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Proffesions, so hard to decide


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I havnt got the game yet but if you see my other thread you'll see when i should get it.

Ive been thinking alot about what proffesions i hope to get

(these are my hopes, i dont expect to get them too quickly)

these are my first few ideas:

Master artistan, Scout/Ranger, Marksman with rifles or pistols.

(same as above but change ranger to architect.)

Bounty Hunter

Marsman, Brawler, Medic

Creature Handler

Driod Engineer



I'll ad more on as i remember them




I made this post to ask for you opinions on my ideas or any advice on making new proffesions.

( first i wanted to be a bounty hunter alot but it stuck in my head that this game was NOT combat focused like other games ive played, is this actually true in the game? or does everyone still use combat proffesions alot?)

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It depends on what you want. Some people are fine without ever picking up a blaster. (ie Master artisans/architects/tailor). Many people have artisan skills but have combat skills too (ie weaponsmith/pistoleer). There are also people who go soley into combat proffessions (ie Master marksman/rifleman). SWG isn't like other MMORPGs where no matter what you are, you need to kill creatures to level up. There are different kinds of XP, so you don't NEED to fight at all, but a lot of the game's fun and content is in exploring and finding locations from the movies or doing missions for movie characters, pretty much all of which requires the ability to stay alive.


And in case you didn't know, you can't master all thoe proffessions at once. You only have 250 skill points to spend.

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ya my first char has only ever faught once, when i first got the game and i thought you needed to fight stuff you see or they'll kill you, well i found out most creatures just sniff you then leave you alone(although there are hostile ones), i'm an Artisan and don't plan on attacking anything till i become an architect and gain some skills in that, then i'll get into marksman a little, so really you can go the whole time with ever attacking anything, or even leaving a city, i've only ran to another city once, now i take transports cuz i can afford it lol

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the official site said

"you can master 3 proffesions and dabble in another"

so, whereever i said four proffesions the last one was the "dabble"

Thinking of being a CH now :p


[EDIT]: Does everyone here play on the same server or something?

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i know i can be as many as i want, but im just trying to find one to stick with... back to Bounty Hunter again, is it easier to decide when your in game?

And im thinking of joining a server called "eclipse" if my friend is pulling my leg and this doesnt exist please tell me.

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Originally posted by Krafter

damn, my friend cant go on SWG for a while now....

any suggestions for a server i can go on? Stuart needs to start an new account so he asked me to decide a server.


well the 2 servers i play on are Lowca and Ecplise, Ecplise has more people, but has more lag

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There is no difference in the galaxy between servers, just the people in them. Valcyn has a lot of people into the GCW and PvP. I've heard good things about sunrunner and Intrepid also. I play in Ahazi with my main character.


In the game, you don't have to worry about finally deciding a proffession. You can always surrender your skills and get your skill points back. Just pick a proffession, and after a little bit of playing the game you'll figure out if you like it or what you might like better.

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the fun thing of the game is trying to master a profession and if you want drop it and start another one, you have a lot of professions to try to pick up the one you want to use at the end :)



People from this boards play a lot on Starsider I have a starsider character but i play more on Scylla, in that place people hate me just because my tag :)

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YAY! i got the game!

Im on Eclipse with a trandoshan marksman called davian

but i seem ot have a problem with certain races faces.

Human, twilek and something else all have black and white striped faces, and i can see their faces (as a bitmap) at the top of the screen.

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