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How do I un write protect g_saberMoreRealistic???


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You have to make a shortcut to the exe file and then edit the shortcut.


In the "target" field add a line like this:


+seta g_sabermorerealistic 2


The trouble is getting it to work... some people have no trouble, but at least for me, ever since the 1.01 patch I've had trouble getting it to work consistently. If it works for you great.


You can also add more commands to the line such as +set helpusobi 1 (or maybe +helpusobi 1) to enable cheats in the first place and other stuff.

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Okay, I'm just curious what string of commands you used to get it to work. Can you list them all for me please?


Also, list anything you put for the dismemberment commands in your cfg files...


I'll see if I can duplicate the success of people who HAVE gotten it to work...

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by razorace

Or, you could use OJP. It has the menu files set up so you can just select the realistic setting you want from the menu. The above link will take you to the lastest OJP Basic release.


Really i dont see any difference between the 3 different saber damage thingy.

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g_dismember is for multiplayer (that sets it so that the server is running full dismemberment, joining clients have to have cg_dismember set as well to see anything).


I've had so many problems getting SP dismemberment to work so I kinda gave up, but when I return home tomorrow or the next day I might give it another go.

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