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What would you do to improve SWG?


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This has screwed the game to hell, this is why if i get the new games i asked for at xmas..im leavin galaxies(yes jan, you heard me, relay the message if you want)

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I say the same as Lazer33. Missions with stories. More different places to go to. Plunder a base or something that is done more or like a lvl from a fps game.


Haveing a lame building, as it is now, standing in the woods in the middle of nowhere and go there to destroy it and then go home is lame.


And I agree a bit on having better combat. I don't say to have the combat as in Jedi Knight. The aiming should still be depending on your skills. But I think the player should be able to be in a little bit more of control. Like you aim at the direction the target is (if you hit or not will still depend on your skills) and when you press the mouse button the shot will be released. Combat would be more fun if you deside how fast and when your character will shoot.

Not only have the target marked and then let the character do the rest by him self and hope for the best.

If you have control in what direction you aim it would be more fun fighting against more then one opponent. You could swich target as in a fps game and it would be much more funnier I think.

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Its like this I have seen the game on friends pc's and its a monstor of a game. It lacks content because it needs the players and Admin to bring it to life the game reminds me a lot of a Cool movie, but bad Storyline.


One of the interesting things is I have been playing the progenitor to MMORPGS since 96 and they still are struggling to keep a balance those being mushs, mux's and mud's based in star wars now as of late there is one. What makes a strong game is Community, perhaps instead of having a civil war with definate divisions what they need is individual divisions such as a period of time that is not so conflictive. As we all know the biggest reason SW Galaxies is failing is code, but its also keeping hard core people whom would play but want to Role Play not consistantly feel like they are some mud junkie who runs around kills things.


Some of you understand this principle, perhaps what they need to do to fix Galaxies is to make it more genre bent, some servers for Role play, and others more casual or what not. If that's not enough what they should do is of course dump most of the project and make something in a earlier period to fullfill all those people whom do want to be Jedi. Like Knights of the old Republic has done. Either Way I am not buying the Game until its stable enough to play without crashing, I can handle bugs and I know programming has that always will. But crashing is not nor will it be acceptable. Maybe SOE should bundle their Vaio's with the game and guarantee that they won't crash that would be a money maker as well. I wanted to get this game but now I think I will wait until I see something more, and not for $15 dollars a month that's a lot, I think they should be 9.95.



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I honestly don't think it would matter to do anything to make it better. No matter what changes some people will love it or some will hate it. There is the people that like it just fine the way it is and the people that don't.


Nothing the Dev's can do will make everyone happy or just a moderate majority of people satisfied. To over hall the game would cost more than it is worth.


A Star Wars MMORPG is just one of though's things that will never be right for everyone and that might be how the Dev's are thinking. I wanted to buy this game; however, I got to beta test. Even though I found things I liked. My over all impression was that this wasn't for me. Sure I have Ideas that I think would make it better. I can guarantee for every idea I think is great they're 200 or 2000 people that would think it sucked.


To me the game didn't look Star Wars and didn't feel Star Wars. The combat system was pointless and NPC spawns were silly. Nothing of value for me. I play JKA online all the time that is more my feel.


If you don't like it don't play it. Either enough people will play it so they make money, and it stays the way it is, they change it, or it just goes belly up all together.:o

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