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will some body PLEASE do this so my friend can play JA


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I have a friend who likes Gaming a lot, but He is losing his hearing and something to do with Equilibrium He can't play 3rd person games because it makes him faint or something.


He loves playing FPS and he really wants JA but he can't play it because the saber has to be used in 3rd person mode.


I know there was a way of using the saber in FP in JO, Will some body Please, Please Make a mod that enables you to use the saber in FP mode, so he can play this prilliant game.

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While there is no first person lightsaber in JA, try experimenting with the cg_thirdperson commands. Just type that into the console, and you'll get a list of them. They do pretty much what you'd expect, so it's fairly easy to get the camera where you want it.


Good luck. I hope your friend gets to play. :)

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the cg_thirdperson commands are they way to do it properly, but most of them are cheat protected. you can move the camera position around the player with those commands. cg_thirdpersoncameradamp is not cheat protected but with that you cant get a first person view. the closest i could get was the cg_fov command, but i dont see how you could play like that. the default is 80. the varibables run from 1-100


here are the 3rd person commands











if you set up a server with cheats enabled, you could use all of them to move the camera where you want.


if anyone is interested, here is a txt file with a list of most if not all of the console commands



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Originally posted by Celladur

I know there was a way of doing it in JO can't the same thing be applied to JA?


like what? hes talking about 1st person in saber mode, not gun mode.

i don't think theres a way to do that in JO, unless i'm missing something...

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

In JO, it was the cg_fpls 1 command. It's messed up in Academy.

This command is not working for me in JO, is that SP only or something? just curious. I'm running patch 1.03, but that change is not listed in the 1.04 updated changes.


does it have something to do with the kyle/fpls model maybe?

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