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trouble with end of bakura (t1_fatal) level


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I'm stuck at the end of this level... I just disarmed the 5 bombs, and the last of my objectives is to get back to my ship. But one problem... the door leading out to it won't open. It did before I disabled the bombs. Is this a bug or do I have to activate something??

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I'm not sure it has anything to do with the bug. You have to fully explore the base in order to exit through the door. If you walk around long enough there will be a walkway which leads to a room which blows up. An officer and his accompanying escorts will enter. After they're dead, search the bodies to grab a key and exit through the exit on the right, past the fire. Kill the commando at the end of the hallway, use the key, and proceed through. You can now exit.

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Yeah i had that happen when i was trying to go through that level. i restarted the level and then disarmed the bombs in a differnt pattern and for some reason it worked. but when you are going back to get to your ship, at the main door to get back outside, 2 stormtroopers will hopefully come in through the door. try to get outside first so you don't have to worry about it ;-)

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  • 1 month later...

I cannot describe my frustration at 1) being forced to explore an entire map without some indication of unexplored areas and 2) still not having that acursed door open! So my first mission into the game has stopped me from progressing. I don't want to restart the mission and do anything in a different order because that plain does not make sense! I installed the 1.01 patch and killed every baddie I could find, but still nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Originally posted by Hiroki

Isn't there a wall clipping cheat that lets you pass thru solid objects? If its a bug, cheating wouldn't be so bad then.


the cheat is "noclip" you'll have to type in "helpusobi 1" first in the console.


And yes that will be cheating.

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