absolutely despise consoles, they ruin so many pc games, just cause they are dual platform developed :( most companies dont take the proper time to completely change them over, sometimes it works great, like Vice City, or Kotor, but other times, it doesnt ;)


Most recent one I can name that has fallen victim to consolization is Deus Ex 2.

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Originally posted by Prime

Of course, if this is the case then every PC user could be accused of the same thing, since they are likely all running Windows. I guess Gate's ass is getting rather full.


PCs all the way baby!

it is, he is the richest punk on the planet, was watching vh1 last night and they said he by himself, if he was his own country,w ould be 12th riches in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and can give every one in america 150 dollars and still be richer than any celeb out there or he could give 1 dollar to every one in the world, and be richer still!! his money is unfathumable, he has so much its bloody rediculous....but i dont care, hopefully when he dies i will find he is my uncle or something!!! any way i go with pc for now and untill eternity
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Originally posted by Kurgan

Geez, some of you guys need to chill out, seriously. ; P



Consoles can play just about any game on the PC, you just have to tone down the graphics, simplify the controls and streamline it a bit to make it "fit." Some games translate better than others of course...


Good point about the old hardware. I guess one way to look at it is the Xbox is just a stripped down PC with encryption and a custom graphics card (circa 2001?).


The benefit of the system is that there's no compatability issues (ie: all Xbox's are the same), the downside is that the games will never look better since upgrades are unlikely and impractical on such a setup (witness the failure of the Sega CD/32X for example).



Hi, it seems that most people are forgetting that it's not the system that counts it's the games. Yes the PC is better than the xbox just because it's upgradable, but you can't say that you hate consoles because they are nothing than but stripped down PC's. Even in the old SNES vs Genesis vs PC days it was all about the game community and the games. In the old days (hey I'm still young here) you would get a couple of friends together and the idea of multiplayer game would be playing double dragon 2 or Contra. In those days it was all good because if a person talked smack to you it was someone you knew. Remember I-band (I think that was the name) the 14.4 modem, well that was the first console phone connection. Then the advancement began with Dreamcast starting it all. I still remember playing NFL2k and thinking what the F, but you still didn't have to hear the b**ching. Microsoft, even though they are trying take over everything technological, should get credit for trying to make a gaming community. Anyway I am really ranting so let me just get to the point. It's not about the systems it's about the games and the community. If you want an upgradeable console wait till the Phantom comes out. Though in my personal opinion I prefer the PC instead of Xbox even though I own one. Don't even get me started on why I hate GayStation2. In fact for all you people who like PC's and old game systems then you should go here: http://www.NGEMU.com , trust me it's not spam. At this site it has links to guys that are working on some emulators for the next gen consoles and the PS2 is coming along just fine. Anyway that was my 2 dollars (sorry it was too long to be 2 cents).

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first i must say i had in my gamelife at the begin a ps1 then a n64 and at last a dc with more then 30 games for any of this consoles

but today what i should i do with that and all the hardware i buyed for it? i had really fun with friends to play on consoles and i never heard a f word or such crap speakin

i mean since i get a pc and internet the multiplayer is the best aspect imo but some ppl are hiding behind their monitors and think they can say what they like. ok but when u play with ur friends next to you and they beat u like crazy would u say they are a ***er or a noob? i bet not:)


anyways i think the pc is more better then consoles if you like multiplayer just look at the mmorpgs with thousands of player online:) its just awesome

a console can never get such hi- end hardware like a pc have and evev if there are then better hardware for pc out:)



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I agree, it IS all about the games.


If you're a Super Mario Brothers fan, chances are you won't find your fix on the PC (unless you dig playing emulated versions of the older classics).


If you love Rebel Strike, there's only one system to play it on, and that's GameCube.


But the point was if you like the games on the Xbox, well most of those are also available on the PC and improved versions with more options in most cases.


There are pros and cons to buying a console for gaming vs. a pc for gaming.


Many people have both. But the cheaper route is the console, and that's why the console is the primary gaming platform these days.


The PC gaming biz isn't what it used to be, and the arcade scene is virtually dead these days. The console, for better or for worse, has mass appeal and that's where the real money is.


There are a lot of great games on consoles I enjoy, but then there are perhaps a few games on the PC that I enjoy more.

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I agree Kurgan, but argument was against the Xbox as a replacement to any form of gaming. I really think that online console gaming is just too immature a concept now to make it a viable solution in the real world. It's really one of those things that works a lot better on paper. Which is why I mentioned games in the first place. Again, the Xbox has a very tiny library of exclusive content. Add all the functionality and connectivity you want to the system, but what it boils down to is that the majority of games that are marginal or better on Xbox are ports of games that exist already or knock-offs of similar games.


I also agree that a mouse and keyboard function would be a solid decision for Xbox, or any system for that matter. The issue of course though is that developers are leary of going that route. The first detour would be at the base hardware level. All current consoles come with a controller and are based off a long legacy of controllers. So, were a game to be released that used the mouse and keyboard exclusively it would run the danger of becoming a niche title due to its reliance on hardware that exists outside the mainstream. Much like Steel Battalion (which is one of those few gems in the Xbox software line-up). Were a game to feature both control styles you run into the inherent problem of adjusting the game to accomodate both styles. The enhanced accuracy and articulation that Mouse and Keyboard provide will basically make the challenges of a controller-tuned game a cake-walk. Which is why most console to PC FPS adaptations don't go too well. And were a game, hypothetically, to be balanced in such a way that both worked well, the obvious question becomes was the time worth the small fraction of console gamers who will actually use it. Probably not.


Beyond that there's the issue of playing multiplayer on the same screen. It's not nearly as easy for your and four buddies to hook up four separate mouse and keyboard combinations to one system and play on the same tv as it is with controllers. Imagine trying to use that much space while sitting on a couch. It would be a pain in the rear.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I agree, it IS all about the games.


If you're a Super Mario Brothers fan, chances are you won't find your fix on the PC (unless you dig playing emulated versions of the older classics).


If you love Rebel Strike, there's only one system to play it on, and that's GameCube.


But the point was if you like the games on the Xbox, well most of those are also available on the PC and improved versions with more options in most cases.


There are pros and cons to buying a console for gaming vs. a pc for gaming.


Many people have both. But the cheaper route is the console, and that's why the console is the primary gaming platform these days.


The PC gaming biz isn't what it used to be, and the arcade scene is virtually dead these days. The console, for better or for worse, has mass appeal and that's where the real money is.


There are a lot of great games on consoles I enjoy, but then there are perhaps a few games on the PC that I enjoy more.


You said it *all* K. I am lucky enough to have a ps2 and a decent gaming PC. Will be getting a cube soon, to play rogue leader, rebel strike MP, and the new Final Fantasy game its getting..... Never went for the XB as most games it did have uniquely I could get on PC, and PS2 could play *all my beloved Final Fantasy games on them.....


so yes, it IS the games !!!



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